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Thread: Big reason I love my iPad

  1. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    Great tips BBatesokc.

    I've been waiting for a month for Friday's release to get my first iPad. I don't know why I want an iPad other than I'm so impressed with my iPhone 4 that I think what the heck. I never thought before I had one I'd use my iPhone as much as I do and I do use it all the time. Ya know toys.

    I will get the one with the biggest gbs but I'm debating on the the 3G. My gut says get it even if you don't plan on using it because you might change your mind down the road. My head says why pay for something you don't plan on using.

    My question to iPad users. 3G or no 3G? Your thoughts.
    Absolutely 3G. Without a damned question in my mind. Why would you ever invest so much money in a piece of technology that is as good as a brick data-wise unless you're on or near Wifi? Half of places still charge for wifi, you can't get wifi in a car or on a highway, etc. Webbrowsing and data-based games are smooth on 3G.

    AbsoLUTEly 3G. Unless you never travel. Like ever. Or otherwise can create your own wifi from cellular with other devices and you don't mind killing battery for that device.

    Get the 3G. Get the 3G.

    As to the rest of the discussion, my firm uses WordPerfect for word processing, so when I finally make the full switch to Apple, I'll have to boot in Windows from time to time (as is my understanding).

  2. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    Absolutely 3G. Without a damned question in my mind. Why would you ever invest so much money in a piece of technology that is as good as a brick data-wise unless you're on or near Wifi? Half of places still charge for wifi, you can't get wifi in a car or on a highway, etc. Webbrowsing and data-based games are smooth on 3G.

    AbsoLUTEly 3G. Unless you never travel. Like ever. Or otherwise can create your own wifi from cellular with other devices and you don't mind killing battery for that device.

    Get the 3G. Get the 3G.

    As to the rest of the discussion, my firm uses WordPerfect for word processing, so when I finally make the full switch to Apple, I'll have to boot in Windows from time to time (as is my understanding).
    About the 3G, three words: Another. Data. Plan.

    If you already have a smartphone, why do you need 3G on your iPad? I've never missed it once. But again, I use mine mostly as a laptop replacement - my laptop doesn't have 3G either. WiFi is everywhere and these days it is rarely not free. For the iPad, it's extra not only upfront, but you're paying every month. The iPad WiFi models are far more popular for this very reason.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Nothing not true about my statement - just a matter of opinion - BIG DIFFERENCE. And, I think its opinions he is looking for.

    All depends on what apps you buy (size), how many photos you consider 'alot' and what size your photos are saved at. Not to mention movies - how long are they and do you save them at high enough resolution to connect and watch on a TV in good quality.

    Also, considering he doesn't have an iPad he really doesn't know how light of a user he'll end up being. For $100 he can double his memory from 16 to 32 and have plenty of room in most cases without regrets.

    Same thinking should go into buying hard drive space and RAM on a desktop or laptop computer - get as much as you can afford. Doesn't hurt to have too much but its frustrating to have too little.
    It's completely beyond me how in 2011 16gb costs you $100. Ridiculous.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Just read where Best Buys and WalMarts will have them at launch this Friday too! Usually much shorter lines. Plus you can probably walk in late Friday night and get one at a WalMart.
    Walmart sales of them start at 5 pm. Odd.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    I own exactly two (2) Apple products - the iPod Touch and my iPad. The whole PC/Apple thing has never been a problem for me. I use the iPad app Quickoffice and it allows me to do just about anything with Microsoft product formats. In fact, when I first got my iPad I bought into this business of it being just a "content consumption" device. I am amazed at how productive I am on the iPad. Using Quickoffice along with Chapters for writing, Goodreader, Notability and Dropbox, I have pretty much replaced my laptop for a huge percentage of my productive hours.

    Coincidentally, there's an article on Lifehacker today about tablets and productivity:
    How long did it take to get used to the horrible keyboard? I used one for a few hours and wanted to kill myself trying to type on that stupid thing with cramped "keys" (I don't even have big hands) and keys that are out of place (like the colon, semicolon)

  6. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    How long did it take to get used to the horrible keyboard? I used one for a few hours and wanted to kill myself trying to type on that stupid thing with cramped "keys" (I don't even have big hands) and keys that are out of place (like the colon, semicolon)
    Using it in horizontal/landscape mode the keyboard is huge!

  7. #32

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    How long did it take to get used to the horrible keyboard? I used one for a few hours and wanted to kill myself trying to type on that stupid thing with cramped "keys" (I don't even have big hands) and keys that are out of place (like the colon, semicolon)
    I type regularly on 6-7 different computers and devices. Maybe thats why it never bothered me.

  8. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    Walmart sales of them start at 5 pm. Odd.
    Stores can begin selling the iPad 2 at 5pm local time - everywhere.

  9. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    About the 3G, three words: Another. Data. Plan.

    If you already have a smartphone, why do you need 3G on your iPad? I've never missed it once. But again, I use mine mostly as a laptop replacement - my laptop doesn't have 3G either. WiFi is everywhere and these days it is rarely not free. For the iPad, it's extra not only upfront, but you're paying every month. The iPad WiFi models are far more popular for this very reason.
    It's not another data plan. It's not every month. Are you sure you know how the 3G service works? It's a non-contract, only-when-you-need-it service. Now, if you were right, which you aren't, and it was like a cell-phone where you pay every month no matter what, I'd agree with you- only get 3G iPad if you travel all the time with unpredictable wifi situations. But since it isn't, I'd say get the 3G if you EVER travel. Do you really want to data-brick your $700 toy, depending on your hotel to have free wifi? Airport? Starbucks? More than half of airports I go to charge for wifi, and the nicer hotels (anything above a motel) charge for wifi half the time, and even if they don't, it's patchy at best. Hell, the "free wifi" in Leadership Square hardly ever works.

    Good lord, do you not want your iPad to work in the car on a roadtrip? You could use the tiny screen on an iPhone and burn battery life, hoping you get to your destination soon so you can plug into a wall.

    And if you think it's just fine to use your smart phone in those situations, then I question how much you even need/want an iPad. "Just use your smartphone." Anyone that believes that doesn't deserve an iPad. Seriously. Just use your smartphone all the time and get a small, light laptop with better keyboard, camera, CD burner, etc. that can service ALL your needs and save the $$$ from the iPad.

    Seriously, it's a no-brainer. Get the 3G. It will open up complete use of your iPad. You want to use it in the car. You want to use it where there is patchy/slow/no wifi.

  10. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    It's not another data plan. It's not every month. Are you sure you know how the 3G service works? It's a non-contract, only-when-you-need-it service. Now, if you were right, which you aren't, and it was like a cell-phone where you pay every month no matter what, I'd agree with you- only get 3G iPad if you travel all the time with unpredictable wifi situations. But since it isn't, I'd say get the 3G if you EVER travel. Do you really want to data-brick your $700 toy, depending on your hotel to have free wifi? Airport? Starbucks? More than half of airports I go to charge for wifi, and the nicer hotels (anything above a motel) charge for wifi half the time, and even if they don't, it's patchy at best. Hell, the "free wifi" in Leadership Square hardly ever works.

    Good lord, do you not want your iPad to work in the car on a roadtrip? You could use the tiny screen on an iPhone and burn battery life, hoping you get to your destination soon so you can plug into a wall.

    And if you think it's just fine to use your smart phone in those situations, then I question how much you even need/want an iPad. "Just use your smartphone." Anyone that believes that doesn't deserve an iPad. Seriously. Just use your smartphone all the time and get a small, light laptop with better keyboard, camera, CD burner, etc. that can service ALL your needs and save the $$$ from the iPad.

    Seriously, it's a no-brainer. Get the 3G. It will open up complete use of your iPad. You want to use it in the car. You want to use it where there is patchy/slow/no wifi.
    Whoa....There is no right or wrong here. You gave your opinion and I gave mine.

    I don't have a 3G iPad, so you're right - I don't know exactly how it all works except that I know you must select a data plan and pay for usage. I never said anything about contracts. But it's based on monthly usage.

    You questioned how much I "need" or "want" my iPad based on my WiFi decision? I use it every single day for almost everything. Is that enough?

    Believe me, there's another side to everything you wrote. We WiFi iPad owners aren't "crazy" and I manage just fine. To be quite honest, you almost sound down right angry that anybody could think differently.

  11. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    With all due respect - I don't think 3G vs. Wifi is a 'no brainer.'

    It actually IS another data plan because you're going to almost always be paying every month for very little bandwidth. Sure its 'month-to-month' but at some time during the month you're gonna decide to log-on and pay the fee.

    Also, while I have my Mifi on me, I virtually never turn it on unless I'm in the car. Otherwise, virtually every coffee shop, book store, McDonald's and even Sam's Club offer free WiFi.

    I personally hate being nickel and dimed every month. I wouldn't have a Mifi it I didn't need the tax deduction.

    Also, many of the features many people use the 3G for (email, social media, etc.) you can already do with your existing smart phone.

    I watch alot of movies on mine (NetFlix and Hulu+), but I wouldn't dare do that with the 3G plan.

    I got my mom a 64GB wifi version and she's high up at the Texas State Dept of Health out of Austin and uses hers for work daily. She said she's never where she can't get to free wifi.

    If money is a consideration, I'd buy a larger hard drive and forego 3G.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    It's a no-brainer if you don't have wifi at work.

  13. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    It's a no-brainer if you don't have wifi at work.
    If you require it for work then your employer should provide wifi or compensate you for the 3G coverage, if you're just wanting to do non work related crap on your employer's dime then that's a whole different issue.

    In the case of "I need it for work and my employer won't provide wifi or reimburse me" then I guess you could justify the expense since you could write it off your taxes.

    I do know some people with the 3G version for work, but mostly they avoid their employer's wifi so they don't have to worry about their employer monitoring their online time and activities - which means they are using it for non-work related issues.

    Here's my math....
    1.) A 32GB iPad 2 wifi will run you $599 and you're done and its covered under warranty for the next year.
    2.) A 32GB iPad 2 3G will run you $729 (apple.com price) and 3G for the year its under warranty will run you $300 on average (prices/plans vary)

    So, in a year a wifi will cost you $599 and a 3G will run $1,029 ($430 difference in the first year).

    If you have access to wifi at home, work or at the places you frequent, the 3G is not such an attractive or financially smart choice.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCMallen View Post
    It's not another data plan. It's not every month. Are you sure you know how the 3G service works? It's a non-contract, only-when-you-need-it service. Now, if you were right, which you aren't, and it was like a cell-phone where you pay every month no matter what, I'd agree with you- only get 3G iPad if you travel all the time with unpredictable wifi situations. But since it isn't, I'd say get the 3G if you EVER travel. Do you really want to data-brick your $700 toy, depending on your hotel to have free wifi? Airport? Starbucks? More than half of airports I go to charge for wifi, and the nicer hotels (anything above a motel) charge for wifi half the time, and even if they don't, it's patchy at best. Hell, the "free wifi" in Leadership Square hardly ever works.

    Good lord, do you not want your iPad to work in the car on a roadtrip? You could use the tiny screen on an iPhone and burn battery life, hoping you get to your destination soon so you can plug into a wall.

    And if you think it's just fine to use your smart phone in those situations, then I question how much you even need/want an iPad. "Just use your smartphone." Anyone that believes that doesn't deserve an iPad. Seriously. Just use your smartphone all the time and get a small, light laptop with better keyboard, camera, CD burner, etc. that can service ALL your needs and save the $$$ from the iPad.

    Seriously, it's a no-brainer. Get the 3G. It will open up complete use of your iPad. You want to use it in the car. You want to use it where there is patchy/slow/no wifi.
    Maybe some day you will discover car chargers.

    You are a moron. "Doesn't deserve an ipad"?. Typical iclone, thinking they are better than everyone else in their exclusive icult.

  15. #40

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    If you require it for work then your employer should provide wifi or compensate you for the 3G coverage, if you're just wanting to do non work related crap on your employer's dime then that's a whole different issue.

    In the case of "I need it for work and my employer won't provide wifi or reimburse me" then I guess you could justify the expense since you could write it off your taxes.

    I do know some people with the 3G version for work, but mostly they avoid their employer's wifi so they don't have to worry about their employer monitoring their online time and activities - which means they are using it for non-work related issues.

    Here's my math....
    1.) A 32GB iPad 2 wifi will run you $599 and you're done and its covered under warranty for the next year.
    2.) A 32GB iPad 2 3G will run you $729 (apple.com price) and 3G for the year its under warranty will run you $300 on average (prices/plans vary)

    So, in a year a wifi will cost you $599 and a 3G will run $1,029 ($430 difference in the first year).

    If you have access to wifi at home, work or at the places you frequent, the 3G is not such an attractive or financially smart choice.
    I meant for breaks, lunches and downtime. I've never been one to sit and gossip.

  16. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    I meant for breaks, lunches and downtime. I've never been one to sit and gossip.
    If that's worth $300 a year to an individual, I say go for it.

  17. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by td25er View Post
    Maybe some day you will discover car chargers.

    You are a moron. "Doesn't deserve an ipad"?. Typical iclone, thinking they are better than everyone else in their exclusive icult.
    Do you want to constantly be plugged into a wall or car charger, wingnut? I don't even own an iPad personally. It's just logic and using the technology how it's supposed to be used.


  18. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    With all due respect - I don't think 3G vs. Wifi is a 'no brainer.'

    It actually IS another data plan because you're going to almost always be paying every month for very little bandwidth. Sure its 'month-to-month' but at some time during the month you're gonna decide to log-on and pay the fee.

    Also, while I have my Mifi on me, I virtually never turn it on unless I'm in the car. Otherwise, virtually every coffee shop, book store, McDonald's and even Sam's Club offer free WiFi.

    I personally hate being nickel and dimed every month. I wouldn't have a Mifi it I didn't need the tax deduction.

    Also, many of the features many people use the 3G for (email, social media, etc.) you can already do with your existing smart phone.

    I watch alot of movies on mine (NetFlix and Hulu+), but I wouldn't dare do that with the 3G plan.

    I got my mom a 64GB wifi version and she's high up at the Texas State Dept of Health out of Austin and uses hers for work daily. She said she's never where she can't get to free wifi.

    If money is a consideration, I'd buy a larger hard drive and forego 3G.
    Well, I hope she never wants to use it in the car.

    Why would you ever buy an iPad if your iPhone will suffice for most of your use!?

    So you're going to just use it every month anyway, regardless of a person's judgment? You made my point for me: if you need to pay the monthly fee almost every month, then you're having trouble finding wifi, aren't you?

    This is starting to border on the silly. You guys just want to argue for arguing's sake.

    Look, to the person that needs the advice: get the 3G. You'll be glad you did. And if you can't afford the extra bucks, then you probably shouldn't be buying an iPad anyway. I think we can all agree that while very cool, it's an overpriced luxury item if you're getting it only for personal use.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    If I'm not mistaken the new iOS 4.3 allows the iPhone 4 to become a wi-fi hotspot, so IF you have an iPhone4, or any other phone and allows it to be a hotspot, I'd say skip the 3G iPad.

    Not to derail the thread, but there was some debate earlier about not liking Macs because they couldn't run certain PC software. This is also not true. With any newer (since 2006) Mac computer you can install Windows (XP, Vista, 7, etc.) on your Mac by using either Boot Camp or a program called Parallels. I'm currently running XP on my Mac Pro and can run both simultaneously. I love it!!!

  20. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I love it - the guy who doesn't even own an iPad is trying to tell those who do what best to buy.

    That would be like Consumer Reports giving buying advice on products they've actually never tested but 'have a pretty good idea how everyone else would use it.' Priceless!

  21. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I love it - the guy who doesn't even own an iPad is trying to tell those who do what best to buy.

    That would be like Consumer Reports giving buying advice on products they've actually never tested but 'have a pretty good idea how everyone else would use it.' Priceless!
    Well, you said it. I was thinking the same thing. He also wrote, "You guys just want to argue for arguing's sake." Who came into this thread with all guns blazing? There wasn't any arguing at all until he came into the thread telling us what iPad to buy and how to use it when - as you correctly pointed out - he admitted to not even owning one!

  22. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Speaking of iDevices, I'm fairly giddy that I'm finally able to order my first Mac Pro desktop computer. Been working off iMacs and MacBook Pros for awhile now, but just placed my order for a fully loaded Mac Pro with dual 27" monitors.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Just read where Best Buys and WalMarts will have them at launch this Friday too! Usually much shorter lines. Plus you can probably walk in late Friday night and get one at a WalMart.
    That means it will be a bit nuts around the office in the morning since we have the Apple Store across from my office. The garage is always pretty full on our end of the building when Apple has product launches.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Anybody planning to buy a new iPad today? They go on sale everywhere at 5PM!

    I have to admit, I'm very tempted.

  25. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Anybody planning to buy a new iPad today? They go on sale everywhere at 5PM!

    I have to admit, I'm very tempted.
    I haven't decided. I like my original iPad a lot, but the thinner and lighter is appealing. Not to mention the A5 processor and....

    I think Brian mentioned upthread he's getting one today for sure. I did call Target to make sure they have them ready for sale at 5 and they said they have "a bunch." So, I'm waiting to pull the trigger. But, either way, I'll still have my original iPad and it's a constant companion.

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