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Thread: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

  1. #451

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Will you repost the link to it after you get it up?

  2. Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Uncle Slayton, I'm like you too. I honestly love a good thunderstorm with lots of lightning and a tornado and all the thrashings of mother nature but it wasn't until I came to be paying for things like a car, car insurance, living somewhere where I don't have a garage for my car or covered parking that made me realize that there are other people out there just like me that have the same kind of issues. Don't get me wrong, lol, I love spring time storms. As long as they're out in open fields--tornadoes and such, not destroying peoples livelihoods or ways of life. In the city, I just love an awesome tropical torrential downpour storm with those big bolts of lightning and those crazy instant pop thunders as if the storm is just getting going.
    You're making me have spring fever already. Sigh. Totally agree about the tornadoes in open fields and big bolts of lightning.
    Still corrupting young minds

  3. #453

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    not sure what's up with all the hate in this thread... let's keep things civil and on topic. -M

  4. #454

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Cold weather and lack of sunshine is getting to people...myself included

  5. #455

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    LOL. I'm reasonably sure that Mike Morgan on KFOR does not have a meteorology degree.
    Great..... a head basher and runner... "SoonerDave"

    ...... Been there done this 10 or 15 years ago. My OU degree is from the College of Geosciences. I have all METR classes including some grad level courses....My degree is a very science heavy blend of METR, GEOL, GEOG and GIS.

    AMS TV seal af approval and sent my transcript in to get that. 31 years of professional TV experience. Interned for the Oklahoma NWS at age 13 to 16 years of age.....1976. This is all really droll, so I will not continue.

  6. Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by KFORMIKE View Post
    Great..... a head basher and runner... "SoonerDave"

    ...... Been there done this 10 or 15 years ago. My OU degree is from the College of Geosciences. I have all METR classes including some grad level courses....My degree is a very science heavy blend of METR, GEOL, GEOG and GIS.

    AMS TV seal af approval and sent my transcript in to get that. 31 years of professional TV experience. Interned for the Oklahoma NWS at age 13 to 16 years of age.....1976. This is all really droll, so I will not continue.
    Are you The Mike Morgan? Seriously? For real? :-O

  7. #457

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011


  8. #458

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by KFORMIKE View Post
    Hey backstabbers,

    Read the post again, above....

    She was refering to qualifications....

    My accredited degree is from the College of Geosciences from the University of Oklahoma....The school of Meteorology is IN this college. I will not make direct comparisons to any of the other TV Mets in the OKC market, but will tell you I likely have more coursework in METR from OU than 80%......this includes grad level classes.....My degree is a excellent blend of METR, GEOG, GEOL and Geographical Information Systems.

    My transcript was APPROVED by the American Meteorology Society for the Professional TV seal of approval.

    I began my Oklahoma professional career at 13 when I began an internship at the Oklahoma National Weather Service. That was 1976.

    I can promise you my abilities from 31 years of professional TV experience in Oklahoma make me more that qualified.

    The TV Meteorology department at KFOR has been the ratings LEADER in OKC for a LONG time now.....there is a lot of talent at work here when when severe weather threatens the citizens of Oklahoma.

    Eating a bunch of potato chips in front of a keyboard posting stuff when severe weather is in progress is really EASY.....Doing what we do in the weather media in OKC? THAT is not.

    If I had a dime for all the calls and emails from former viewers that moved to other parts of the counrty and did not feel safe because of their new TV Mets....

    As a sidebar, the guy that had the MOST METR coursework from OU that tried to do OKC TV Severe Weather lasted about 1 year....then he was fired.

    Boards like this are so droll and predictable when it comes to attacking other people....been there, done that, I have better use for my time.

    Now back to our lives, good citizens!


  9. #459

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Mike - since you're on here. Let's hear your forecast for mid-week! I haven't heard any snow totals for this upcoming storm. I saw your 6PM forecast but missed if you had any predictions on totals.

  10. #460

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Based on my experience in banking next week looks like a big ole slice of uncertainty pie...Some sites are leaning toward a minor snow event so that gives us some hope

  11. #461

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Yep, that is what I said, above.

    As far as putting forecasts on this forum, I am going to resist.

    Sometimes I will be right, sometimes wrong....I just do the best I can....but will usually "put it out there"

    Have spent way to much time getting talky on web forums in the past, and will again, certainly, but want to try and keep my current balance in my life...Lord knows TV and Oklahoma weather are a full plate enough.

  12. #462

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    I believe Mike would agree its too early to pin down any amounts for mid week.. Mike I believe you guys do a great job and have saved more lives during severe weather than alot of the people here understand.. Living in Moore im sure you have helped me and my family many times..

  13. #463

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    glad to have you on here kformike!! keep on with your good work.

  14. #464
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Strange twists and turns this thread is taking. Put me down for more snow, hell, we still have six or seven weeks of winter to go...

  15. Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    My spring bulbs sprouted weeks ago...wonder if the weather will catch up to them? I love a good snow, but dangit, I'm going to my school tomorrow to try and shovel sidewalks and parking lots, since we don't have anyone else to do that but parents, students, and faculty.

    After all this shoveling, my biceps might be ready for the gun show. 0.o Hahaha.
    Still corrupting young minds

  16. #466

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by KFORMIKE View Post
    Great..... a head basher and runner... "SoonerDave"

    ...... Been there done this 10 or 15 years ago. My OU degree is from the College of Geosciences. I have all METR classes including some grad level courses....My degree is a very science heavy blend of METR, GEOL, GEOG and GIS.

    AMS TV seal af approval and sent my transcript in to get that. 31 years of professional TV experience. Interned for the Oklahoma NWS at age 13 to 16 years of age.....1976. This is all really droll, so I will not continue.

    I'm not sure what you meant by "a head basher and a runner," but my instinct is that you felt I was being insulting and not "sticking around" to stand behind what I said.

    For the sake of completeness, the previous poster had brought up the issue about local TV weather forecasters "having accredited meteorological degrees" as a means to bash on another poster similarly absent such a degree. I was correcting that misapprehension by pointing out that one of the high-profile meteorologists in this market does, himself, not have such a degree. It was not intended as an insult to anyone, but to point out the fallacy of that particular poster.

    As for me, I'm not a "runner." I've been on this board for some time, and have no problem standing behind what I've said. Ironically enough, I've not posted here much recently for the express purpose of avoiding the pointless arguments that often ensue from what would seem to be the least incendiary possible topics, but lo and behold, here we are, trying to get past an entirely different kind of storm in a weather thread. Alas.

    If I have misunderstood your "head basher and runner" comment, my apologies. In all honesty, all I really ever hope to see in this thread is the "Winter Weather Discussion" promised in the thread title....



  17. #467

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    This weather of late has reminded me of winters in the 70s when I was a kid in SE OK.
    The closest thing in my memory to this weather (and that of 2009) was a series of snowstorms in the fall of 1977 if I recall correctly. I was in the 8th grade, attending Highland West Middle School in Moore, and back then school just didn't shut down as readily as it does today. The buses would take us to school around 8:30, and then turn right back around for the trip home at about 11:00. We seemed to go something on the order of a week-plus with a snowstorm seemingly every other day, with 4'+ foot drifts and intense cold even after the snowstorms had departed. We finally ended up having to go to school on a Saturday to make up all the missed days. The intense, repetitive, high-volume snowstorms were something I know I'll never forget...

  18. #468
    Uncle Slayton Guest

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    The closest thing in my memory to this weather (and that of 2009) was a series of snowstorms in the fall of 1977 if I recall correctly. I was in the 8th grade, attending Highland West Middle School in Moore, and back then school just didn't shut down as readily as it does today. The buses would take us to school around 8:30, and then turn right back around for the trip home at about 11:00. We seemed to go something on the order of a week-plus with a snowstorm seemingly every other day, with 4'+ foot drifts and intense cold even after the snowstorms had departed. We finally ended up having to go to school on a Saturday to make up all the missed days. The intense, repetitive, high-volume snowstorms were something I know I'll never forget...
    That sounds about right...mom always made us go to prayer meeting on Wednesday night and I remember that for several weeks the snow from the previous week wouldn't have melted when the next storm arrived on top of it...typical for Wisconsin or Minnesota but not SE OK.

  19. #469

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post

    I'm not sure what you meant by "a head basher and a runner," but my instinct is that you felt I was being insulting and not "sticking around" to stand behind what I said.

    For the sake of completeness, the previous poster had brought up the issue about local TV weather forecasters "having accredited meteorological degrees" as a means to bash on another poster similarly absent such a degree. I was correcting that misapprehension by pointing out that one of the high-profile meteorologists in this market does, himself, not have such a degree. It was not intended as an insult to anyone, but to point out the fallacy of that particular poster.

    As for me, I'm not a "runner." I've been on this board for some time, and have no problem standing behind what I've said. Ironically enough, I've not posted here much recently for the express purpose of avoiding the pointless arguments that often ensue from what would seem to be the least incendiary possible topics, but lo and behold, here we are, trying to get past an entirely different kind of storm in a weather thread. Alas.

    If I have misunderstood your "head basher and runner" comment, my apologies. In all honesty, all I really ever hope to see in this thread is the "Winter Weather Discussion" promised in the thread title....


    Not exactly, SoonerDave....I was making reference to your "LOL" then "Quickly discrediting Mike Morgan" comment with no offer to provide anything else. That sounds like a hit and run to me.

    I can promise you, if we did not know our stuff, it would quickly show and there would be blood in the streets at the expense of great TV severe weather information......and....after the past 13 months we have had, I've just had it with hit and runs.

    Peace SoonerDave,

  20. #470

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Slayton View Post
    Strange twists and turns this thread is taking. Put me down for more snow, hell, we still have six or seven weeks of winter to go...
    You mean the Oklahoma ground hog, whoever that is saw its own shadow? The official one in Pensylvania did NOT.

  21. Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Sigh....last post: Today 10:27 PM ... Apparently enough time during a news cast to post on a thread. Obvious troll is obvious. Guys be careful what you fall for. :-)

  22. #472

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Meteorologist and football coaches have some things common.

    Many people love make commentary on their performance and talk about what they saw.
    But it’s usually those who understand the details at the lowest levels who are often the harshest critics.
    Even though it may not always seem like it Oklahomans in general have a higher football and weather IQ than just about anywhere else.

  23. #473

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post

    For the sake of completeness, the previous poster had brought up the issue about local TV weather forecasters "having accredited meteorological degrees" as a means to bash on another poster similarly absent such a degree. I was correcting that misapprehension by pointing out that one of the high-profile meteorologists in this market does, himself, not have such a degree.
    Which one is that? Gary England at KWTV-9?

  24. #474

    Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Sigh....last post: Today 10:27 PM ... Apparently enough time during a news cast to post on a thread. Obvious troll is obvious. Guys be careful what you fall for. :-)
    Nope, no troller. It was me. Many might be surprised at what we can do just off camera....Esp. during 7 hours of SVR WX coverage....but having a nuff time to pee? Well, now that's when I need Jim G. to talk for a while! (and he can!)

  25. Default Re: Winter Weather Discussion - Jan/Feb 2011

    Hum. Well at least the mods can verify your identity since the board captures your IP address and the email you used to confirm your registration.

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