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Thread: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

  1. #1

    Default Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    There have been a number of desultory comments on this forum about the look of the Chase building which will soon be surpassed as the tallest building in Oklahoma City. Having grown up with this building as an icon of downtown, I would like to see a discussion about how the old girl could be fixed up. Not just to please us on the forum, but also as potential ideas for the owners. Once Devon comes on line, the economy continues to pick up and new buildings get built, it will be in the best interest of everyone to ensure that this building retains its position as a class A property.

    The question then is: To reclad or not to reclad! Does the modernist movement look that this building represents need to be retained, or should it be "off with her head and off with her dark skin to be replaced by a shiny green or transparent and seductive new garb"?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    If you look closely at Chase, there are masonry elements (probably cast concrete) at the base, crown and even fins that run vertically.

    I think the darker glass looks best as contrast to those features.

    It's similar to Founder's Tower in that respect... The new lighter-colored reflective glass looks kind of odd against the light-colored concrete elements.

    If they did replace the glass at Chase, I'd like to see it remain a darker color.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    I definately think that we want to do all that we can to not erase our history and rather recognize that great cities are evident by the architecture of the buildings and the period of thier design. So long as she is stable and useful, let her be freshened up a bit with more energy efficient glazing but something that remains true to her original design intent. I love the lighting at the corners and think that has done wonders for its presence as a prominant member of the skyline. (crazy to think that way now that we have Devon tower). Recladding can be exciting, and at the time seem a good idea, but then often we will see even years later that we yearn for what was lost.

  4. Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Complete reclad. I don't think the same color glass should be used as it's incredibly dark and not very inviting. I think a lighter option, a bit more transparent would do wonders for Chase. In my opinion, the glass should still be pretty dark to complement the original design, but to be honest; that glass now just needs to go. I would even look for the Chase to get a new crown. We have plenty of buildings in OKC that are built in the same architectural, and 'boxy' style. It wouldn't hurt to glam up the Chase a bit.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    What's funny about the Devon tower is that it makes the rest of the Skyline look as dated as it really is. lol

    Since Leadership is "tucked" in the middle, it's shiny reflective surface is not visible on approach to help balance out the striking new Devon Tower. We just need to build a few more shiny skyscrapers and call it good. lol

  6. #6

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    The market place will dictate what happens to Liberty/Chase/Cotter Tower. A speculative office building could relegate Liberty/Chase/Cotter to class B status over night. As for Leadership Sq, it is too bad it wasn't built as originally designed. It was supposed to be just one 60 story tower but got turned into 2 shorter towers. I would like to see the building with a new facade myself and maybe an update of the podium.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Ugh, I think we should focus on fixing up the First National Tower before the Chase Tower. First National could be the centerpiece of the city as a destination and meeting place if it was managed properly.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    i think a lot of those old buildings needs a good sandblasting!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Pioneer View Post
    What's funny about the Devon tower is that it makes the rest of the Skyline look as dated as it really is.
    Actually you're right. That is what prompted me to start this thread. Totally agree that the FNC needs to be the historical showpiece of OKC: Bright original stone with lots of good lighting, however, the Chase building is really dingy looking. Needs a thorough cleaning or replacement of some elements to make it look even decent. Some real valid arguments here to keep the historical look of 1971, but even that needs proper maintenance.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    ehh every building can use a makeover. Chase would look great with new windows.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    I've always thought Chase had a commanding presence on the skyline, boxy as she is. I wouldn't mind seeing something new (updated glass, additional floors, etc...). One thing that has always bugged me about Chase is the fact that a sign is crammed on the top. Thank goodness the hideous Bank One sign is gone, but I'm not that flattered by the current Chase sign either.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    I think she looks fine... a good sandblasting, cleaning... she represents her era well.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Old Buildings are Old Buildings, best cleaned and preserved... about the only thing maybe some lighting effects (like they've done w/ Empire State Building, a different set of colors every night) but let the buildings be their own personality. You wouldn't 'redo' the Wrigley or Chrysler building right ! FNB needs to be cleaned, shined up, she'll be fine.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Quote Originally Posted by poe View Post
    I've always thought Chase had a commanding presence on the skyline, boxy as she is. I wouldn't mind seeing something new (updated glass, additional floors, etc...). One thing that has always bugged me about Chase is the fact that a sign is crammed on the top. Thank goodness the hideous Bank One sign is gone, but I'm not that flattered by the current Chase sign either.
    I don't think it was their originally, it would have looked better if they would have added it as an element setting on the roof. For the time period it was built I like the style, but it could use some polish. If it was me I would keep the dark glass, clean the lighter elements, maybe change out the columns at the base and work on the garden areas. Have not been in it for ten years so can not say much to what it may need on the inside.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Quote Originally Posted by Architect2010 View Post
    I would even look for the Chase to get a new crown. We have plenty of buildings in OKC that are built in the same architectural, and 'boxy' style. It wouldn't hurt to glam up the Chase a bit.
    Didn't someone post pictures of what it would look like with a crown somewhere on OKC Talk? I have always thought this was an excellent idea. But could the building handle it? The added weight, wind resistance, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by mburlison View Post
    You wouldn't 'redo' the Wrigley or Chrysler building right
    Valid point about old buildings being old buildings. However, I wouldn't lump the Chase/Cotter Tower in the same group as the Wrigley or Chrysler buildings. They are true masterpieces, Chase on the other hand.....

  16. #16

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Quote Originally Posted by swilki View Post
    Valid point about old buildings being old buildings. However, I wouldn't lump the Chase/Cotter Tower in the same group as the Wrigley or Chrysler buildings. They are true masterpieces, Chase on the other hand.....
    ...is just a piece.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    At the point I was referring to the Chrysler or Wrigley, I was not making a direct comparison to the Chase, I'll be more clear next time, I was referring more to the likes of City Place, FNB and others around town, not necessarily equating even those to 'masterpieces' -- it's a general point I was making. I'll remember the vultures are always ready.... good grief.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Quote Originally Posted by mburlison View Post
    At the point I was referring to the Chrysler or Wrigley, I was not making a direct comparison to the Chase, I'll be more clear next time, I was referring more to the likes of City Place, FNB and others around town, not necessarily equating even those to 'masterpieces' -- it's a general point I was making. I'll remember the vultures are always ready.... good grief.
    Sorry, I misread your post....didn't catch the part about FNB.

  19. Default Re: Giving the old lady a facelift: A new look needed for Chase?

    Well you can see what CAN be done by looking in Indianapolis. A very similar building had a new facade put on....gave the place a new life. I'm not sure anyone would argue that International Style will ever become historically significant though. There's so much of it out there...and still being built, it's just not unique enough like an Art Deco structure was. Maybe we'll feel different in 50 years, but I don't think so. We're not looking at 40's era quick-build construction homes as historically important....same thing, not unique in style and there are a TON of them. You can't exactlly put a copyright on a rectangle, which is what the old girl is.

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