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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #251

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Hey Hot Rod,

    Yes, they did drain the lake because they had to reshape it. All told, they removed over 2,000 fish - both game fish and koi. Most of the game fish were relocated to other parks waters, including the Oklahoma River. The Koi are being safely kept in another park location where they are being watched over by staff, as well as members of the City's municipal fish hatchery. They will be relocated back to the Gardens when the bulk of construction around the area is completed and the waters there are deemed ready. I'm not really sure when that will be, or if it will be by the opening. They want to make sure the waters are habitable and sometimes it takes a while to get the balance right, even for a "natural" pond.

  2. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Awesome post, FritterG. Thanks.

  3. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    How did game fish get into the Myriad Gardens lake?

  4. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Where are all the fish being kept at? Is there adequate space and filtration for these displaced fish?

  5. #255

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    How did game fish get into the Myriad Gardens lake?
    Good question, Steve. Your guess is as good as any of ours, but after twenty some-odd years of people "relocating" fish from other areas, the population just grew.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Where are all the fish being kept at? Is there adequate space and filtration for these displaced fish?
    Thunder, we have FISH BIOLOGISTS looking after the fish. I assure you they are fine. The transport of ALL of the fish out of the Gardens lakes was overseen not only by our own fisheries biologists, but also biologists with the State Department of Wildlife Conservation. The game fish were removed to other waters within the Parks Department, including the Oklahoma River. The Koi are being held in a secure location and being looked after by our fisheries staff. They have everything that they need.

  6. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I know. Someone already said that. I just wanted to know where.

  7. #257

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I believe they're being kept at Sushi Neko.

  8. #258

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by silvergrove View Post
    I believe they're being kept at Sushi Neko.
    yeah, it's pricey, but check out their new koi rainbow roll.

  9. #259

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    The foundation for the restaurant is started & the wave pool by the grand lawn has been installed.

  10. #260

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    How did game fish get into the Myriad Gardens lake?
    same way catfish and others I suppose find their way into the Bricktown canal.

  11. #261

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    wave pool? sounds like more of a theme park thing?

  12. #262

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesseda View Post
    wave pool? sounds like more of a theme park thing?

    I'm guessing this.. maybe?

  13. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I don't like having a wave pool there. I thought they will keep the entire pond and put all the fish back in?!

  14. #264

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    same way catfish and others I suppose find their way into the Bricktown canal.
    Ponds can get stocked by ducks, cranes and other birds that can carry fish eggs that get stuck on their legs or feet. Fish eggs can also be carried during heavy rains carried by water run off. Almost every unstocked pond becomes stocked on its own at some point as long as the environment is suitable to sustain life.

  15. #265

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post

    I'm guessing this.. maybe?
    This is the all seasons plaza, which will be on the Robinson side of the Gardens across from the Cox Convention Center. The plaza you see is directly north of the restaurant, and south of the Meinders Gardens. The plaza will include a small reflection pool, not even 1/4" inch deep, and will have a few fountain features. This plaza will be used primarily for outdoor dining space and just socializing, and in the winter this is where the ice skating rink will go.

    The "wave pool" is not a "wave pool" in the traditional sense in that people will be able to go in an surf/play/body surf. It is a "wave fountain" that will be placed along the "Harvey Spine" (N-S connector in the Gardens that will be the eventual connector to the Core to Shore projects). It will be on the north side of the Gardens, just east of the grand lawn, behind the grand stand.

    It will be an "elevated" pool, and will have a computer program that will send out electronic pulses in it that will create the water to make "waves" and ripples in multiple shapes and/or patterns. For example, for Valentine's Day, you could conceivably have a wave pattern in a "heart." The excess water will "trickle" down the sides of the fountain where it will be recollected and filtered for recycled use. This feature will be one to look at, but not play in.

    This is rather state-of-the-art stuff, something OKC has not seen before. In fact, several of the interactive water features are things we'll not have seen in the city or even state before, much less other destinations.

    If I get time today, I'll try to put up the main rendering and mark out where certain features are to go.

  16. #266

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    that would be great thanks in advance

  17. #267

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    I drove by yesterday, some smaller building has gone up on the SW side of the gardens, I tried to get pics but it was too drizzly and dark and I was driving. Will try to get better pics this week. I believe it is the small cafe for the iceskating rink/splash fountains.

  18. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    One of the architects working on this expressed concern that it won't be ready by the arts festival if we have a winter similar to last year.

  19. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    this year is a la nina, last year wasn't. Im not sure how OKC's weather is during a la nina, but I would think it not be the same as last year.

    Fritter, I and Im sure other expats patiently (or not so patient) await your renderings. Thank you very much for your insights and expertise. MGB is going to be a wonderful park when complete - in fact it seems like it will be quite intereactive and a more 'natural' version of Chicago's Millennium Park.

    With that said, we'll have to see how Central Park will be different than MGB (as I originally thought CP would have all of these interactive attractions).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  20. Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    HOT ROD, we tend to have major ice storms during La Nina years.

  21. #271

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Hey Guys,

    Once again I am a failure at attempting to upload anything. For some reason, it says I've already uploaded to capacity, but I've only uploaded about 10 photos. I have a pdf schematic I've been wanting to load, but it won't work. Ahhh, technology. (Mods if you could help, I'd appreciate it.)

    In the meantime, please enjoy this plethora of photographs available on the City's flickr site. There are hundreds of photos of the Gardens in construction now available for you to look at. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll try to answer what I can. I haven't actually been on site in some time.

  22. #272

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

  23. #273

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    December 9, 2010 by cityofokc, on Flickr

    The way I uploaded this image is simple.

    Right above the photo in Flickr is a "Share This" tab. Click it and then click the "Grab the HTML/BBCode" drop down tab. Select "BBCode" and then just copy and past to the message box here. Simple.

  24. #274

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    A couple of pics... wish I had caught the daylight.

  25. #275

    Default Re: What is ETA for new Myriad Gardens?

    Is it just me or does anyone else think they're trying to do too much with the park? It seems awfully busy to me.

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