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Thread: Morning After pill

  1. #1
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Morning After pill

    What do you think of the morning after pill and other abortion pills like RU486? Personally, I think all forms of abortion need to be outlawed.

  2. #2
    Uptowner Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    I don't think the government should interfere in a women's right to choose. I think the government needs to stay out of people's lives, and give us the freedom we're owed.
    It's the old Libertarian way of thinking.

  3. #3
    Shaggy Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner
    I don't think the government should interfere in a women's right to choose. I think the government needs to stay out of people's lives, and give us the freedom we're owed.
    It's the old Libertarian way of thinking.
    Didn't you just say that in another post? get over it! The government is here to stay. I agree with the Rev. All abortion should be illegal, period.

  4. #4
    Uptowner Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    Government is taking our precious freedoms away. This wasn't what our forefathers intended.

  5. #5
    swake Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    How is it abortion? The pill keeps the egg from implanting in the womb, how is that a fetus?

  6. Default Re: Morning After pill

    Very good. Someone actually knows what the pill does before condemning it!

    As a woman, which it seems this thread is led mostly by men, I would say I'd like the government to stay out of my uterus, thank you.

    I've run across a lot of men who are pro-life, but oftentimes, men don't have to deal with the consequences of pregnancy.

    I, for one, am glad there is a morning after pill and an abortion pill. I know that I will probably get flamed for having that opinion, but I know that I am entitled to it. So flame away, boys.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    I'm for a woman's right to choose up until the fetus becomes viable (between 22-24 weeks I believe). These pills are a great option for women to be able to guard against unwanted pregnancies and children. I really don't see much functional difference between them and plain 'ol birth control pills.

  8. #8
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    I find it interesting, the differences in opinion over where life starts. What's even more interesting is the difference in opinion over birth control. Catholics have an interesting view on that.

  9. #9
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    I'm of the belief that once the egg is fertilized, you now have a baby human being and therefore abortion is the killing of a baby.

    That said, I don't know much about the morning after pill. If it indeed prevents the fertilization of the egg, then I have no problem with it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    Even the Catholic Church has issued edicts supporting an abortion if it occurs before the egg implants on the uterus. What's strange to me is that right at this point, the cells are already dividing, you have DNA, the creation of a fetus is in motion.

    And Patrick -- we Catholics don't agree with eachother on everything

  11. #11
    Jack Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk
    I'm of the belief that once the egg is fertilized, you now have a baby human being and therefore abortion is the killing of a baby.

    That said, I don't know much about the morning after pill. If it indeed prevents the fertilization of the egg, then I have no problem with it.
    I think the morning after pill prevents fertilization. Patrick, correct me if I'm wrong. It simply makes the journey from the ovary through the fallopian tube a tough one for the sperm and egg both. So they don't meet to fertilize.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    Morning After Pill

    Emergency Contraception

    Morning After Pill - What Is It?: The morning after pill is a method to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse.

    Morning After Pill - Success Rate: Depending on which type of morning pill is used - it can be successful 75%-89% of the time.

    Morning After Pill - Side Effects: Common side effects of the morning pill include nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, breast tenderness, and menstrual changes.

    Morning After Pill - How Do I Get It?: Right now the morning after pill is only available with a prescription.

    Morning After Pill - How Does It Work?: The morning after pill works by inhibiting ovulation or prevent implantation of an egg if you have already ovulated.

    Morning After Pill - Does it Prevent STDs?: No, the morning after pill does not prevent against sexually transmitted diseases.


  13. #13
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: Morning After pill


    Did you mean to say "Where" life starts or rather "When" life starts?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Morning After pill

    I don't think there's consensus to either one.

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