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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #401

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    This map provides a general idea of those areas still closed (all areas within the blue lines).

    As you can see, the majority of the features will be open available to the public, including the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory. Several of the areas, such as the Grand Event Lawn, the west "event area," and the Water Stage will be used for Festival events and exhibits.

    Other areas in various stages of completion, but there are still plenty of areas to walk around and look through so you can see a good idea of what everything will look like upon its completion.

    We also anticipate the northeast entry water feature and wave pool will be operational.

    I'll be taking more tours soon. Anything you'd specifically like photos of?

  2. #402

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    With everything done to Myriad Gardens, was anything done to The Stage Center next door? Renovations? Upgrades? Anything? With all the construction going on around The Stage Center, it sure looks like they are getting left out...

  3. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    What time is the tour? Any chance I can get video from inside?

  4. #404

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    With everything done to Myriad Gardens, was anything done to The Stage Center next door? Renovations? Upgrades? Anything? With all the construction going on around The Stage Center, it sure looks like they are getting left out...
    Not as part of Project 180. Stage Center will have to find independent funding, or be included in another tax-based iniaitive. Latest estimates were approx. $30 million really bring it up to date (redo all interiors, lighting, bathrooms, ADA compliance, HVAC (which are a MESS BTW), stairs, etc. The floods from last summer pretty much killed the entire electric system, so just to get the electric back up and have the building be minimally operational would be approximately $9 million. It's in the hands of the Arts Council now.

    As architecturally interesting as it is (I love that building), from a functionality standpoint, it's never been very practical; lots and lots of building flaws.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn
    What time is the tour? Any chance I can get video from inside?
    Appreciate the interest, but the tour is really for staff only at this juncture as the grounds are still considered a construction / hardhat site and the entire site is under OSHA regulations. I will definitely take some video and will do what I can to post it where you all can see.

    The Gardens will NOT be open to the public until the first day of Festival, which is Tuesday, April 26, 2011.

  5. #405

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation


    Thanks for the map!

    This was a very ambitious schedule and slate of improvements. Not surprising that some things won't quite be ready for the Festival. Am disappointed that the children's area won't be done yet. But am looking forward to attending and seeing everything that has been accomplished!

  6. #406

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I'd love to see pics of the the NE and SE corners by the OKC Arena and the Cox center, and the Meinders Garden, if you don't mind :-) Appreciate all the updates, info, and pics. Love being able to look at the pics on the Project 180 Facebook page!

  7. #407

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I want to thank Frittergirl for posting her inside info as as well as pics and maps. Thanks for the sharing your valuable time with us. I know we all would give you a bushel and a peck along with a hug around your neck.

  8. #408

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by therondo View Post
    I'd love to see pics of the the NE and SE corners by the OKC Arena and the Cox center, and the Meinders Garden, if you don't mind :-) Appreciate all the updates, info, and pics. Love being able to look at the pics on the Project 180 Facebook page!
    And more of the grand Lawn would be nice.

  9. #409

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Myriad Gardens Pavilion.jpg 
Views:	84 
Size:	23.1 KB 
ID:	821Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Myriad Garden Pavilion.jpg 
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ID:	820
    Quote Originally Posted by David Pollard View Post
    Did I read correctly several months ago that the Pavilion in the South Western corner will not be built?

  10. #410

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Am disappointed that the children's area won't be done yet. But am looking forward to attending and seeing everything that has been accomplished!
    You will still be able to see much of the Children's Garden since it will be surrounded by its new permanent fencing and not construction fence. The site construction of the area is complete, but they are still working on all of the details that comprise the individual elements. You'll certainly get a good look at the area, just can't go in.

    We'll have an opening celebration later in the Summer when this element of the Gardens is complete.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Pollard
    Did I read correctly several months ago that the Pavilion in the South Western corner will not be built?
    You are probably thinking of when it was announced the cafe would not be put in, based upon the findings of the consultant group. The steering committte, however, decided to keep the structure, albeit change it to an "open" structure, so it can now be rented for birthday parties and /or other events. It's my understanding the Arts Council has a use for it during Festival so it will be open then. It will NOT be glassed in, nor have a fully-furnished interior per the original cafe plans.

  11. #411

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Thanks for the clarification about the Pavilion FritterGirl. Personally I think that a cafe would have been a huge benefit to the long-term viability of the Gardens, but at least the structure is there. I assume it can also be converted to the original plans if so desired.

  12. #412

    Unhappy Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Sorry to hear that about the cafe. Went to one of the downtown parks in STL that had an outdoor cafe and was pretty excited about getting one in OKC.

  13. #413

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Keep in mind, the restaurant will still be there. The cafe, which was to be a smaller, "come and go" kind of facility, was considered a poor fit AT THIS JUNCTURE. Once future development and population density in the general area rises, there may be opportunities to convert it back at some point down the road, which is why they chose to go ahead and build the exterior structure per the original specifications.

    Getting ready to load up today's photos, and a few videos. Will post when they're up.

  14. #414

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    That's understandable. I guess I misread the earlier posts.

  15. #415

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Here is the link to today's flickr photostream. Videos coming soon(ish?).

  16. #416

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Think you could send a few of those worker guys over to my house for a few hours this weekend? I need a little rework on my landscaping too.

    Consider it just a small extra in the project 180 budget.


  17. #417

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Only after they come and do mine! ;-)

  18. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Glad you waited until the clouds thinned out. I was actually going to go down early this morning for video, but the cloud cover kept me at home. I've spent all day working on video from late last night that's up now in the Devon thread. Video takes so much more work and time to put together.

  19. #419

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Thanks for the pictures Frittergirl!

  20. #420

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Awesome pics! I love the sculpture and I know it's so basic but I can't wait to see the runnels in action. I'm like a little kid when it comes to this kind of stuff!

  21. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Frittergirl, I've always wondered about the square-shaped extension of the sidewalk that jutted out into the lake. Is that just a random aspect of the original design, or does it conceal mechanical equipment or something? I also wondered if maybe it originally was supposed to have some kind of structure on it.

    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  22. #422

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    ^Maybe a spot to feed the fish??

    I have a question: Why doesn't the clear glass extend all the way to the bottom of the tube?

    MBG04072011 by cityofokc, on Flickr

  23. #423

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    I should think that would be structural on the bottom and there wouldn't be much to see. But I'm interested, too.

  24. #424

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation


    Square PeninsulaThe square there, on the north bank of East Lake, is simply an extension of the walkway. It serves as an overlook for people so they can get "onto the surface" of the water a bit more, and take in the view from a different prospect. Great for feeding the koi, too. To my knowlege, there's no utilitarian purpose other than that. Pretty simple.

    Crystal Bridge PanelsRemember, the Crystal Bridge, while cylyndrical in shape, has a flat floor in its interior that is on equal level with the main walking surface of the Gardens. Below, inside the structure's "belly," is the operations area, where the HVAC and water filtration (reverse osmosized water in the CB waterfalls) systems are housed. The old HVAC actually used water from the CB as part of the cooling system. There is also a great deal of ductwork down below.

    The lower panels, even before the re-glazing, were more opaque - at least when the CB was first built. Over the 20+ years the CB has been in existence, extreme heat & cold, as well as dust & dirt from our blowing winds, caused the original panels to develop interior micro-cracks as well as exterior micro-scratches, the consequemce of which were dry, brittle and opaque panels. The old upper panels "matched" those down below because they had become more opaque over time.
    Last edited by FritterGirl; 04-07-2011 at 10:10 PM. Reason: added information

  25. Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Thanks for the info!
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

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