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Thread: OKC #3 most religous City in US

  1. #1

    Default OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Our list of America's Most Religious Cities shows there's a lot of praying going on in the Bible Belt. No shocker there.

    But what is surprising is who's No. 1 in worship: Colorado Springs.

    While it's true that Colorado, at 5,980 feet above sea level, is closer to heaven than even the Mile High City, we used a different set of numbers to divine our findings. We scoured the U.S. Census and the yellow pages (Yellow.com) for places of worship per capita. Then we tallied up religious organizations (U.S. Census) and the number of volunteers who support these groups (VolunteeringinAmerica.gov). Finally, we considered the amount of money donated to religious organizations (Bureau of Labor Statistics and spent on religious books (Mediamark Research).

    Most religious

    1. Colorado Springs, CO
    2. Greensboro, NC
    3. Oklahoma City, OK
    4. Wichita, KS
    5. Indianapolis, IN
    6. Jacksonville, FL
    7. Portland, OR
    8. Birmingham, AL
    9. Charlotte, NC
    10. Little Rock, AR
    11. Fort Worth, TX
    12. Montgomery, AL
    13. Raleigh, NC
    14. Durham, NC
    15. Virginia Beach, VA
    16. Charleston, WV
    17. Dallas, TX
    18. Omaha, NE
    19. Kansas City, MO
    20. Tulsa, OK


  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Nothing revolutionary here. Although I always felt that Tulsa had a more "churchy" feel to it.

    I don't know why Colorado Springs was such a shocker. Its the headquarters of Focus on the Family among others, and I knew of at least a handful of people in ministry while living in DFW who moved up there. What is surprising is Portland, Oregon at 7. I've always thought the Pacific Northwest was one of the least religious areas in the nation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    I guess they don't define "religious organization". I know a lot of people who worship at the alters of non-traditional deities (Mother Earth for example).

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Interesting that they factor in "places of worship per capita." I live in St. Louis, which is overwhelmingly Catholic. There are, no exaggeration, at least 20 Catholic high schools, for example. All these Catholics I know have their day-to-day lives intertwined with their churches (schools, sports teams, boozy trivia nights and carnivals) much more than anybody I knew in OKC, but because there are fewer churches (one per parish), they are generally bigger but the town doesn't feel as "churchy" as OKC. Also they are generally less "in your face". But St. Louis is every bit as religious in it's own way as OKC. I wonder if this is a Protestant-Catholic thing. (I'm sort of a lapsed Protestant, by the way).

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    I'm surprised we're above Tulsa.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Salt Lake City didn't even make the list. If I created a survey of most religious cities and Salt Lake City wasn't in the top 20 I think I would have to re-evaluate my methodology.

  7. Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    SLC has more athiests than mormons today. They just don't organize as well.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    95% of those cities on the list are the ones always listed as great places to live, great quality of life, etc. Some people here complain about the bible belt and say its too conservative etc. but it seems like maybe it isnt such a bad thing... something to think about.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by OKC Heel View Post
    Our list of America's Most Religious Cities shows there's a lot of praying going on in the Bible Belt. No shocker there.

    But what is surprising is who's No. 1 in worship: Colorado Springs.

    While it's true that Colorado, at 5,980 feet above sea level, is closer to heaven than even the Mile High City, we used a different set of numbers to divine our findings. We scoured the U.S. Census and the yellow pages (Yellow.com) for places of worship per capita. Then we tallied up religious organizations (U.S. Census) and the number of volunteers who support these groups (VolunteeringinAmerica.gov). Finally, we considered the amount of money donated to religious organizations (Bureau of Labor Statistics and spent on religious books (Mediamark Research).

    Most religious

    1. Colorado Springs, CO
    2. Greensboro, NC
    3. Oklahoma City, OK
    4. Wichita, KS
    5. Indianapolis, IN
    6. Jacksonville, FL
    7. Portland, OR
    8. Birmingham, AL
    9. Charlotte, NC
    10. Little Rock, AR
    11. Fort Worth, TX
    12. Montgomery, AL
    13. Raleigh, NC
    14. Durham, NC
    15. Virginia Beach, VA
    16. Charleston, WV
    17. Dallas, TX
    18. Omaha, NE
    19. Kansas City, MO
    20. Tulsa, OK

    I am not sure that "Men's Health" is where I would start for definitive information on this subject...caveat emptor...

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    I am not sure that "Men's Health" is where I would start for definitive information on this subject...caveat emptor...
    This is the first smart thing about source selection that I've seen you write.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    This is the first smart thing about source selection that I've seen you write.
    Sorry...I am still waiting for you to do the same...think about it...

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    SLC has more athiests than mormons today. They just don't organize as well.
    Athiests typically don't 'organize' anyway.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    This survey has nothing to do with athiest anyhow. It was comparing religious people in one city with religious people in another city.

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    What a load of ****......Okies are the lowest bottomfeeders in the nation.

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    I don't really agree with this. I think Oklahomans like to talk mad game about being religious, but really they are not. They are church attenders.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    A bad side of Oklahoma...everyone--and I mean EVERYONE bows up and pretends to defend children and their safety--and still the plight of children in Oklahoma is literally abominable...and DHS is just as bad as any crack/meth mama there ever was...a total and complete disgrace and no one should give one flying F*** about how heavy their "case load" is...there needs to be a torchlight parade down there some day and a thorough housecleaning...And, they claim to be religious--which is a cruel burlesque of reality...

  17. Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    I TOTALLY agree with that statement dismayed.

    I dont think OKC is any more religious than any other big city, yes it probably has more prodestent (sp) churches per capita, but the city as a whole isn't very religious just church going and a bit in your face with regard to church.

    I am extremely shocked Tulsa is lower than OKC, seems like they should be switched in those spots.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    OKC is...a bit in your face with regard to church.
    I agree with this, and agree that Tulsa's placement relative to OKC is a bit surprising.

    Regardless of whether OKC is truly religious or not, church attendance is embedded in the social fabric of the city--for many people, perhaps, as nothing more than a venue to meet and mingle. Similar things could probably be said about other places, sure, but I suspect in only a few other cities is this behavior so widespread and accepted, i.e., "in your face..."

  19. Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    This survey has nothing to do with athiest anyhow. It was comparing religious people in one city with religious people in another city.
    Atheism is a religion. Their belief is in nothing. Per the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in California.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Atheism is a religion. Their belief is in nothing. Per the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in California.
    No such thing.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    I always just assume someone is a Mormon is they tell me they're from Utah.

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Atheism is a religion. Their belief is in nothing. Per the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in California.
    Midtowners comment withstanding, unless the athiest are meeting in a building and listing said building in the Yellow Pages, they aren't part of this survey.

    From the Mens Health methodology


    We scoured the U.S. Census and the yellow pages (Yellow.com) for places of worship per capita.

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    Salt Lake City didn't even make the list. If I created a survey of most religious cities and Salt Lake City wasn't in the top 20 I think I would have to re-evaluate my methodology.
    Agreed. There are some real problems with this list. They just picked some criteria out of thin air and threw it out there.

  24. Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    No such thing.
    Eau contraire.

  25. #25

    Default Re: OKC #3 most religous City in US

    spartan, I think you mean Au contraire, eau is water.

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