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Thread: Prostitution In OKC

  1. #1

    Default Prostitution In OKC

    Oklahoma City is growing in population at a good steady pace, but not all growth is good, we all hear about the good things about the economy growth of Oklahoma City, but we rarely hear about the crime growth, in particular prostitution.

    It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.

    The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. I don't understand how a police station can sit in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip clubs, where "john's" can simply pick up a prostitute, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip club. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip club know this goes on, but they receive a cut.

    It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    What OKC Police station sits in the middle of three strip clubs?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's

  4. #4

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's
    You must be naive to think that Valley Brook is not getting some kind kickback.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    LOL....might be, but its crazy...but there are other strip clubs across the city, where its not enforced, especially in the 10th and McArthur area...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    If this is such a shady and hidden buisness, how did you find out about it?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    If this is such a shady and hidden buisness, how did you find out about it?
    Personal research lol

  8. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    What they do in their personal time is their own personal business. What money they spend on is their choice. Honestly, no one can complain. Quite funny how one would complain about people paying for sex, but not complain about people having free sex.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.

  10. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Can we tax it and move on? :-P

  11. #11

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Oklahoma City is growing in population at a good steady pace, but not all growth is good, we all hear about the good things about the economy growth of Oklahoma City, but we rarely hear about the crime growth, in particular prostitution.

    It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.

    The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. I don't understand how a police station can sit in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip clubs, where "john's" can simply pick up a prostitute, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip club. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip club know this goes on, but they receive a cut.

    It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.
    Ah, come on, a number of guys are handicapped with their sex appeal, such as having an ugly face and/or are clueless in the romance department as to how to charm a woman out of her clothes without talking business first. But having adequate sex appeal has a lot to do with being able to do that.

    As I have suggested before, and as a majority in a poll on the subject in this forum agreed, Oklahoma should go like Nevada and legalize prostition on a county by county basis. How it might turn out, a nearby county whose economy is slow would have a town in it with a motel that is abandoned or barely hanging on. It could be turned into a big whore house with the town and county collecting taxes from it. The whores could pose in their room windows or perform in a strip club in the motel. Hired security would keep things orderly and keep out drug trade. The result for Oklahoma City? Hopefully, most of the whores and johns would flee to that town's legal whorehouse, knowing they can't be arrested.

  12. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Oklahoma City is growing in population at a good steady pace, but not all growth is good, we all hear about the good things about the economy growth of Oklahoma City, but we rarely hear about the crime growth, in particular prostitution.

    It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.

    The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. I don't understand how a police station can sit in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip clubs, where "john's" can simply pick up a prostitute, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip club. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip club know this goes on, but they receive a cut.

    It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.
    I was unaware there was any problem. And it's simply going to happen. Oldest profession. Only way to 100% stop it is to have government control of individuals and tracking and monitoring of conversations.

  13. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.
    It is simply the same as being paid for services such as mowing lawns. Let them do what they want. Most police does it anyway. Ya think they only sit around and eat donuts? :-)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    I guess people get the idea that prostitution is wrong from reading the Bible. But interesting how people want to throw people in jail for prostituion, but nobody goes to jail over adultery, even though the Bible clearly states that's wrong, so wrong that it's a part of the Ten Commandments. And I think fooling around in adultery can be a lot more hurtful and upsetting to people than prostitution.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.

    Oh sure... just take the fun out of my Saturday afternoon activity

  16. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Before I get on my soapbox, the first video is a pretty realistic overview of the street prostitution in OKC....


    This second video breaks my heart and is of a young girl (guessing age between 13-15) being pimped out on South Robinson Ave. Before you go thinking this is rare, keep in mind the average age a girl is 'turned out' to prostitution is between the ages of 12-16 - so this girl appears to be the norm.


  17. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Brian, those are bad. But I still support "prostitution" when it is legit and done privately...online...inside an adult club.

    Brian, do you sign autographs? You should hold a special OKCTalk event, be a guest speaker, and sign autographs.

  18. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Can we tax it and move on? :-P
    If that happens, then kids mowing lawns will have to be taxed....garage sales to be taxed....sales on Craigslist to be taxed....poor people on the streets to be taxed on their donations...and the list goes on and on.

  19. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    My personal opinion is prostitution that is 100% private, consensual and unorganized should be decriminalized (not legalized) and that law enforcement efforts should be focused on the street level and forced prostitution.

    As for the original post....

    It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.
    I actually don't believe the problem is getting measurably worse and I'm on the streets and going through arrest records most every day. As for 'other areas' - those areas you mention are not new. The city has officially recognized 14 areas of active prostitution since about 2000. And the areas you mention are contained within those.

    What we are seeing is more 'Internet Prostitutes' working the streets than in years passed. This is due to Oklahoma's enforcement of computer crime laws. If a hooker does her lewd act in your front yard, it is most likely just a misdemeanor. If she does it via the Internet (where nobody is complaining) then it is a felony. To avoid the jail that often comes with felony convictions, many of the more attractive Internet girls are working the streets - which attracts more Johns. In reality, most of the prostitution in OKC does still occur on South Robinson Ave.

    As for truck stops - that is where underage girls are often worked since they won't be as likely to run into police. For the most part though the truck stop girls are just Robinson girls who weren't turning enough tricks or have warrants.

    The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control.
    Prostitution and strip clubs have always had a connection. However, I don't hear or see anything that would lead me to believe it is any worse than it has ever been. I don't concern myself with strip clubs however.

    It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.
    The reality is that prostitution is a VICE crime and a low priority crime at that. Prostitution is primarily policed by OKC vice or Special Projects. Both are under manned and under funded.

  20. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Brian, do you sign autographs? You should hold a special OKCTalk event, be a guest speaker, and sign autographs.
    I'd have a bigger turn out if it was a dunking booth.

    Can we tax it and move on? :-P
    It, like all income is taxed already. When the gov't goes after high end prostitutes it most often isn't a prostitution charge they go after - it is tax evasion. This, even though the women had legal escort agency fronts - they still didn't pay their taxes.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    but not complain about people having free sex.
    I'm no expert...but I'm not sure pimps are interested in free sex.

  22. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Brian, those are bad. But I still support "prostitution" when it is legit and done privately...online...inside an adult club.
    I don't 'support' it, but would not openly object to it (if you add consensually and unorganized).

    While street prostitution is often the 'face' of prostitution, in reality they make up a small portion of the total number of men and women who do prostitute themselves.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    These aren't the kinds of jobs the red staters have in mind.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's
    So what do you want done? For the strip clubs to be banned? Didn't some old man by the name of Bob Anderson, who once led Oklahomans for Children and Families, accomplish that years ago? I'm quite sure he managed to get closed down all the porn shops in Oklahoma City and later claimed rape went down in Oklahoma City as a result.

  25. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    If that happens, then kids mowing lawns will have to be taxed....garage sales to be taxed....sales on Craigslist to be taxed....poor people on the streets to be taxed on their donations...and the list goes on and on.
    Hmmmmmmm, those things are already taxed. Kids mowing a couple of lawns is of no concern (probably doesn't even meet minimum income requirements) but garage sales and online sales have been taxed and even enforced for a while now.

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