MSU, eh?
No the real Greek kind. What is located on Reno and Walker. c'mon
Randy Lee
Dimitri's Peacock Greek Restaurant. On Reno just west of Walker.
Pete you the man!!!
I've heard good things about the Peacock. I wish there was some more infill planned for that area, though.
Whats funny is all the future development maps still have the cafe and all the parking still there. I guess its not in anyones plans.
Hopefully that will soon change with Devon, Myriad Gardens, Project 180, Bob Howard redevelopment, Boulevard construction, Core 2 Shore, Film Row, etc. Your area is ripe for investment!
I think a 1000 foot tower to show Devon who's boss..or just wait for a private developer to come along and buy me out..Heck where would all the downtown big-wigs go to get a good Gyro, Actually probably wait and see how the Fred Jones block does and then develop. Love to put a grocery store there but I only own 5/8 of the block, Allen contracting owns the rest..
Metro are you on here just to antagonize.
Nothing confirmed I better not say anything until the convention site committee chooses there site in a couple months.. Still possible it could be one of the sites of the convention center.. I know bricktown would love the site at the Dealership location because of the access to them.. I just have this strange feeling its going to be at that location just from what I hear around there. I hope not, but whatever Bricktown wants they usually get..
It just seems to me that location is too small for a convention center and 700 room hotel...
They were talking elementary school 20 years ago right after urban renewal relocated the old peacock at 11 N Walker back in 1985.. We were in the old IOOF building.. I found some of our old city artifacts in the antique store on Linwood close to virginia it was the old Silver Dollar Motel sign I should go buy it. That place has a lot of our citys history. go check it out, has stuff from the builtmore, Baum, various other old downtown buidings..
The dealership is even farther away from Bricktown than the site behind the Ford Center. I thought the Bricktown merchants were opposed to even that site because it was too far from Bricktown.
But, back to the real topic of this thread. I'm really looking forward to hearing what site is selected and want to see plans. I'm hoping maybe what Steve was hinting at for Deep Deuce/Maywood/Triangle could be the school, although there are plenty of sites that I would be happy with. Actually, I'll be happy to have a school anywhere in the downtown area.
For example the $291 million Qwest Center in Omaha sits on 421 acres!
It is evident that the school will be in Deep Deuce as it the most densely populated downtown neighborhood...
Thats why my earlier thread prediction will come true. If a school was going to be put in at walker and sheridan it would have already been done..
421 acres WOW!!!!
I can't believe I'm now participating in an off topic discussion here, but I was in Omaha last week and the Qwest Center is huge and beautiful. I'm not so impressed with Omaha as some people, as it still looks about as unfinished as downtown OKC, but there is more retail downtown and the Qwest Center is incredibly impressive visually.
This site has already been ruled out by Mayor Mick. I assure you it is not going on this site.
And this site is also nowhere near Bricktown. Virtually every other site being considered for the convention center is closer to Bricktown, even if you have to cross tracks, boulevard, Shields, and a few more streets..
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