Originally Posted by
Doug Loudenback
I confess to eventually having similar thoughts crossing my mind, after the primary election.
...a growing awareness of Momentum as a malevolent evil organization crept over me ... an organization without scruples or any ethical foundation whose donors escaped identification spending a ****load of money to elect a slate of city council members.
For what purpose? Did they raise and spend more than $400,000 just because they are good guys who are only concerned about good Oklahoma City government? But if they are good guys why would their campaign tactics be so downright nasty ... including the push-pull survey done in the Ward 2 runoff? Conclusion: A good chance exists that they aren't such good guys and that some other motive than mere good government was involved. Really truly good guys don't do such really truly bad things.
So, yes, the thoughts you raise did cross my mind. I don't know enough about Greenwell to know whether that should be a concern about him (i.e., being beholden to those who got him elected so as to affect his votes as a council member), but I can't see Salyer and/or Ryan as being in anyone's pocket. But, Swinton? About him, I have no such confidence.
And, lest we forget, this is but the maiden voyage of super-PACs in Oklahoma City politics. Only two years from now another 4 city council positions will be up for grabs.
One last remark, about the Oklahoman's editorial you mentioned. Not only did it call both parties "good candidates," it correctly noted that Shadid (as well as, it thought, Swinton) is pro-MAPS, unlike Swinton's ads to the contrary. Certainly the tone of the Oklahoma's perspective is different than it was in the primary. That's a step or two, at least.