Originally Posted by
Pete Brzycki
It is absolutely not a ridiculous or absurd idea and to dismiss the thought completely is short-sighted.
Devon Tower would never have been built -- at least on anything like the current scale -- except for the fact the city was willing to negotiate on property it owned and have it developed into it's highest and best use. There is currently nothing close to that opportunity now -- except a 38 year-old convention center.
For a major office tower and/or big new employers to locate downtown, there would have to be large coordinated effort regarding obtaining properties, perhaps closing some streets/alleys, erecting big parking structures, etc. As with Devon, it would be far cheaper and hugely more expedient for a developer to demolish and build on a city-controlled site rather than run around trying to piece something together. You think it's a coincidence that the only large-scale private development downtown in the last several decades came on a large tract owned and controlled by the city?
This would an opportunity to leverage the fantastic investment the city and taxpayers are making downtown -- by bringing in more large employers. To sit back and wait and hope hasn't gotten us very far lately.
The simple fact is that Cox will be near the end of it's useful life by the time a new convention center is built and at least in need of significant repairs and upgrades. Rather than throwing money down something that will be less and less used and already largely a black hole in the middle of the CBD, it makes total sense to consider other uses.
There is a reason while loads of other cities (cited in a previous post) have demolished bigger, 'nicer' facilities. Most were built in the same era and taking up valuable space in dynamic city centers.