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Thread: OKC Hornets - inside information

  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default OKC Hornets - inside information

    Hey everyone, I received some information from a decent source, who would like to remain anonymous. I asked the mayor to verify the information, and he wouldn't comment.

    There may be a deal in the works to get a group of local investors to put up money to purchase a huge chunk of the Hornets to keep them in Oklahoma City. Names were not mentioned, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Gaylords and Express Sports were involved. Such a deal would possibly keep the Hornets in Oklahoma City. If this happened, such a deal wouldn't be announced for months. So keep your ears and eyes open.

    As I've said, I can't confirm this, and right now the reports aren't for sure. So don't go reporting this in the media or anything. Thought I'd let you know what could be coming down the pipe.

    As I said, I asked the mayor about it, and he refused to comment.

  2. #2
    gqofoklahoma Guest

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    If true...this is fantasic!!!

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Thanks for passing that on and I sure hope it pans out.

    Keeping the Hornets with their present owner would be no prize. However, having local ownership that is interested in making the team competitive would be fantastic.

    I'm sure the NBA would like to get rid of Shinn as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Just as long as they're not called the Oklahoma City Gaylords...

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Oh, Shinn would still own 51%. If the local investors stepped up to the plate, they'd own 49%.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Wasn't it rumored that Shinn was trying to sell some of it before the Hurricane?

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Yeah, I don't think this is really new news, this has been mentioned several times in the press, let alone, unofficially. Of course the mayor and officials have to decline comment, it would be detrimental. Local ownership would be key to this franchise both in its lineup and successfully marketing it locally. I'm sure we'll here an announcement in January as to next years plans and possibly end of the season for potentially something like this. One more thing the Gaylord's can get control on.

  8. #8
    crazy4ou Guest

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    I would never consider buying a minority portion of the Hornets with Shinn still owning 51%.

  9. Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    Excellent news. Thanks Patrick.

    This is exactly what I thought would happen. Hope it does pan out.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  10. #10
    flyingcowz Guest

    Default Re: OKC Hornets - inside information

    awesome news

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