I've reviewed each candidate's Facebook pages and have added the following to my blog:
FACEBOOK INFORMATION. This section is totally lopsided since
candidate Swinton's Facebook page contains zero position statements by him — that's not a bad thing, it's just that he has not thus far used Facebook as a medium in which to communicate his positions.
With candidate Shadid, though, it is different since he has made a number of substantive policy and other statements in
his own Facebook page. As of this writing (March 3), they are as follows.
Posts by Ed Shadid In His Facebook Page
MAPS3 is a bond with the voters. It must be implemented in its entirety with transparency and with the maximum public deliberation. Mr. Swinton risks the legitimacy of future referendums by essentially eliminating the rail component. We do not get to pick and choose which projects we (or our unknown financial sponsors) want to move forward.
If elected, I will become the only City Council member who will have taken no money from corporate and special interests nor had any independent expenditure utilized on my behalf. I will be beholden to no special interest. I will insist on open and transparent government.
Over the last week, a committee of unknown donors (Com. to Keep Momentum Going), accountable to no one, is spending tens of thousands of dollars in an effort to rescue Charlie Swinton's fledgling campaign. Swinton has indicated that he doesn't know anything about this organization. Dr. Shadid refuses to accept donations from all PACs and special interests. Campaign finance reform is needed.
Thought MAPS 3 guaranteed light rail transit? Think again. Delay means losing $60-120 million in federal matching funds and making the project cost prohibitive by not coordinating with Project 180. Study the candidates comments closely.
I am very proud to have received the UNANIMOUS endorsement of the dozens of Fraternal Order of Police members last night. With 700 square miles, a growing population, an aging police force, and our neighborhoods feeling the effect of an overstretched police force, we need to add more officers NOW.
I am very proud to receive the strong endorsement of the OKC Firefighters. 700 square miles is a tremendous amount of ground to cover and yet our highly committed firefighters provide exceptional service and represent a very good value for the financial investment we make as a city.
I am very honored to have received the endorsement of the Sierra Club Cimarron Group and I look forward to working with them as councilman towards sustainable development of our local economy and neighborhoods.
In publishing the above, please understand that I am taking no editorial position with regard to what either candidate says in his respective Facebook page ... I am simply reporting and readers can assess for themselves what they will.
Perhaps either or both candidates will add substantive content in his respective Facebook page about their respective campaigns between now and April 5, and, if so, I'll publish them in this blog article in the Facebook section.