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Thread: Bill Maher coming to OKC

  1. #1

    Default Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Just bought tix...Will be interesting to see him squirm in the reddest state in da nation

    See ya there Prune!!

    Social critic, political commentator, author and TV host Bill Maher, who for the past 17 years has set the boundaries of where funny political talk can go on American television, makes his way to Oklahoma City for a live appearance at Thelma Gaylord Theatre in the OKC Civic Center Music Hall on Saturday, March 19, at 8 p.m.

    Tickets are $45, $55 and $65. Get yours now before they go on sale to the general public b

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    You couldn't pay me enough to walk across the street to see Maher. He's a waste of skin.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC


  4. #4

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    You couldn't pay me enough to walk across the street to see Maher. He's a waste of skin.
    Why? When I saw Maher on HBO for my first time last year I thought he was pretty good and funny. He's no more harder to put up with than when Neal Boortz gets pretty crude and thoughtless on his radio show.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    I agree with some of Maher's views but he's just too snarky and self-important for my likes. He's the Anne Coulter of the left.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Easy180 - I thought you were taking a stand against violent speech and then you bought tickets last night to go watch it? Did you get $45, $55, or $65 dollar tickets?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Have me confused Kerry...I am too lazy to take a stand against anything really

    Went with the 55 tickets...extra 20 will buy a few beers before the show

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Like him or hate him but Maher always brings up good points and really looks at most topics with quite a bit of reason. And before you someone says hes a left wing nut, he is just as quick to criticize dems as he does republicans. His old clips of Christine Odonnell's craziness was great. He didnt even have to have a joke about her, he just let her crazy rhetoric speak for itself.

    Where did you get the tickets?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Where did you get the tickets?
    HERE ya go.

    If you are downtown, you can also buy them in person at THE Box Office of the Civic Center Music Hall, or purchase by phone at 405-297-2264.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    HERE ya go.

    If you are downtown, you can also buy them in person at THE Box Office of the Civic Center Music Hall, or purchase by phone at 405-297-2264.
    You too FritterGirl? You just wrote yesterday on the politics forum about how we need to tone down the hate speech.

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    People can sit and point fingers and poke and jab and play the blame game until they are blue in the face. And what will it serve? Absolutely nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. The bottom line is, the continued vitriol and rhetoric of violence that has come from ALL SIDES of our political system is worthy of review and needs to be stopped.

    Makes you think that those "darned moderates" for whom civil discourse really does mean something, and folks who like to meet in the middle, have something right.

    There's an old Buddhist philosophy that's a great one to live by: "Violence, even in one's expressions, is still violence." Perhaps if we learned to just be kinder to each other, but to ourselves, as well, we'd get a lot farther in this world.

    Call it live by the "Golden Rule" if you will.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Answering a question related to my job is not the same as proffering my personal opinion.

    Maybe it's time to open a second account - work only - so people don't confuse the issue.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    Answering a question related to my job is not the same as proffering my personal opinion.

    Maybe it's time to open a second account - work only - so people don't confuse the issue.
    I can see where that can be a problem. Maybe just not directing people to the location of hate speech tickets would be suffecient, even if it is at a City venue.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I can see where that can be a problem. Maybe just not directing people to the location of hate speech tickets would be suffecient, even if it is at a City venue.
    He shoots and lames

  14. #14

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    He shoots and lames
    Please stop the 'gun' references.

  15. #15
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Bill Maher takes part in violent speech? Really? Any time I've watched him he's basically just been really snarky.

    If he has spewed stuff like that, maybe recent events will cause him to tone down the needless rhetoric.

  16. Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    You couldn't pay me enough to walk across the street to see Maher. He's a waste of skin.
    Aren't you the one who spent $600 to see Glenn Beck? Maybe it was someone else.

  17. Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I can see where that can be a problem. Maybe just not directing people to the location of hate speech tickets would be suffecient, even if it is at a City venue.
    Are you serious? I don't think Bill Maher is on the same level as Rush, et al. The reason is because Maher is FUNNY. I disagree with every opinion he has, but he could insult my mother and it would be hilarious. That's his schtick, and it's a good one. I might not be inclined to go see a Maher poseur, but he's the real deal, and he's a good performer too.

    Rush is not funny. Well he is, but he's not trying to be funny, like Maher is. There are certain bounds of speech that you should stick within if you're a political blowhard, whereas you might have more flexibility to say shocking things if you are a comedian. Kerry, do you really think anyone is dumb enough to take Maher seriously as a political pundit? Hell no, especially not the way people take Rush seriously, as shocking as that is.

    A better comparison to Rush would be Ed Schultz. That guy is a far left political blowhard who says a lot of offensive things that are not supported by strong arguments. If he were coming to OKC I would have to scoff at anyone dumb enough to buy tickets to actually see him. I would buy a ticket to get a guarantee that I'd avoid that guy on the streets of NY, however..

    But anyway. I saw Maher last month as soon as I got home at the Brady Theater in Tulsa, and it was a great show. Everyone was well inebriated and that venue is really really different from the Civic Center..it's more like an old timey music hall where people get rowdy and chatty, with people in the seats shouting quips at Maher--which I think he was caught very off-guard by, but it was good to get some more original jokes from him as he'd react to the crowd. You won't have that at the Civic Center at all.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    I wanted to see him at the Brady but couldn't pull it off...Saw Widespread Panic there a couple years ago and it certainly is different from the Civic Center...The Brady is my kind of place

  19. #19

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Aren't you the one who spent $600 to see Glenn Beck? Maybe it was someone else.
    I would never pay $600 (even if I had that kind of disposable income) to see ANY commentator. Maher is a total, TOTAL hater and doesn't even try to hide it. He sees everyone on earth other than himself as a fool, including you. I absolutely fail to see any redeeming social value in his "performances". I'd rather go see Michael Moore and I detest Michael Moore.

  20. Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    I would never pay $600 (even if I had that kind of disposable income) to see ANY commentator. Maher is a total, TOTAL hater and doesn't even try to hide it. He sees everyone on earth other than himself as a fool, including you. I absolutely fail to see any redeeming social value in his "performances". I'd rather go see Michael Moore and I detest Michael Moore.
    Ok, my bad. I wasn't sure if that was you or not.

  21. Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    I'm going to see The Color Purple and Rascal Flatts. Bill Maher is just not on my list of things to do.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Well, at least we can put the whole "can't we just be civil to each other" thing behind us. That lasted all of about 3 hours.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    I'm going to see The Color Purple and Rascal Flatts. Bill Maher is just not on my list of things to do.
    We couldn't be more different I believe

  24. #24

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I agree with some of Maher's views but he's just too snarky and self-important for my likes. He's the Anne Coulter of the left.
    I agree with this completely. Even Religulous, in which I agreed with Mahar completely, I could barely watch because he is such a hateful and intolerant douche.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Bill Maher coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    We couldn't be more different I believe
    Easy those aren't mutually exclusive attractions. I would enjoy them all even though I'm not going to any of them.

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