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Thread: Big reason I love my iPad

  1. Default Big reason I love my iPad

    I just got this in my email from CNET:


    This is why I absolutely LOVE my iPad. I've always said I get more than 10 hours battery life (which is what is advertised) and now, CNET shows me I'm not alone.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    For me, by far the most compelling features of the iPad are the battery life and instant-on.

    Still, since it won't replace either my iPhone or my laptop, I continue to stay on the sidelines with this one.

    I'd like to see a full laptop with the same features. I know the new MacBook Air are getting close but they are very expensive and I don't want a Mac.

  3. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    For me, by far the most compelling features of the iPad are the battery life and instant-on.

    Still, since it won't replace either my iPhone or my laptop, I continue to stay on the sidelines with this one.

    I'd like to see a full laptop with the same features. I know the new MacBook Air are getting close but they are very expensive and I don't want a Mac.
    We have one iPhone 4, one iPad, and one PC laptop in our house (no kids) and we're pretty set. I'd love my own iPad but the need simply isn't there.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Its kinda of hard to not have a PC when most work places use PC's and you occasionally need to bring work home. Having a decent PC along with Apple products can be pricey.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Its kinda of hard to not have a PC when most work places use PC's and you occasionally need to bring work home. Having a decent PC along with Apple products can be pricey.
    Fortunately, I don't have to do that anymore... I have Apple products exclusively at home... gave away my PC recently... with Citrix, I can now do work stuff on my Mac.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Its kinda of hard to not have a PC when most work places use PC's and you occasionally need to bring work home. Having a decent PC along with Apple products can be pricey.
    Good thing Microsoft makes a office package for macs. Also, I have office suite on my iPad where I do most of my work

  7. #7

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    For me, by far the most compelling features of the iPad are the battery life and instant-on.

    Still, since it won't replace either my iPhone or my laptop, I continue to stay on the sidelines with this one.

    I'd like to see a full laptop with the same features. I know the new MacBook Air are getting close but they are very expensive and I don't want a Mac.
    I sold my laptop, quit playing mmo's, and haven't looked back.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    After my current laptop dies im going to replace it with a ipad or other tablet depending on the price/features at the time.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I've been contemplating upgrading my 2007 MacBook to a MacBook Pro but I'm leaning towards an Ipad 2 to save some cash and still maintain my original MacBook.

  10. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by redrunner View Post
    I've been contemplating upgrading my 2007 MacBook to a MacBook Pro but I'm leaning towards an Ipad 2 to save some cash and still maintain my original MacBook.
    Recently sold my MacBook Pro '09 model and upgraded to a 2011 model. Absolutely love it. I definitely see a performance difference.

    Sold my iPad 1 a week or so ago and will get the iPad2 this Friday. Can't wait!

    I have a 17" Windows PC, a netbook, a iPod Touch, a 17" MacBook Pro, and a 27" '10 model iMac. With all those toys, I still consistently used my iPad1 more than any other. For me, other than video editing, I could do anything I needed on my iPad.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    @bates are you planning on ordering online or in store? Which model of ipad 2 do you recommend for a guy that just uses his mac for online chatting, internet browsing, itunes, iphoto, streaming movies?

  12. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I am hearing that online orders will be delivered early the next week. So, I will probably order online. I'm going to check, if WalMart/Target/Best Buy are getting them Friday too, then I will consider buying from them. The Apple store at Penn Square will be a mad house.

    As with all things Apple, I suggested buying the most decked out version of whatever idevice you are wanting if it is in your budget. I bought myself and my mom the iPad 1 and went with the 64GB version. For her it was overkill, for me it was just right. Mostly because I put alot of video on my iPad.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by redrunner View Post
    @bates are you planning on ordering online or in store? Which model of ipad 2 do you recommend for a guy that just uses his mac for online chatting, internet browsing, itunes, iphoto, streaming movies?
    Just get the 16gb wifi if that's all you're doing and save some cash.

  14. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Just get the 16gb wifi if that's all you're doing and save some cash.
    You'll eventually wanna sell it and the 16GB is the hardest to sell. Don't go any smaller than 32GB or you'll regret it.

    Trust me, its worth the $200 difference. Just putting a few movies and a decent size iPhoto library on an iPad will eat up the 16GB.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Cool thanks, I'll consider that when I purchase.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Not true bates, he suggested he was a light user, I've got hundreds of photos, thousands of songs, and about 10 movies, plus tons of other stuff and I'm eating up about 17gb of my 32gb. This is my primary computer, well I have a laptop and desktop, but rarely ever use them anymore. I consider myself a heavy iPad user, the average user doesn't need that much data

  17. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Nothing not true about my statement - just a matter of opinion - BIG DIFFERENCE. And, I think its opinions he is looking for.

    All depends on what apps you buy (size), how many photos you consider 'alot' and what size your photos are saved at. Not to mention movies - how long are they and do you save them at high enough resolution to connect and watch on a TV in good quality.

    Also, considering he doesn't have an iPad he really doesn't know how light of a user he'll end up being. For $100 he can double his memory from 16 to 32 and have plenty of room in most cases without regrets.

    Same thinking should go into buying hard drive space and RAM on a desktop or laptop computer - get as much as you can afford. Doesn't hurt to have too much but its frustrating to have too little.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Great tips BBatesokc.

    I've been waiting for a month for Friday's release to get my first iPad. I don't know why I want an iPad other than I'm so impressed with my iPhone 4 that I think what the heck. I never thought before I had one I'd use my iPhone as much as I do and I do use it all the time. Ya know toys.

    I will get the one with the biggest gbs but I'm debating on the the 3G. My gut says get it even if you don't plan on using it because you might change your mind down the road. My head says why pay for something you don't plan on using.

    My question to iPad users. 3G or no 3G? Your thoughts.

  19. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I went through the same debate Stew.

    I decided against the extra expense of a 3G because I already have a Sprint 3G Mifi card and most everywhere I go (except in the car) already has a free Wifi connection. Also, I think the bandwidth caps and prices are too high. Don't get the 3G thinking you're gonna watch streamed movies on the go, otherwise you're gonna go over your bandwidth cap. For movies you'll need to either download, import and watch or use a wifi connection.

    I love my Sprint 3G card because it has a 5GB cap and I can connect multiple devices at once. Also, I've gone over the cap and they didn't charge me. I've heard of people with 3G iPads getting very big bills. When 4G hits my cap is unlimited use!

    If you've got the extra $$$ then get the 3G model since the web connection is month-to-month and no contract (I assume that's still the case).

    It just frustrates me that they charge you more to buy the 3G iPad when they know in the long run they will make even more off you in connection fees. I personally think the 3G should be cheaper to try and entice you to buy it.

  20. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Another thread I somehow missed. I'm getting the package today to mail off my iPad to sell it. I ordered it online and received it the day of release, which for some reason they're not doing this time. I'm definitely not waiting in line on a work day, to get an iPad 2. I waited three hours in line for the first iPhone in 2007, and owned a 3G and 3Gs. I switched to iPad and got an GoPhone last year. Here's some articles:

    Apple Tells Customers To Get In Line For The iPad 2

    Apple confirms $100 refund for those who recently purchased an original iPad

    AT&T Will Continue Offering Unlimited Grandfather Data On iPad 2

    By the way, I've had the Unlimited Data since the first iPad, so I don't ever worry about it.

  21. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Just read where Best Buys and WalMarts will have them at launch this Friday too! Usually much shorter lines. Plus you can probably walk in late Friday night and get one at a WalMart.

  22. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I was pretty sure I'd buy online, but I just might snag one on Friday.


  23. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    I never saw iPads at Sam's Club in the metro area - has anyone else?

  24. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Its kinda of hard to not have a PC when most work places use PC's and you occasionally need to bring work home. Having a decent PC along with Apple products can be pricey.
    I own exactly two (2) Apple products - the iPod Touch and my iPad. The whole PC/Apple thing has never been a problem for me. I use the iPad app Quickoffice and it allows me to do just about anything with Microsoft product formats. In fact, when I first got my iPad I bought into this business of it being just a "content consumption" device. I am amazed at how productive I am on the iPad. Using Quickoffice along with Chapters for writing, Goodreader, Notability and Dropbox, I have pretty much replaced my laptop for a huge percentage of my productive hours.

    Coincidentally, there's an article on Lifehacker today about tablets and productivity:

  25. Default Re: Big reason I love my iPad

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Just read where Best Buys and WalMarts will have them at launch this Friday too! Usually much shorter lines. Plus you can probably walk in late Friday night and get one at a WalMart.
    I didn't want to put this in the same post as the one I just posted about productivity, but I also saw where Target will also have them on launch day:

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