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Thread: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

  1. #1

    Default Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    As the intentions of our New Year’s resolutions slowly slip away from us as January turns into February and the rest of the year passes us by; we lose our aspirations for the goals we have intended year after year to keep. Losing weight is a well known and well intended aspiration that slowly falls behind as other more future pressing events take shape in our day to day lives.

    However, through the successful and efficient plan in choosing the correct fat burning foods there is little if no work involved in burning off unwanted fat that’s been clogging up arteries and more importantly, burning off that undesired body fat!

    Through foods intoxicated with nutrients, vitamins and flavor; that body fat will simply be an unmissed memory of 2011! This is the year where change happens and fat loses it’s grip on you:

    There are eight foods that will burn belly fat and make that New Year Resolution not just obtainable, but easy. Here is a list of foods that burn belly fat.

    Salmon: is fully loaded with protein and Omega-3 amino fatty acids improving your metabolism and burning more fat. The fatty acids inherent in this food also increase cardiovascular health which helps your body in the fight against heart disease.

    Turkey: is packed with protein for higher calorie burning and is also naturally lower in fat compared to chicken and other meats not mentioned specifically in this diet.

    Beef: (particularly lean beef) is loaded with protein and it also contains iron which is essential for the creation of hemoglobin in your red blood cells.

    Green Tea: is an essential fat burning drink due mainly to the EGCG contained within it which stimulates your brain and nervous system causing your body to burn a much higher rate of calories. Green tea also has effective antioxidants and extensive research has shown it to even reduce the risk of various types of cancers. Furthermore, green tea has been proven to help lower overall cholesterol levels and improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.

    Skim Milk: contains significant amounts of calcium which helps increase your metabolism and burn those unwanted calories! There has been extensive research which shows that those who drink milk or low-fat dairy products daily, have less body fat ratios than those who don’t. Skim milk is best, but 1% milk is a good alternative.

    Edamame: are soy beans which have been lightly boiled and salted. These beans are an excellent source of protein, Vitamin C, iron, and calcium! They also contain 0g of saturated fats, so enjoy them as often as you’d like.

    Broccoli: is a well known super food that you can never eat enough of. It is packed with nutrients including calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. The calcium, vitamin C and fiber all aid in burning fat and increasing your metabolism. Also it is full of antioxidants that provide a multitude of health benefits! Including, decreasing the risk of heart disease and various types of cancers.

    Oats: are a great source of selenium which boosts your energy and enhances your immune system by producing antibodies. They are also a great food to fill up on as they are loaded with fiber!

    Make 2011 count and don’t waste this opportunity to lose fat and lose it quickly and easily! The best time to start is now! And with a method as easy as this, there’s no point in waiting for tomorrow to start losing fat and eating healthy. This is no mere New Year’s Resolution, but a lifestyle which starts now!

  2. Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    you can't target fat in a particular area.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Without exercise

  4. Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtremistPullup View Post
    you can't target fat in a particular area.
    Unless you are using a liposuction hose.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    that's not targeting though, that's suckicide

  6. #6

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    To work out the lose lower stomach fat, try sit-ups or some specific abdominal exercises associated with breath control mechanisms. Yoga (Hatha yoga - Asanas) is the ideal. Vajrasana with bending to the front should help for sure. To do that you need to kneel down sit on your knees, touch your thumb with the index finger while leaving other three fingers straight on both hands, keep this in the sides of the pelvic border and bend forward as much as you can. I would strongly recommend that you do this under the guidance of a person who is familiar with Yogasanas. This exercise works.
    Last edited by Martin; 01-20-2011 at 10:56 AM.

  7. Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Quote Originally Posted by tostosbeq View Post
    To work out the lose lower stomach fat, try sit-ups or some specific abdominal exercises associated with breath control mechanisms. Yoga (Hatha yoga - Asanas) is the ideal. Vajrasana with bending to the front should help for sure. To do that you need to kneel down sit on your knees, touch your thumb with the index finger while leaving other three fingers straight on both hands, keep this in the sides of the pelvic border and bend forward as much as you can. I would strongly recommend that you do this under the guidance of a person who is familiar with Yogasanas. This exercise works.
    I think everyone knows spot reduction is a myth.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtremistPullup View Post
    I think everyone knows spot reduction is a myth.
    Not necessarily. I gained 10 pounds over the holidays. Where do you think it went? I didn't go anywhere else. It's all in my waist and I can feel it everyday I put a pair of pants on. I workout, ride my bike, burn calories, eat lower calorie content, guess what? I'm gonna burn that fat around my waist line. Now if your whole body is the Goodyear blimp, then I agree with you.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Not necessarily. I gained 10 pounds over the holidays. Where do you think it went? I didn't go anywhere else. It's all in my waist and I can feel it everyday I put a pair of pants on. I workout, ride my bike, burn calories, eat lower calorie content, guess what? I'm gonna burn that fat around my waist line. Now if your whole body is the Goodyear blimp, then I agree with you.
    What you're talking about has nothing to do with "spot reduction" though.

    Your added weight went to your waist because that's where your body tends to store fat. You didn't get to choose where that fat went when your body stored it, and you won't get to choose which fat comes off first when you lose some. You are most likely correct that your body will take it off from the same place it deposited it if you're generally in-shape. However, trying to tailor a workout to do exercises that specifically target your waist area will do nothing to influence your body's decision to remove (or not remove) the fat from that particular area.

  10. Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Quote Originally Posted by Eep View Post
    What you're talking about has nothing to do with "spot reduction" though.

    Your added weight went to your waist because that's where your body tends to store fat. You didn't get to choose where that fat went when your body stored it, and you won't get to choose which fat comes off first when you lose some. You are most likely correct that your body will take it off from the same place it deposited it if you're generally in-shape. However, trying to tailor a workout to do exercises that specifically target your waist area will do nothing to influence your body's decision to remove (or not remove) the fat from that particular area.
    Wait? Does this mean I can stop using my treasured Thigh Master because it will never help me fit into skinny jeans?

  11. Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    Genetics tell your body where to store fat. You can not tell your body where you would like it only to come off of first.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Foods That Burn Belly Fat

    I've seen some pretty odd ball decisions made by that Genetics dude.

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