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Thread: The General

  1. Default The General

    I do not know where to put this.

    Have anyone seen the heavily advertised commercials for The General at www.thegeneral.com? It is for auto insurance. They promise to offer the lowest rates. I guess it is because they do business solely online?

    Good or bad? Who have it? Reliable? Legit business? Yay or nay?

  2. #2

    Default Re: The General

    I've seen the ads. There's nothing about those ads that would even remotely interest me in contacting them, much less sign up with them.

    I've had a few different agents over the past 30+ years, but only one insurance company. To date I have only switched agents due to the passing of an agent.
    My preferred company is not perfect, but none are. However, over several decades I've really only had issue with one adjuster (and that got resolved quickly.)
    I've never had any issues with any of my agents nor any of their staff. After this many years of good service, they'd have to work at it to run me off.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The General

    I'd stay away from "The General" and generally anyone who does their business solely through running shoddly looking ads on daytime television.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The General

    I wrote nice about State Farm, but flat failed to include the company name.
    I'm such a slug sometimes.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The General

    I often wonder about the quality of insurance the General sells along with Safe-Auto. The Safe-Auto ad states it is selling the minimum state required type insurance. What if you have a collision and it was the fault of someone with Safe-Auto or the General insurance? Could you expect to be covered?

  6. #6

    Default Re: The General

    Quote Originally Posted by UnclePete View Post
    I often wonder about the quality of insurance the General sells along with Safe-Auto. The Safe-Auto ad states it is selling the minimum state required type insurance. What if you have a collision and it was the fault of someone with Safe-Auto or the General insurance? Could you expect to be covered?
    If someone has liability coverage, and either admit liability or are found liable, then yes you can recover, up to the limits of their coverage. Of course, getting a small company to concede liability, and also offer a reasonable settlement, will not always go hand in hand.

    Over the years I've been injured, had others in the fam injured, had vehicles subjected to hit/run and even a "almost hit your car, but missed" drunk at my door. I prefer dealing with the bigs anyday.

    Oh, and the "almost hit" drunk at the door, yeah, it turned out almost = bounced off a tree as she jumped the curb and she and her car traversed the front lawn and came to rest in my driveway, front end demolished. My car, which had been parked in the driveway moments before, was over in the neighbor's yard. It was spun around a bit over 180 degrees, with significant damage, a popped trunk and loose items flung across the neighbor's front yard. I can only imagine how much worse it might have been if my poor frightened vehicle had slower reflexes and failed to leap and spin out of the drunk's path. Took a while to figure out her coverage. Such are the pains of a drunk with two DL's, one for r/l and one for bar life.

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