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Thread: It Is Done

  1. Default It Is Done

    Please do not slam me on the grammar structure. I am not perfect!

    It has been a long while since I posted a blog, so I posted one and wanted to share it with everyone on here. Hopefully the discussion will become interesting as I like to read inputs from everyone.

    Sorry, I could not find the Science section. What happened to that?


    They say the Earth is more than a billion years old. That is millions and millions of years of life on this planet. Putting religion aside, it is logical to see that science is the truth...the fact...that was presented to us through years of discoveries and researches. There was obviously so many different life before the dinosaur era and the afterward time frame up until humans, as we know today, roam the Earth along side animals and other life forms.

    The past few decades, evolutions have really changed for us on the fast track. We have gone from knowing our grandparents and great-grandparents living without technologies to all the things we have now. How is that possible? Life on Earth was ever-so-slow changing since the planet's creation to explosive capabilities to take us beyond. Where is beyond? Space, the universe.

    One prime example is the Star Trek series. We read the books and watched the television series to see what life will be like for humankind. Impossible? No. We are getting there, but the fast-track pace seems to have come to a halt, or at least slowed down, toward our next stage of expansion. What can we do to get back on track? Some things will have to be overcome...resolved...such as political conflicts, religious bickering, and our willingness to set aside our differences to work together for the survival of humankind.

    When we watch some episodes of Star Trek series, there have been mentions of species (such as us, humans) with warp-drive capabilities to not interfere...to become involved with pre-warp civilizations on planets throughout the universe. The meaning of this is cultural contamination. Now, we look at the thousands of years of human evolutions taking its sweet time to develop to only explode quite rapidly the past few decades. Have anyone ever once given any thoughts as to how this have happened?

    Aliens. Many people say we have been visited by aliens. We call them aliens, because we do not know the names of their species. Do we believe other life forms from the vast universe to have paid us a visit? Do we believe they are watching...monitoring us? Yes, we should believe that and we should be prepared. There is nothing to be afraid of. After all, we are still living out our lives on this planet without inter-species conflict.

    We are now in the pre-warp drive era, but it will not be long until the first space ship to be developed with the capability of warp drive. Only then will nearby aliens engage in first contact and possibly assist us. But... Have they done that already? Yes, that I do believe to be the case. It has been known that aliens paid us visits in the past (and most likely still do). Just look all around us today. The technologies we were given, one after another, in such a short amount of time. Turn to the Star Trek series and ask yourselves, how did such series came to be?

    What does that say? Cultural contamination. But without our knowledge. These aliens, our friends, are very clever and subtle. They are among us right now...educating us in their own way for us to learn and easily understand. Slowly through our lifetime, but at the right amount of pace, we are getting there with their help, even if we know it or not. It is all right in front of us. We are not the only life form on an inhabited planet in space. Across the vast universe, there are other life forms, and yes, many of those civilizations are greatly more advanced than ours.

    When will it be our time? When we are ready. We are getting there. Possibly at some point during our lifetime, but our upcoming generations will embrace it. But first our countries, our people, must join together for our survival. I am not afraid and neither should you be. Take that first step to show our alien friends that we are willing to learn, adapt, and overcome our differences. Doing all of our advancements alone will take thousands, if not hundreds, of years to achieve unless we graciously accept all that is out there.

    I, for one, am ready to truly acknowledge such existences beyond this planet.

  2. #3

    Default Re: It Is Done

    I had a friend who was very upset when NASA launched the Voyager spacecrafts. The thing that torqued him off most was their inclusion of the gold records (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record) which include, among much else, our sun's location in the universe and Earth's location around the Sun. He thought, "Why should we expect any alien civilization to be be less barbaric or dangerous than our own?"

  3. Default Re: It Is Done

    We don't need to send anything out there in that way. They are capable of studying us when they come around without our knowledge of their presence. I know there are at least a few that is aware of our existence.

  4. #5

    Default Re: It Is Done

    no, we don't exist.
    er, um, I mean shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, move along now, no story here.

  5. #6

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    no, we don't exist.
    er, um, I mean shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, move along now, no story here.
    When you think about it, reality is an illusion.

    Physical matter = molecules separated from each other by relatively large areas of emptiness
    molecules = atoms separated from each other by relatively large areas of emptiness
    atoms = protons, neutrons and electrons separated from each other by relatively large areas of emptiness
    protons and neutrons = baryons held together with gluon fields separated from each other by relatively large areas of emptiness

    This is why we cannot remember our first year or so after birth. When we are born we experience the universe in it's totality, it's only after we are trained to recognize patterns of these building blocks in a way our minds can comprehend, that we see "reality" as it is commonly understood. This is why certain individuals throughout history have been perceived as magicians, witches, prophets, shamen, etc. They were able to see beyond the filters we must enforce on our minds; able to change the vibration and frequency of their body's "matter" and match it to stone (or wood, or brick) and walk through walls, time, space etc.

    I'm only half kidding.

  6. #7

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I had a friend who was very upset when NASA launched the Voyager spacecrafts. The thing that torqued him off most was their inclusion of the gold records (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record) which include, among much else, our sun's location in the universe and Earth's location around the Sun. He thought, "Why should we expect any alien civilization to be be less barbaric or dangerous than our own?"
    Reminds me of a good quote from Contact.

    Jodie: We pose no threat to them. It would be like us going out of our way to destroy a few microbes on some ant hill in Africa.
    There are many uninhabited planets and moons in our solar system. We can safely assume that there are many uninhabited and resource-rich worlds out there in the universe. To go out of their way to wipe off one measly species seems rather preposterous.

  7. #8

    Default Re: It Is Done

    I'm sure there are forms of life beyond this planet. Intelligent? Probably. Visiting us? Who knows? You can talk about warp drives all you want but that doesn't make the possible. They might not ever exist. The laws of physics may prevent us from ever seeing other worlds.

  8. Default Re: It Is Done

    The laws of physics is always changing as we progress.

  9. Default Re: It Is Done

    Considering the hundreds of new planets already discovered circling other stars, the likelihood that we are alone is virtually zilch in my book. I just wish I were going to live long enough for us to start exploration.

  10. #11

    Default Re: It Is Done

    I am sure there are other lifeforms and let me just say I hope they haven't developed opposable thumbs. And let me also say I am glad my dogs haven't, either.

  11. Default Re: It Is Done

    While there are many other life forms out there with advanced civilizations, it does not mean they will be peaceful. They all started out the same way as we did and worked toward where they are now. Our time will come very soon. We will encounter peaceful and hostile species during our exploration.

  12. Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    While there are many other life forms out there with advanced civilizations, it does not mean they will be peaceful. They all started out the same way as we did and worked toward where they are now. Our time will come very soon. We will encounter peaceful and hostile species during our exploration.
    Maybe we already have............... oooooo eeeeeeeee yyyyoooooooooooooooooooooo!

  13. #14

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    The laws of physics is always changing as we progress.
    The laws of physics don't change. It's what we know about them that might change.

  14. #15

    Default Re: It Is Done

    All Hail J !

  15. Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    All Hail Jesse !
    Yes, everyone bow before me!

  16. Default Re: It Is Done

    thunder, if youve never seen this show let me draw your attention to it. this is 1 of my favs!

  17. #18

    Default Re: It Is Done

    If there are infinite amount of Galaxies with stars and solar sytems in our universe(s),than anything is possible and odds are a reality!Here is a cool article from a few days ago saying in just The Milky Way alone there are Billions of planets http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41686017

  18. #19

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    One prime example is the Star Trek series. We read the books and watched the television series to see what life will be like for humankind. Impossible? No. We are getting there, but the fast-track pace seems to have come to a halt, or at least slowed down, toward our next stage of expansion. What can we do to get back on track? Some things will have to be overcome...resolved...such as political conflicts, religious bickering, and our willingness to set aside our differences to work together for the survival of humankind.

    When we watch some episodes of Star Trek series, there have been mentions of species (such as us, humans) with warp-drive capabilities to not interfere...to become involved with pre-warp civilizations on planets throughout the universe. The meaning of this is cultural contamination. Now, we look at the thousands of years of human evolutions taking its sweet time to develop to only explode quite rapidly the past few decades. Have anyone ever once given any thoughts as to how this have happened?

    Aliens. Many people say we have been visited by aliens. We call them aliens, because we do not know the names of their species. Do we believe other life forms from the vast universe to have paid us a visit? Do we believe they are watching...monitoring us? Yes, we should believe that and we should be prepared. There is nothing to be afraid of. After all, we are still living out our lives on this planet without inter-species conflict.

    What does that say? Cultural contamination. But without our knowledge. These aliens, our friends, are very clever and subtle. They are among us right now...educating us in their own way for us to learn and easily understand. Slowly through our lifetime, but at the right amount of pace, we are getting there with their help, even if we know it or not. It is all right in front of us. We are not the only life form on an inhabited planet in space. Across the vast universe, there are other life forms, and yes, many of those civilizations are greatly more advanced than ours.
    Ahhh, but it all depends on which species you encounter. The Vulcans and other members of the United Federation of Planets (UFP), good. The Klingons can go either way. The Romulans (related to the Vulcans), bad. Cardassians (not to be confused with the reality show Kardashians), bad. The Borg, bad. Then there are the Xindi, (introduced in the prequel Enterprise), an enemy bent on annihilating humanity via a planet-destroying super weapon (but later according to ST: The Next Generation it is implied they are now friends and part of the Federation).

    Just as here on Earth, there are those that will be your friends and you can trust with your life. Then there are others that will take anything and everything they can, with no regard for life (especially other than their own).

    One of my favorite scenes was in the mostly Star Trek parody, Galaxy Quest, where these innocent/cute aliens were monsters. Come to think of it, wasn't Gen. Roth'h'ar Sarris race similar to the Xindi. LOL

    "Trust but Verify"

  19. #20

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    I'm sure there are forms of life beyond this planet. Intelligent? Probably. Visiting us? Who knows? You can talk about warp drives all you want but that doesn't make the possible. They might not ever exist. The laws of physics may prevent us from ever seeing other worlds.
    I just finished Leslie Kean's new book, which i bought as a joke. It has some of the most startling revelations I have seen in my adult life. If I answered your question today i would word it differently.

  20. Default Re: It Is Done

    To a Creationist, why couldn't God have created life on other planets just as He did on Earth?

  21. #22

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Symphony of Science - "We Are All Connected" ♪♫


    ...featuring Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye

  22. #23

    Talking Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I had a friend who was very upset when NASA launched the Voyager spacecrafts. The thing that torqued him off most was their inclusion of the gold records (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record) which include, among much else, our sun's location in the universe and Earth's location around the Sun. He thought, "Why should we expect any alien civilization to be be less barbaric or dangerous than our own?"
    I wouldnt worry too much, the aliens probably put their turntables in garage sales along time ago..

  23. #24

    Default Re: It Is Done

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    To a Creationist, why couldn't God have created life on other planets just as He did on Earth?
    Well he didn't on Earth, unless he built it in a way that just makes it look like it evolved. So the question is kind of moot. I've always found the "God as the Trickster" hypothesis to be unsatisfying.

  24. #25
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: It Is Done

    This is just silly. Everyone knows that the earth only a couple thousand years old. Anything else is blasphemy.

    Also, the world is flat, and Jesus rode dinosaurs.

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