Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
No it won't..the Broadway Extension was originally a huge, 10-year vision broken down into several chunks. They first finished the northern part toward Edmond, then a few years ago they did the 23rd and 36th intersections, 2 miles of freeway, and that took 2 years. All that's left now is 36th to 63rd. Probably a 3 year project, 4 at the most.
This is what okcpulse said in the other thread about funding.

Funding is one problem, but funding methods are another. ODOT is forced to be a pay as you go agency because the state is barred constitutionally from borrowing money to fund road construction. There was some flack about the money used to fund the expansion of Broadway Extension. Ultimately the courts ruled that GARVEE bonds cannot be used to fund road projects. That is why Broadway only took two years to widen.
Of course, I know things can always change with either changes in the economy or federal government stimulus projects, but as of right now these projects are being built one ramp, flyover ramp, bridge, etc at a time with a year or two gap between bids.