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Thread: Rush hour traffic in OKC

  1. #51

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    ^this is the one thing I cannot stand. When both lanes are taken up, it drives me insane.
    Your idea works fine when it's not rush hour. If the left lane was only used for passing then, the traffic would be much worse. Also keep in mind in some areas the left lane is used for exiting and just waiting until shortly before the exit to get in the left lane is dangerous and not logical. I don't have much problem with those who are in the left lane as long as they are driving at least the speed limit.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    I have driven in rush hour traffic in Dallas,Memphis,Nashville,D.C. and Baltimore,Boston,Philly and luckily never in NYC!but by far The worse traffic I have seen has been in Boston with D.C. a close second!OKC has bad traffic in spots for only a few hours! WE are very lucky!

  3. #53

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Traffic here can't compare to places like LA or Dallas, but it sure seems like our drivers are more distracted and erratic than anyplace else I have been. Just based on that observation alone I would think that there must be a decent amount of support for things like mass transit in this city, what with so many folks wanting to be able to surf the web and what not while on their way to work.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    When we live in Tampa my commute was 12 miles, it took 75 minutes. If there was an accident all bets were off. I remember on time my primary route was block because of a crash so I took route B. Route B was also blocked so I went to route C. Route C also became blocked so I had to find route D. When I didn't get home by 6:30 the wife called to see where I was. Due to all the crashes I was actually further away from home than I was at the office.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Traffic here can't compare to places like LA or Dallas, but it sure seems like our drivers are more distracted and erratic than anyplace else I have been. Just based on that observation alone I would think that there must be a decent amount of support for things like mass transit in this city, what with so many folks wanting to be able to surf the web and what not while on their way to work.
    Hmm. Compared to Northern Virginia, Oklahoma drivers are brilliant. The thing I've noticed is FAR less tail gating and dodging in and out of traffic. I still see young fools dodging around, don't get me wrong, but it is more a product of their age, idiocy or personality, I suspect, than considered a necessary strategy to get from point A to point B. Aggressive driving back east is the norm.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    The latest trend for drivers here in Florida is to stop on the freeway and back up if you miss your exit because you failed to make a last second lane change in time. Last night I actauly saw someone with Ohio tags (imagine that) stop in the middle lane of I-95 so they could get in the right lane to exit.

  7. Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    My problem with people in OKC is that they are not aggressive enough. Naturally, too much aggression is dangerous, but complete passivity is equally dangerous. People who just park themselves waiting to merge rather than taking initiative are dangerous. People who use the fast lane for below speed limit driving are dangerous.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal View Post
    My problem with people in OKC is that they are not aggressive enough. Naturally, too much aggression is dangerous, but complete passivity is equally dangerous. People who just park themselves waiting to merge rather than taking initiative are dangerous. People who use the fast lane for below speed limit driving are dangerous.
    This. Oklahoma drivers are infamous for this. Many of my DFW friends who came to OU to study all say these two things were some of the first things they noticed about Oklahoma.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    Traffic here can't compare to places like LA or Dallas, but it sure seems like our drivers are more distracted and erratic than anyplace else I have been. Just based on that observation alone I would think that there must be a decent amount of support for things like mass transit in this city, what with so many folks wanting to be able to surf the web and what not while on their way to work.
    I'm glad you noticed this I was starting to think it was just me. People here aren't bad drivers per say, but I have never seen so many people texting, playing with the radio, messing with the GPS, or eating while driving until I came here. And I will have to say that people here can be a little reckless; as in going 25 mph over or under the speed limit, changing 2+ lanes at a time with no signal, stopping on on ramps, etc. (although Tulsa may very well have some of the most reckless drivers in this part of the country). Every now and again you see yahoos like this:


  10. #60

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    I've driven in quite a few places during rush hour - Denver, Austin, Dallas, Los Angeles - and Oklahoma City is far better than any of them. The network of highways is great and easily accessible. For the most part, OKC drivers are courteous and follow road signs and instructions. I honestly believe the worst drivers in America all live in Amarillo and vacation in Florida.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by poe View Post
    I've driven in quite a few places during rush hour - Denver, Austin, Dallas, Los Angeles - and Oklahoma City is far better than any of them. The network of highways is great and easily accessible. For the most part, OKC drivers are courteous and follow road signs and instructions. I honestly believe the worst drivers in America all live in Amarillo and vacation in Florida.
    Some of them vacation in ne new mexico as well. It's why a small town of 700 or so can have 8 police units on the road

  12. #62

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    An interesting way to gauge rush hour traffic in some cities is to use the Google Maps traffic feature to look at traffic history, that is, "Traffic at day and time" where you can look at a typical traffic map for any city at rush hour.

    It's interesting to compare other cities in this region at 5:30 (particularly on Friday) to OKC or Tulsa at 5:30. Some cities (like KC and Memphis) look about the same or better than OKC while others (mostly in Texas) look decidedly worse. For a laugh, check out LA at 5:30 on a Friday.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    When we live in Tampa my commute was 12 miles, it took 75 minutes. If there was an accident all bets were off. I remember on time my primary route was block because of a crash so I took route B. Route B was also blocked so I went to route C. Route C also became blocked so I had to find route D. When I didn't get home by 6:30 the wife called to see where I was. Due to all the crashes I was actually further away from home than I was at the office.
    When I lived in Tampa, (Westshore area) I never saw so many accidents and aggressive drivers in my life (worse than Dallas, my current city). I 275 was bumper to bumper across the Courtney Campbell bridge every day and drivers took it upon theirselves to get really aggressive borderline "road rage". I noticed it got worse around the first part of November when all the "snowbirds" arrived from up North. Also, witnessed alot of backups on the Gandy Bridge headed to St. Pete. Tampa did not have a very good highway system in my own opinion.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    When I lived in Tampa, (Westshore area) I never saw so many accidents and aggressive drivers in my life (worse than Dallas, my current city). I 275 was bumper to bumper across the Courtney Campbell bridge every day and drivers took it upon theirselves to get really aggressive borderline "road rage". I noticed it got worse around the first part of November when all the "snowbirds" arrived from up North. Also, witnessed alot of backups on the Gandy Bridge headed to St. Pete. Tampa did not have a very good highway system in my own opinion.
    I-95 near Washington DC is also awful. Everyone behind the wheel seems furious and stressed out. You may have some careless drivers here but you have them, anywhere. A difference is that the drivers here aren't mad at the world and ready to kill just because. After being back east, driving in OKC is an absolute pleasure, even at rush hour.

  15. Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal View Post
    my problem with people in okc is that they are not aggressive enough. Naturally, too much aggression is dangerous, but complete passivity is equally dangerous. People who just park themselves waiting to merge rather than taking initiative are dangerous. People who use the fast lane for below speed limit driving are dangerous.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC


  17. #67

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC


    There is no such thing as the "fast lane" (but can understand where this comes from, as "slower traffic keep right" does exist). The right hand lane is for exiting and entering so that basically leaves the middle lane for regular travel. The left hand lane, by Oklahoma law, is for passing those not going the speed limit, not driving. Interesting to see those that think that everyone should be going at least the speed limit. Apparently not understanding that the speed limit is not the starting point, but the top end and to go faster than that is breaking the law.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC


    While you are technically correct you must realize there are always going to be those that speed. When you get some like OKC is famous for that somehow think it is a moral code to stay in the left lane for miles driving the speed limit, you also create a dangerous situation. I have a couple family members that abide by this code. They believe it is their civic duty to stay in the left lane and drive the speed limit as a sort of police officer controlling those that wish to speed. They believe that the 20 or so cars that are behind them in the left lane would be breaking the law if it were not for them stepping up to the plate and slowing them down. Unfortunately this just creates anger in those that are being held up behind them. What happens is the first opportunity they get, they buzz around them at 90 MPH to break free from the road block in front of them. This creates a dangerous situation as well. If they had just been decent citizens and moved back over to the right, the person would not be driving angry.
    Although you are right, and "the law says"... It does not change reality. I think many of us have been on the road and running behind when we get behind someone that is driving exactly the speed limit and they insist on staying in the left lane. Most of us can recall that sense of irritation because we have to be somewhere and are being held up. Surely we can tell people to leave earlier and I will be the first to advocate that. Sometimes life gets in the way and circumstances put people behind. No matter how much we all want to be law abiding citizens, this will never change.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Minneapolis is the best city I've driven. Everyone was nicely spaced and traveling 62 mph, it was amazing.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerliberal View Post
    My problem with people in OKC is that they are not aggressive enough. Naturally, too much aggression is dangerous, but complete passivity is equally dangerous. People who just park themselves waiting to merge rather than taking initiative are dangerous. People who use the fast lane for below speed limit driving are dangerous.
    I think a lot of non aggressive drivers are elderly, over 65, possibly with dimming vision. They're also a nuisance on two lane rural highways where they only want to drive around 50 or 55mph. Good vision for night time driving also dims with age. There's not much one can do about that, but glad that Sylvania is aggressively marketing their brighter replacement headlights.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post

    There is no such thing as the "fast lane" (but can understand where this comes from, as "slower traffic keep right" does exist). The right hand lane is for exiting and entering so that basically leaves the middle lane for regular travel. The left hand lane, by Oklahoma law, is for passing those not going the speed limit, not driving.
    The right hand lane isnt just for exiting and entering. Since most highway is 2 lanes, this philosophy doesnt make sense. For things to run the smoothest, drivers should always remain in the far right lane and only use left lane(s) for passing. Once you are done passing you should get back to the right.

    Quote Originally Posted by plmccordj View Post

    While you are technically correct you must realize there are always going to be those that speed. When you get some like OKC is famous for that somehow think it is a moral code to stay in the left lane for miles driving the speed limit, you also create a dangerous situation. I have a couple family members that abide by this code. They believe it is their civic duty to stay in the left lane and drive the speed limit as a sort of police officer controlling those that wish to speed. They believe that the 20 or so cars that are behind them in the left lane would be breaking the law if it were not for them stepping up to the plate and slowing them down. Unfortunately this just creates anger in those that are being held up behind them. What happens is the first opportunity they get, they buzz around them at 90 MPH to break free from the road block in front of them. This creates a dangerous situation as well. If they had just been decent citizens and moved back over to the right, the person would not be driving angry.
    Please, please try to convince you citizen cop relatives that this isnt a good idea. They wont stop speeders, it causes danger, and can incite road rage. How about they just let the patrolmen take care of speeders.

    On another note, I hate when I get behind someone in the left lane that is going 70.1 mph passing a car going 70 mph and takes 5 minutes to pass them. Step on the gas for 3 seconds and get around them already.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    If I choose to go 5 mph over the speed limit, then let the cops stop me (which they won't). Otherwise it's "lead, follow, or get the hell outta the way"!

  23. #73

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    A few years ago one late afternoon while driving from Edmond to Norman on I-35 I saw 3 different accidents involving 11 vehicles. 8 of the vehicles had Texas tags.
    When you drive I-35 outside the OKC metro during an ice / snow event you will see a high percentage of vehicles in the ditch or involved in an accident have Texas tags.

    Drivers drive with-in their comfort zones but some are much more aware of where the real physical limits are than others

  24. #74

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    On another note, I hate when I get behind someone in the left lane that is going 70.1 mph passing a car going 70 mph and takes 5 minutes to pass them. Step on the gas for 3 seconds and get around them already.
    This drives me nuts too!
    And it can go on for miles.

    They don’t realize or care that they are sometimes creating a congested area behind them that is more dangerous
    than driving at a faster speed.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Rush hour traffic in OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by plmccordj View Post
    I have a couple family members that abide by this code. They believe it is their civic duty to stay in the left lane and drive the speed limit as a sort of police officer controlling those that wish to speed. They believe that the 20 or so cars that are behind them in the left lane would be breaking the law if it were not for them stepping up to the plate and slowing them down. Unfortunately this just creates anger in those that are being held up behind them.
    Make sure you inform them that they need to put that philosophy on their tombstone.

    You know what bothers me the most about people like this? They have no idea the situation of the person they are holding up. I was at Disney World with my two boys one time and the wife decided to stay home. Just as we were sitting down to watch the parade on Main Street I got a call from my wife's aunt telling me that my wife collapsed and was in the emergency room ready to undergo emergency surgery. I picked up the boys, got to the car as fast as I could, and sped all the way back to Tampa. This was back when I-4 was still two lane in each direction and several times I came up behind people that decided I was driving too fast and wouldn't change lanes. Thank goodness my wife was okay in the end and that she didn't die with me and the boys stuck behind some do-gooder on the highway playing traffic cop.

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