I am re-posting this as we started a new page for reference...
For context, I am going to put up two maps made public at the previous committee meeting for reference. I have never put a map out on OKCTALK before.
core map is what was approved as being "protected."
conceptual master plans were shown at the last committee meeting. We were all challenged as a "homework assignment" to produce "master plans." This larger area map shows one example of how the approved core area "protected corridor" might fit into a larger system that extends outside of downtown.
Please keep in mind that that this is my personal idea of what a greater system "might" look like. But all in all, three other maps and several verbal descriptions by committee members were put out there. They all followed a almost identical perspectives as it relates to the "core" area. That is how we came to the majority conclusion about the "protected" corridors at the last meeting. They were "re-debated" and solidified yesterday.
The "stub ends" as part of the protected core areas (particularly the Bricktown Core 2 Shore connections) will be addressed as we have more information about the hub, convention center location, and bridge reconstruction costs.
Attachment 769