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It is funny how we can't say bad things about people's race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, etc. in this country, but if they struggle with weight problems we can be creeped out by them, ridicule them, bully them, and discriminate against them in the workplace. People in the U.S. talk about "tolerance" all of the time, but we can't tolerate fat people. It may cause insurance rates to go up. Oh, I know, fat people can do something about it, but it is getting to the point in this country that it is more socially acceptable to be an alcoholic or a drug addict than it is to be overweight. If a person has been to alcohol or drug treatment, they can claim to have a disability. Doctors refer to alcoholism and drug addiction as a disease. Overweight people can not claim obesity in itself as a disability unless they have an obesity related illness that has created a disability. Obese people are labled as undisciplined, lazy, and weak. I know obese people that have contributed much more to society and have been more productive than so called "normal, healthy" people.
Saying Oklahoma City has too many overweight and obese people is like going to San Francisco and saying there are too many homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and transgendered people. There a lot of genetic, physiological, social, family, economic, and other influences on why people are overweight. We have allowed Hollywood and the media to create unrealistic expectations of health and beauty in this country. I had a high school classmate that was beautiful die of anorexia in her thirties leaving behind two children and a husband. Her case was reported on in the Oklahoman. I am all for fighting obesity, but doing it with ridicule, social exclusion, and workplace discrimination is not the solution. Fight obesity, not the obese.
Bigray in Ok