Re: OKC restaurant memories

Originally Posted by
. . . Caffe Pranzo in the Colonades. The atmosphere isn't wonderful, but I've never (and I mean NEVER) been unhappy. They have professional wait staff who have made this their life's work and the chef/owner never fails to visit your table and chat, just to make sure everything is up to par. It's probably my very favorite place to eat in OKC and I'm sure you can tell I eat out a lot. The also fly their cheesecake in from Carnegie Deli-Yum!
Just sticking your nose in the door of The Carnegie Deli is worth the cost of a last minute first class plane ticket. An unbelievable place and only one of at least three dozen incredible delis in NYC. Salads of every kind imaginable, soups and all kinds of take out entrées. . . It's like the cases at Kamps + Bill Kamps + Crescent Market X 50. Whole Foods is the closest thing that we are likely to see in OKC that would even come close to comparing to the take out from a NYC deli.
I have eaten at Caffe Pranzo a few times, but not lately. You're right about the decor . . . definitely not memorable, but I don't usually eat the decor. It's just hard to get in the ol' buggy and drive that far north on May Avenue, but thanks for the reminder.
The Old Downtown Guy
It will take decades for Oklahoma City's
downtown core to regain its lost gritty,
dynamic urban character, but it's exciting
to observe and participate in the transformation.