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Thread: John Rex Elementary

  1. Default Re: McDermid chosen as architect for downtown school

    I want to see Central return as OKC's High School or perhaps some advanced high school similar to Classen or OSSM, and there be more than one small but very well built/designed elementary school downtown (maybe one in C2S later, and one in Deep Deuce now, maybe one in Midtown also later). Central is such a beautiful grand building, with great teaching - should motivate students to be all they can be and perhaps could rub off on the other schools in the city. ....

    We need Oklahoma City Central High School - A downtown incubator for the rest of the city, sound familiar?
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. Default Re: McDermid chosen as architect for downtown school

    No it doesn't. What are you talking about?

  3. #53

    Default Re: McDermid chosen as architect for downtown school

    An elementary school would not only encourage more young families to live and stay downtown, it will also be a place where the community can be built up through interaction of the kids, parents and teachers.

    Schools are always great places for people to come together and bond.

  4. Default Re: McDermid chosen as architect for downtown school

    I think the bonding factor will be bigger down the road with people who have memories growing up going to the downtown elementary school, and that's definitely something to be excited about... for 2030.

  5. #55

    Default Re: McDermid chosen as architect for downtown school

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    This is a prime opportunity to make an iconic school downtown. I wish we could get some old-school throw back design like this.

    My granddad went to this high school in the mid/late 1930's, and I would love it if my (future) kids got the opportunity to go to school there too.

    I hope to move downtown in the next two years but I am doing so knowing I will need to relocate in another 5 years after that for schooling...unless this school gets completed.

    I fall into that large group of 20-somethings that is holding back "taking the plunge" and moving into downtown (to buy, not rent) unless better schooling is provided. This will definitely a project that will have my full attention until it is built.

  6. #56

    Default Downtown Elementary School

    Has anyone heard if the downtown elementary school has made any progress? Have they picked a location? Do they have a projected opening date? Are they planning to move into an existing building or build new?

  7. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    There are 5 sites being evaluated, no decisions made yet. Someone will be able to correct me, but I think these are some of the sites being looked at:

    1 Core to Shore
    2 Walker/Sheridan
    3 Old Central High School bldg
    4 Deep Deuce
    5 Forget on the 5th

    I understand that they will be looking for a combination of factors. The streetcar is going to be a consideration, because that could be a great, safe method for parents to drop their kids off, which schoolkids were once a major part of OKC streetcar ridership back in the day. Also, they'll be looking for available land and proximity to residential density, or where they see that developing in the next 10 years.

    I think they'll probably build new, but if they use an existing old building it will be the old Central High, which is one of the options.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    what is number #5?

  9. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I don't know, my memory runs short on all the sites being considered but it must not have been a priority site. I can also say that McDermid was selected as the architect of record and that it will be phased as the very last MAPS for Kids project, so probably 4-5 years from now, it will be built.

    My personal thought is that it needs to be in a residential area that is currently eminent. Not to throw all our eggs in one basket that doesn't even exist yet, Core to Shore. First preference is Sheridan/Walker on the empty block just west of the Stage Center, surrounded by the Arts District (residential density), Film Row, and the Myriad Gardens. Second preference would be Deep Deuce..

  10. #60
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    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    How about the area between about 10th and 13th on Broadway, east side of the street. Run the streetcars past it for the kids to ride. That would service downtown and Heritage Hills quite nicely.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I think they'll probably build new, but if they use an existing old building it will be the old Central High, which is one of the options.
    I just can't imagine using Central High unless it's just a small portion of the building. It's much too large for a grade schoool. I also think the building has much more value used for something else.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    My friends who live in Heritage Hills are very happy with Wilson as an elementary school, and they're saying they'd like a middle school. I don't know what size area Wilson serves, and if we'd need a second elementary for downtown. If not, I will echo them and say perhaps we need a middle school instead.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    I don't know, my memory runs short on all the sites being considered but it must not have been a priority site. I can also say that McDermid was selected as the architect of record and that it will be phased as the very last MAPS for Kids project, so probably 4-5 years from now, it will be built.
    Thought I read recently that the last of the MAPS 4 Kids projects were in the finishing stages (with completion expected by the end of 2012)???

  14. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Thought I read recently that the last of the MAPS 4 Kids projects were in the finishing stages (with completion expected by the end of 2012)???
    I ran into McDermid at the Thunder game last week and he said they were still evaluating sites, for what it's worth.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Spartan, thanks for the info, what I saw earlier and when the Mayor stated in his recent state of the city speech that they were in the "final stages of completion"... guess it depends on definition of that phrase but if they are still selecting a site and an architect hasn't been chosen for the last project (administration building), guess you could say that the MAPS 3 projects are in the "final stages of completion" too...LOL

  16. #66

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I just watched the city council meeting video for yesterday. Sam Bowman mentioned impressive progress and innovative ideas coming out of the most recent dt elementary meeting.

    Does anyone know what locations they are "zeroing in" on?

  17. #67

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I just can't imagine using Central High unless it's just a small portion of the building. It's much too large for a grade schoool. I also think the building has much more value used for something else.
    That is what makes me wonder if an already built up area might be better than planing to have every one their now along with everyone in C2S's kids go to the same school. If we do start getting denser neighborhoods we could stand to have a second elementary school that close and not lock ourselves into guessing terribly wrong either way on student body size.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    City Arts is going in on Walker and Sheridan

  19. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Naughty, naughty. You're not supposed to say that in public. Now I'll have to make some folks unhappy.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    That would be awesome if it's true.

  21. Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Quote Originally Posted by Reno and Walker View Post
    City Arts is going in on Walker and Sheridan
    Who are you?

  22. #72

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    City Arts is going in on Walker and Sheridan

    Meaning City Arts Center is moving from the fairgrounds to the OCURA-owned parking lot at the SW corner of that intersection?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    that would be great

  24. #74

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    I thought City Arts out in the fairgrounds is going in at Walker and Sheridan..

  25. #75

    Default Re: Downtown Elementary School

    Spartan go back and check my profile I revised it and maybe you will get an idea of who I am. Love your name by the way Spartan, hint hint your name . a few of my relatives were spartans

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