OK so to diverge from the aetheist thread - I'd like to see what others view on a few of the questions that man has struggled with from day 1.
Before - What was before. If you're a believer in the Big Bang (which I am), what was before? The universe continues to expand, but will that be an infinite expansion? If so, what IS past the edge of the universe....therefore, what is the universe expanding into? Counter to that - If the universe instead rubber-bands back and is cyclical, that's a whole other can of worms. Does the universe expand to a certain point until it collapses back in on itself causing another bang, starting the process all over again?
Are you cross-eyed yet?
Coallesense - OK, so there is enough evidence to show HOW a planet and star form from the collection of material. That material comes from other stars death, nebulae, particulates, etc. But what starts the process? Why was there a collection point at the point where Sol formed instead of some other point in the sky? Same goes for each planet. Leading back to the previous question, where did that matter come from? If it was all created at the time of the bang and then expanded out, where was it before....dark or otherwise?
Speed/time/gravity - OK so relativity shows us certain things in the universe. But the assumptiomn is that the speed of light is constant. We know that is is not though. It has changed several times in the history of the universe and in our short time we've observed it, hasn't had long enough to change again. Before you go crazy on that one, it has been proven that it has not always been constant. The quick and dirty explanataion involves the age of the universe in comparison to how far certain things have traveled in the universe compared to where the speed of light says they should be. Basically we can see that things are farther out than the speend of light should allow them to be, therefore, they traveled faster than the current speed of light (otherwise we wouldn't be able to see them because their light wouldn't have reached us yet). So pair that with the theory of gravity that we have now (imagine a ball rolling around on a piece of fabric held taunt...it creates a depression as it rolls. That shows a "bending" of space. That can be seen by observing the refraction of light around an object where we previously thought it would simply be blocked like an eclipse). So if space is bent by gravity, and the speed of light is not constant, relativity effects the passage of time the closer you get to the speed of light,.....what's to say we can't use those forces to go faster than light? Current thoughts say if you travel the speed of light, and throw a ball, it won't travel and faster. I don't buy that because of how gravity works....if you throw a ball inside a car, it is traveling across the surface of the earth at the speed of the car + the speed you threw it. How would that not apply to the ball thrown while already at the speed of light? It would then go even faster...breaking that barrier. I feel like that "barrier" is man-made and we simply haven't found a way to get past it yet. Remember the sound barrier "could never be broken" but it was.