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Thread: Why do women leave men?

  1. #1

    Default Why do women leave men?

    OK, I'll probably take a beating for being too superficial but here goes a poll. Let's exclude abuse for a moment...no one would argue that. So, excluding abuse, why do women leave men?

  2. #2
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Why do women leave men?

    Its the same reason women cheat in their relationships. They are either bored or their feeling neglected.

    Men on other hand leave or cheat because they perceive the grass is greener on the other side or they have an insecurity issue. So therefore they feel the need to always have a another relationship in progress as a safety net.

  3. Default Re: Why do women leave men?

    Another reason is because the guy is a jerk. Or because he's too self-centered. Or because she doesn't see a future with him...

    There are tons of reasons why people leave relationships. I don't think it's possible to put all the answers in a little box and say "this is why".

  4. #4
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Why do women leave men?

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
    Another reason is because the guy is a jerk. Or because he's too self-centered. Or because she doesn't see a future with him...

    There are tons of reasons why people leave relationships. I don't think it's possible to put all the answers in a little box and say "this is why".

    Now that I think about it your right. People leave relationships for many many reasons.

    It all depends on the situation and the induvidual.

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