Along with the artistic theft accusation, I’ll go ahead and explain this one for you too. When I said, “Notice anything?” under the Fox Business screen cap, I was referring to the downtown shot in the background. Some took it to mean a hidden “easter egg” or something not that obvious. Does that make any sense? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty good at understanding people’s intent in what they say here. I certainly don’t flip out and get mad or offended at the drop of a hat. I added two buildings to your original image a few pages back, because David Pollard asked for someone to do it. I took my own time to do it for his sake. You could easily have done it yourself the same way you made the original image, and it would have looked much better. Most people I would assume took it for what it was. You choose to get bent out of shape over it. I personally dislike and stay away from people who accuse me of things and get upset at the slightest thing. I like your contributions here, with the skyscraper comparisons you do in the software you use. I’m sure everyone does. But for everyone’s sake, relax a little. Take a chill pill. Nobody comes here to argue, and this is the last thing I’m saying on the matter.