Lifestyle Centers Evolve and Adapt to Stay Afloat
Mar 31, 2011 12:10 PM
Lifestyle centers, as a concept, rose and fell spectacularly right along with the industry’s boom and bust.
Lifestyle Centers Evolve and Adapt to Stay Afloat
Mar 31, 2011 12:10 PM
Lifestyle centers, as a concept, rose and fell spectacularly right along with the industry’s boom and bust.
I think it was a blessing in disguise that Tuscana, University North Park (upscale section) and that project on I-35 in Edmond never got off the ground before the recession. Think of all that space that would have to have been absorbed. The article stipulates urban settings are on the rise. A great time for Automobile Alley, etc. to heat up. Areas that don't need hundreds of thousands of square feet of absorption to be successful.
I read a flyer today for a center in Mesa offering 263k sf for about $66 per sf that was $4 Million less than the mortgage.
Pretty sobering to see how truly overbuilt it is in some markets. Years away from recovery.
It doesn't detract from the fact that there is still a dearth of suitable space for upscale retailers in OKC. One concept or another may fall by the wayside, but this is in cities that have all these competing concepts of upscale real estate. OKC doesn't even have one fully developed such concept... so it is what it is.
Tuscana as a retail center made absolutely no sense right next door to a major regional mall. I never really saw how that was going to make it. University North Park....same thing, with Sooner Mall so close by.
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