I've noticed there's a bunch of activity on the SE corner of SW 134th & I-44. Looks like they are clearing out trees. A friend of mine mentioned a while back that it's going to be a healthplex or something like that. Anyone else heard anything?!?
I've noticed there's a bunch of activity on the SE corner of SW 134th & I-44. Looks like they are clearing out trees. A friend of mine mentioned a while back that it's going to be a healthplex or something like that. Anyone else heard anything?!?
I believe St Anthony complex - building something similar in MWC
rumor was a couple years back that walmart was going to open up a supercenter there
This is going to be a St. Anthony Emergency Hospital just like the one they are building across the street from Tinker on Douglas. You can see the pictures here...
Here is another web site with pictures... http://www.naisullivangroup.com/Docs...44-FLYER_2.pdf
Open this month. Ribbon cutting on the 16th at 1000am.
I hope it fixed soon, and it be easy for me to travel with the kids
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