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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #276

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jethrol View Post
    Is it just me or does anyone else think they're trying to do too much with the park? It seems awfully busy to me.
    No, I don't think so. It has never been meant to be a small passive park. It is something that is needed in the downtown area. There will be more passive areas in the new Central Park for those looking for that.

  2. #277

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    duplicate post (see below)

  3. #278

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jethrol View Post
    Is it just me or does anyone else think they're trying to do too much with the park? It seems awfully busy to me.
    Maybe but I don't think they are doing near as much as what was originally planned. Over on Doug's site he has an excellent entry (http://dougdawg.blogspot.com/2008/03...d-gardens.html)

    Originally there were to be 2 botanical tubes (we only have 1). Along with everything else in the park (and this was with the Biltmore & Tivoli Inn both still standing) there was to be:
    • children's zoo
    • ice skating pond
    • a 30 foot deep canyon,
    • 2-acre lake
    • botanical gardens
    • a sports hall of fame
    • classic car museum
    • arts and science centers
    • planetarium
    • a cluster of restaurants and movie houses
    • museums
    • new Main Library
    "A Phase Two plan for the gardens will extend west to Shartel and triple the park's size to a total of 33 acres."

  4. #279

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Not to mention a monorail (according to Pei's model)

  5. #280

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jethrol View Post
    Is it just me or does anyone else think they're trying to do too much with the park? It seems awfully busy to me.
    Compared to its previous state where there were fewer active elements, then yes, it is busier, but that is part of the point, to provide a level of interactivity there that not only draws in people seeking passive recreation, but also more active recreation that is fitting of the area.

    The idea was more THOUGHTFUL programming and planning, not just "more." In fact, given many of the ideas that were tossed about in early planning meetings, this is a scaled-down version of what some of the architects wanted to be a much more "active" park-like space. In short, they've reached a compromise allowing for new, more active elements, while keeping the Foundation's intent that the area still be highly-botanicized.

    While the elements on the pdf (here attached) may look like a lot, the areas where people will do most of the gathering are well-spaced out, allowing for active and restful activities.

  6. #281

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Does anyone know if the Myriad Gardens has decided on an Ad Agency? Last time I spoke with anyone they were undecided.

  7. #282

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by asta2 View Post
    Does anyone know if the Myriad Gardens has decided on an Ad Agency? Last time I spoke with anyone they were undecided.
    None selected yet. Please DM me if you want more information.

  8. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I know of one agency that could paste a bunch of bumper stickers on the new Project 180 light poles and place yard signs in the new planters and medians promoting the gardens. Heck, they could even scatter a bunch of this stuff in the gardens!

  9. #284

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I know of one agency that could paste a bunch of bumper stickers on the new Project 180 light poles and place yard signs in the new planters and medians promoting the gardens. Heck, they could even scatter a bunch of this stuff in the gardens!
    Wow Steve, You're really fired up about the health dept's marketing aren't ya?

  10. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Nah, just being mildly sarcastic.

  11. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Thanks, FritterGirl for the description of the "wave pool". That sounds pretty awesome.

    Do you know if the hedge maze is still included in the plan? That was my favorite part.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  12. #287

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    One of the architects working on this expressed concern that it won't be ready by the arts festival if we have a winter similar to last year.
    This winter looks to be worse than last winter. Hopefully, we have some good weather after next weeks storm.

  13. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by asta2 View Post
    Does anyone know if the Myriad Gardens has decided on an Ad Agency? Last time I spoke with anyone they were undecided.
    I think they should go with VI Marketing. Maybe plaster pictures of flowers everywhere with the phrase, "Where am I?"

  14. #289

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Yes, hedge maze definitely still in the plans, as are some other really fantastic features, especially for the Children's Garden. It really is going to be a showpiece. Keep in mind, that in general, some of the features, areas, won't be COMPLETELY finalized when the reopening occurs in April. Despite a very aggressive construction schedule, there are just some detail things that won't be finalized.

    The good part about that, though, is it gives us plenty of opportunities to invite people down as more and more things are opened and come into play.

    I really think people are going to be impressed with what they see. There are certainly a lot of "wow factor" kind of elements that people will be very pleased with.

  15. #290

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Can't wait! Is the dog area still in the plans? I'm assuming the park will now be considered open to dogs. We'll be able to expand our walk repertoire if so.

  16. #291

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Yes... there will be a dog park.

  17. #292

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Think Frittergirl has explained the dog park before (don't confuse it with a full blown version, think she described it more as a dog run). Think it was over in Steve's blog but can't locate it now. Please correct me if needed.

  18. #293

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I'm sitting here finally drooling over at the MG pdf via the link FritterGirl graciously provided. Holy Perkiness Batman, that's going to be some park!

    But, where in the mix will the hedge maze be?
    Last edited by kevinpate; 02-08-2011 at 07:19 AM. Reason: added maze q

  19. #294

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Updating from my mobile so I'm keeping it short.

    LarryOKC was correct about the dog run area. It will be a small enclosed area (approx 6,000 Sft, I think), so will not be a full dog park, like at Hefner. Dogs will be allowed in certain parts of the Gardens, but per City ordinance they must remain on leash unless in the designated leash area.

    KevinPate - the hedge maze will be part of the Children's Garden, so it may be a bit smaller in scale than what you had perhaps anticipated. I don't think the hedges will be over 4'.

  20. #295

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    FritterGirl... will the Grand Lawn be used for concerts? That would be awesome if it was big enough to host some big name bands in the spring and summer. How many people do you think it could fit for a concert?

  21. #296

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by oakhollow View Post
    FritterGirl... will the Grand Lawn be used for concerts? That would be awesome if it was big enough to host some big name bands in the spring and summer. How many people do you think it could fit for a concert?
    It will probably be a max of a few hundred, if any big names come to play their it will likely be a private showing.

  22. #297

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    As I understand it, the Grand Lawn will hold around 2,000. The intent is to have a variety of prorgramming there from acoustical shows, to concerts to movies. The concert bandshell is a permanent installation.

    I wouldn't count on this to replace the Zoo amphiheatre for "big name" entertainment, but the idea certainly is to program it with a variety of cultural and artistic events, some free to the public.

  23. #298

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    ... hedge maze will be part of the Children's Garden, so it may be a bit smaller in scale than what you had perhaps anticipated. I don't think the hedges will be over 4'.

    That's actually good news. Far less likely to become a Garden Hilton for the homeless that way. As I'll (hopefully) be blessed with two more waves of grandbabies, I'll be able to take them to enjoy it for quite some time.

  24. #299

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    Found these on the city's flickr page. They're awesome!

    Where will they be placed?

  25. #300

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens Renovation

    It's a surprise! :-) In other words, I don't know. LOL! I'll ask, but if I had to guess I'd say the Children's Garden area.

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