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Thread: Pond behind Chili's?

  1. #76

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    It's funny, I had meant to post something on here today. I recently saw the fabled black Mercedes sitting out in front of this place once again. I have never seen people actually working on the building though.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    It's funny, I had meant to post something on here today. I recently saw the fabled black Mercedes sitting out in front of this place once again. I have never seen people actually working on the building though.
    Probably a dozen cars or more and a lot of workers but almost all inside on Friday.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    It's funny, I had meant to post something on here today. I recently saw the fabled black Mercedes sitting out in front of this place once again. I have never seen people actually working on the building though.
    Set your peepers a lil' lower next time. The Oompa Loompa's on the crew aren't known for their height.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Is there anyway possible that once this place is open that it stays in business half as long as it took to build?

  5. #80

    Default Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    It seems construction has completely stopped. I wonder if there is financial trouble.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    It's always been a do a bit here, then a bit there self-financed sort of project. I used to joke I wanted to have my granddaughter's sweet 16 dinner there. But, now that she is approaching age four, I probably need to consider a backup plan.

  7. Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    He's waiting for December 2012 to file an insurance claim when Armageddon starts.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    there seems to still be work going on...it is in its 3rd or 4th year of construction but progress is still happening.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by phl1331 View Post
    there seems to still be work going on...it is in its 3rd or 4th year of construction but progress is still happening.
    It goes back further than 3-4 years, but I don't recall when I first noticed work.

  10. Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    How ironic would it be if they finish it and some how it slid into the water.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    how ironic would it be if they finish it and some how it slid into the water.

  12. Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    How ironic would it be if they finish it and some how it slid into the water.
    Well, yeah, so true. Norman is a severe flood-prone town, unfortunately. It will be the first to go under in the state.

  13. #88

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    How ironic would it be if they finish it.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Any new news on the restaurant being built by Chili's?

    Future Molly Murphys....

  15. #90

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    This place is a myth. Figment of our imagination.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by iMAX386 View Post
    This place is a myth. Figment of our imagination.
    wait - it's coming... yesssss I see the restaurant opening.... it's a great evening, light music playing on the patio, wonderful dishes being served, exotic drinks being brought out to the people enjoying the warm evening - the first night is a major success!

    Oh no, the inspector comes to inspect the concrete patio - it seems a chunk has fallen off into the pond... yip, it has eroded over the past years... looks like sewage pipes have broken too and running into the pond as well... headline in the June 12th, 2018 Oklahoman, "Wayne's Waterside Grill One Day Opening, Now Closed For Repairs"....

  17. #92

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by uphype View Post
    Oh no, the inspector comes to inspect the concrete patio - it seems a chunk has fallen off into the pond... yip, it has eroded over the past years... looks like sewage pipes have broken too and running into the pond as well... headline in the June 12th, 2018 Oklahoman, "Wayne's Waterside Grill One Day Opening, Now Closed For Repairs"....
    I think you might be confusing this place with the chow hall in the state capitol.
    You might be rushing thangs a bit with that 2018 opening date.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Drove by today and saw a Bliss Electric van and a bunch of cars down in the parking area so I guess they are working on it.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Quote Originally Posted by ahlokc View Post
    Drove by today and saw a Bliss Electric van and a bunch of cars down in the parking area so I guess they are working on it.
    Well of course... they have to replace all that knob and tube electrical that was all the rage when they starting building the place...

  20. Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Waterside Grill located at 370 Ed Noble Parkway in Norman, OK is an iconic10,500 SF restaurant situated on 2.1 acres. The property sold for $810,000 and the buyer has plans for a new restaurant at the waterside property.


  21. #96

    Default Re: Pond behind Chili's?

    Ha! I'll believe it when I see it open!

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