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Thread: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

  1. #1

    Default Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Do any pizza places in the Norman area have a drive-thru window? I live just far away enough to not get delivery, and it would be nice to easily pick up a box of pizza while doing errands. Hideaway is great but it can be a PITA trying to park around Campus Corner, especially on a Friday evening.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by rolypolyman View Post
    Do any pizza places in the Norman area have a drive-thru window? I live just far away enough to not get delivery, and it would be nice to easily pick up a box of pizza while doing errands. Hideaway is great but it can be a PITA trying to park around Campus Corner, especially on a Friday evening.
    It is odd that Norman, a college town, does not have a New York/California style place where you can walk up to a window and get a "slice" of a variety of pizzas...that is a great convenience. If someone in Norman did that in the right foot-traffic location...riches would follow quickly...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    No pizza haus has a drive through window that I can recall.

    How far beyond the delivery boundary is 'just far enough'? Is there a convenient place, aka 7-11, Joe Superstop, etc. just inside their will deliver boundary where you could meet a delivery driver?

    If I had your problem, I think I'd decide to go in to see the top dawg of my favorite pizza place try to set up an understanding where when you call, they call back to confirm and then you meet them at the designated spot. Then, never stiff them, and tip well. Who knows, after a few such trips, if you're actually just outside the boundary, maybe they'll gerrymander you in as a favored customer.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    It is odd that Norman, a college town, does not have a New York/California style place where you can walk up to a window and get a "slice" of a variety of pizzas...that is a great convenience. If someone in Norman did that in the right foot-traffic location...riches would follow quickly...
    There used to be a convenience store or two that offered pizza inside, whole or by the slice, but yeah, not via a window. Never much cared for the also ran folks though.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Pisa by the Slice now on Main St next to Norman High has a drive through. Also New York Pizza on CC and Sandros Pizza also on Main Street across from Norman High has pizza by the slice, though not through a window. Good stuff though.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Thanks mattjank. I've never been to Pisa by the Slice and thus I forgot they went in and renovated the old Carl's by Norman High.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by mattjank View Post
    Pisa by the Slice now on Main St next to Norman High has a drive through. Also New York Pizza on CC and Sandros Pizza also on Main Street across from Norman High has pizza by the slice, though not through a window. Good stuff though.
    God...I wish they had that when I went to Norman High...would have beat Sandy's and Burger-Chef...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    There used to be a convenience store or two that offered pizza inside, whole or by the slice, but yeah, not via a window. Never much cared for the also ran folks though.
    I cannot recall...but...did Mark Amspacher offer pizza by the slice back in the day when his folks owned the Grocery store there on Lindsey...he ran The Diner downtown superbly--and sadly passed away shortly after he was on the Food Network program "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives"...he was a great guy...I went to high school with his brother, who was killed in Viet Nam...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    This is not a shot at the OP but this is why I think big people don't eat at places like Subway. No drive-thru window, no business. They're either too lazy to get out of their car or too impatient to find a parking spot and wait with everyone else inside. I for one, am more than happy to walk into a Subway, but if I find it's packed and I'm crunched for time, then I'll go elsewhere--if I'm not packing lunch that day.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    I wish I was as skinny AND cool as OKCisOK4me.

    Mazzios had drive thrus in the city when they first started popping up in the 80s, but I don't think the ones in Norman ever did.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    I cannot recall...but...did Mark Amspacher offer pizza by the slice back in the day when his folks owned the Grocery store there on Lindsey...he ran The Diner downtown superbly--and sadly passed away shortly after he was on the Food Network program "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives"...he was a great guy...I went to high school with his brother, who was killed in Viet Nam...
    Amspacher's on Lindsey ultimately became JJ's Pizza sometime after the family troubles occurred.
    And yes, Mark did excellent at the Diner in DT Norman, and his passing was a great loss to many.
    I think it's a daughter that's running The Diner now, but after popping in recently for lunch, one thing is clear to me ... Mark would be proud of how well The Diner continues on.

    The convenience places I recall were east of CC on Boyd and just south of Lindsey on Jenkins. Same folks owned both. The Jenkins one is gone now, as is most everything else on that corner after today.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Amspacher's on Lindsey ultimately became JJ's Pizza sometime after the family troubles occurred.
    And yes, Mark did excellent at the Diner in DT Norman, and his passing was a great loss to many.
    I think it's a daughter that's running The Diner now, but after popping in recently for lunch, one thing is clear to me ... Mark would be proud of how well The Diner continues on.

    The convenience places I recall were east of CC on Boyd and just south of Lindsey on Jenkins. Same folks owned both. The Jenkins one is gone now, as is most everything else on that corner after today.
    Reminded me of Sooner Superette and the Squeeze-In...when you describe that area...

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    I wish I was as skinny AND cool as OKCisOK4me.

    Mazzios had drive thrus in the city when they first started popping up in the 80s, but I don't think the ones in Norman ever did.
    Oh, trust me, all the ladies come to my beck and call at my skinny 38 waist size and it aint cause I'm cool, lol...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    One way to mitigate the wait is to place your order via your cell and have it ready for you when you walk in. A very acceptable way to "cut the line". Also the Hideaway will give you a token for free parking, and I can usually find an open spot behind NY Pizza. NY Pizza is so authentic that like NY it is hard to find a parking spot out front.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    God...I wish they had that when I went to Norman High...would have beat Sandy's and Burger-Chef...
    Don't run down my Sandy's. It was great for a quick cheap burger for lunch when we didn't have time to drive over to Lindsay to the Sonic for a "loverburger".

  16. Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Everyone is forgetting Little Caesars.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    Everyone is forgetting Little Caesars.
    Not really. It's just that we're talking about pizza places that might have a drive-through window and neither LC in Norman has one.
    Given a choice though, LC doesn't make my top 5 list of Norman choices.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Don't run down my Sandy's. It was great for a quick cheap burger for lunch when we didn't have time to drive over to Lindsay to the Sonic for a "loverburger".
    I loved Sandy's as well...most every day back then--I had a Fish Sandwich, Fries and a coke. I remember the cost...Fish--25 cents, Fries--10 cents, Coke--10 cents...tax one cent...Total for lunch 46 cents. Ha! Of course there was no time--hell--we only had 35-minutes for lunch!!

    BTW--thanks for the reminder on the Lover Burger--what a hoot!

  19. Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    This is not a shot at the OP but this is why I think big people don't eat at places like Subway. No drive-thru window, no business. They're either too lazy to get out of their car or too impatient to find a parking spot and wait with everyone else inside. I for one, am more than happy to walk into a Subway, but if I find it's packed and I'm crunched for time, then I'll go elsewhere--if I'm not packing lunch that day.
    Errr. Subway on 12th between Lindsey and Alameda has a drive through.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Don't run down my Sandy's. It was great for a quick cheap burger for lunch when we didn't have time to drive over to Lindsay to the Sonic for a "loverburger".
    BTW--ljbab...I can proudly say I never, ever ate at the cafeteria there...not a single time--never even entered that room in three years there!

    I picked up a 1947 Trail on ebay last week...pretty cool...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    I think Meme's does, but I could be wrong.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Quote Originally Posted by jpmoney View Post
    I think Meme's does, but I could be wrong.
    Not that I've ever noticed when popping by the 7-11 there. Their menu notes walk-in, take-out and delivery. Doesn't mean they don't have a window, but it seems odd to not reference a feature that would be unusual for a pizza place if they do have one.

    I tried to call them out of simple curiosity, but they close at 9, on Saturday. They are also not open on Sunday. Their hours and mine pretty much do not mesh when it comes to pizza interest, but they're likely a decent fit for someone else.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    [QUOTE=jmarkross;394366]BTW--ljbab...I can proudly say I never, ever ate at the cafeteria there...not a single time--never even entered that room in three years there!

    I picked up a 1947 Trail on ebay last week...pretty cool...[/QUOTE

    I unfortunately have to say I had many meals at the cafeteria there. In fact, that's where I was on November 22, 1963 eating lunch, when the high school german language teacher came up to us to tell us about the Kennedy assassination. I still have all of my high school Trails but they're not quite that old since that was the year I was born. LOL

  24. #24

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    What about Pizza Hut?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pizza with a drive-thru window?

    Pizza Hut in Stillwater has a drive-thru, so surely the one in Norman does.

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