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Thread: Valentine night?

  1. #1

    Default Valentine night?

    Staying in? Going out for the evening?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Valentine night?

    Our newly adult son and his lovely friend are headed to 105 Degrees.
    We're actually still mulling over if I'm cooking or if we're going to step out off the main V-day pathways for dinner.

    When we go out for V-day, we typically end up at a smaller place that
    (a) isn't where everyone else has been begging to land a table between 6:45 and 8:30 tonight
    (b) isn't someplace we would typical go out for a dinner
    (c) isn't likely to be anywhere on anyone's Top 40 list of V-day choices

    With 29+ years together, seeing and being seen is not our scene, nor is doing what everyone else is doing. We're happy to be blessed to be together. Everything else is marketing hype. All the same, yes, there are flowers that weren't here this morning. I may disfavor hype but Mamma Pate dinna raise no fools.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Valentine night?

    This is my first Valentines Day not spent alone in a very long time! After, I get off of work at 8pm, we're going to go eat somewhere (can't say where, she might be snoopin' for an answer) and then go watch a friend who's an 'owner of a lonely heart' play basketball for his church team. Not your traditional VD evening activity. Then again, not like I've had much practice, lol.

  4. Default Re: Valentine night?

    Club tonight for some WILD THRILL! Hmm, yeah, I'm gonna go insane. :-D

  5. Default Re: Valentine night?

    I had a great Valentine's day, well kinda.We had breakfast at First Watch, then I went to the eye doctor to have my eyes dilated and a complete eye exam. Later we went to McAlister's for dinner. Not real romantic, but good food.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Valentine night?

    Went all romantic and spent 3 hours at a dealership buying a car....for me

  7. #7

    Default Re: Valentine night?

    Been married here for 35 years. Have done the full blow out Valentines day expectations by being very creative many times. Last night - nice meal at home, relaxed time - simple but still a great time without all the blah, blah that sometimes goes with the commerical Valentines day...

  8. Default Re: Valentine night?

    Lake Hefner has a lighthouse decorated with colorful lights and hearts. There's a bench perfect for sitting, enjoying the view, kissing, and making love.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Valentine night?

    Thunder did you make love on the bench at the Lighthouse?

  10. Default Re: Valentine night?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Thunder did you make love on the bench at the Lighthouse?
    What ya think? Romantic, eh? :-)

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