Quote Originally Posted by Tier2City View Post
Pete White is not the enemy

I for one don't want to see Pete demonized. He may well be misguided about what the streetcar does and not understand the many populations it will serve, and he may well be moving into very treacherous territory as Doug has pointed out.

But I do applaud Pete for standing up for the very poorly served bus riders in the city. The bus system here is a disgrace. Period. Many of us desperately want to see it improved and have supported the Streetcar as part of a long term strategy to realistically improve all transit in the city, especially given the cultural and financial realities we have to deal with. But that doesn't take away from the fact that the bus system fundamentally sucks. Kudos to Jeff for pointing out the hard choices to Council if we want to improve bus service with the budget we've got - retreat to the core. And of course good luck in the current climate with finding a new source of money. But still, thanks for standing up for this, Pete.