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Ok, first let me say that OKC is improving rapidly. Having said that, cities that host major sporting events are generally blessed with great weather (Phoenix, LA, Miami), natural landscapes (ocean, ,mountains, rivers, etc)(LA, Miami SF Denver etc), vibrant downtown areas (NY,Chicago, Boston), great cuisine (meaning varied). New Orleans is not a big city but New Orleans has a distinctive cultural identity based around food and music, to some extent Memphis also has a food and music identity but is not percieved as an upscale place primarily due to its crime statistics and generally less than affluent demographic. OKC has none of these features (consistently great weather, vibrant DT, positive distinctive cultural identity, natural landscapes.
Generally Super Bowls and Final Fours and NBA Championship Series appeal to not only the super fan, but the high rollers who want to be seen at the event not particularly for the sporting event itself. Televsion ratingsnmatter, OKC is the 45th largest TV market larger that only Memphis and NO. SLC + Ogdan UT pop=1.7M.SLC has major resort hotels and ski resorts.
OKC is not now nor has it ever been known as a "destination city". People do not come to OKC necessasarily for leisure and relaxation (outside of when I visit my mother in Lawton). These events requires major convention hotels like W and others not Days Inn, etc. I venture to say OKC has the smallest airport of all the the NBA cities. (Memphis and SLC are mini hubs) NO is a tourist destination as well as SLC. It is not easy to get to OKC.
Where would anyone coming in for the finals Shop for high end merchandise? Nowhere. In OKC we are still trying to get upscale "chain stores". Heck, you can't buy alcohol in a grocery store. Do you know how backwards people on the East Coast think that is? 3.2 beer ha!
Listen, I love OKC and Oklahoma, BUT I am not delusional, but realistic. We still have a ways to go to move from the both percieved and real image of a "slow, uneducated, flat wasteland". As I said in the beginning, Things are changing but as you no doubt are aware in Oklahoma change moves like syrup.