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Thread: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

  1. #51

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Russian Sam--out of the blue from his home in St. Petersburg, Russia, made the nice detailed model of downtown OKC and made his way into the news here...it is a great thing he will be coming to this place so far away just because of his interest in doing these models...he appears young (college age) in his pictures--so this will be a real serendipity coming here...a nice story that should make a lot of news locally and nationwide--hopefully...

  2. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    Never heard of Russian Sam. Does that make me a dummy? I bet he's never heard of Stan Silliman, either.
    It doesn't make you a dummy, Stan. It just means that you've not noticed this development which has been on-going since March of this year. That said, no need exists to be rude to or about the guest that we are about to welcome here form St. Petersburg, Russia, is there?

    If you have an interest in getting up to speed on this topic and in this forum, see


  3. #53

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

  4. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    Never heard of Russian Sam. Does that make me a dummy? I bet he's never heard of Stan Silliman, either.
    Neither have I heard of you.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    What a great thing it is for Ilia to be coming here. I am sure it will be a great experience for him. Of all the world's people...Russians seem the most like Americans, to me, in their spirit, they do not give up and they are rugged individualists. It is a spectacular accomplishment for people here to connect with someone in St. Petersburg and then bring him here to have a burger together. Fleets of politicians and diplomats have accomplished far less.

  6. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Do you want to meet "Russian Sam"? Get your chance, 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16 at the Creative Convergence Showcase in Expo Hall at the Cox Convention Center. Entrance at that time will be free and he'll be manning a table showing off his work!

  7. #57

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Will he be signing autographs?

  8. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Did someone wake up on the grumpy side of the bed today?
    Hugs and kisses, my dear, dear friend!

  9. #59

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Neither have I heard of you.
    Not possible. Stan has provided links to a lot of his writings, some are even pretty funny.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Do you want to meet "Russian Sam"? Get your chance, 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16 at the Creative Convergence Showcase in Expo Hall at the Cox Convention Center. Entrance at that time will be free and he'll be manning a table showing off his work!
    ^^Count me in!I'm going to print off a pic of his entire dt OKC collection and have him sign it and then take a pic with him!

  11. #61

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Will he be signing autographs?
    Quote Originally Posted by dmoor82 View Post
    ^^Count me in!I'm going to print off a pic of his entire dt OKC collection and have him sign it and then take a pic with him!
    No problem! Guys, stand in a queue

  12. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Russian Sam View Post
    No problem! Guys, stand in a queue
    Well, our Russian friend, we ain't all "GUYS" that are looking forward to meeting you. My expectation is that there will be some GALS, as well as guys, in the queue. I'm certainly looking forward to being there and meeting you as one of the "guys" in the queue, as you said.

    I'll have my camera with me and I'll see if I can catch you during a smile. Consider me to be your promotional agent who thinks that a smile rather than a frown or sober ambiance might be a good thing for you to do, from time to time. And, if all goes well (I make the event and get some good pics) I'm sure that I'll be doing a blog article on your much anticipated visit.

    Have a good flight and keep us posted on details of your travel details, if you will. And if there is anything you would like to know about and/or from us before you get here, all you need to is ask.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Will do my best to make it.

  14. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    cut him some slack Doug, he's Russian and most around the world aren't as politically correct as Americans in identifying girls. Also, in many nations - guys means a wholistic point of view of everyone - like saying mankind. This is very common when you LEAVE the political correctness (and rightfully so) of America - but women around the world don't have too much problem with it.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  15. #65

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    politically correct? Heck, I think it's not that. Sam, you are using a translater to communicate with us aren't you? Google or do you read and write English?

  16. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    he uses a translator, speaks/reads no english. Russia is his culture, which like MOST around the world is not the same as American - as I mentioned in the previous post.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  17. #67

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Well, our Russian friend, we ain't all "GUYS" that are looking forward to meeting you. My expectation is that there will be some GALS, as well as guys, in the queue. I'm certainly looking forward to being there and meeting you as one of the "guys" in the queue, as you said.

    I'll have my camera with me and I'll see if I can catch you during a smile. Consider me to be your promotional agent who thinks that a smile rather than a frown or sober ambiance might be a good thing for you to do, from time to time. And, if all goes well (I make the event and get some good pics) I'm sure that I'll be doing a blog article on your much anticipated visit.

    Have a good flight and keep us posted on details of your travel details, if you will. And if there is anything you would like to know about and/or from us before you get here, all you need to is ask.
    Doug, unfortunately, I can not be held responsible for the quality of the translation online translator Google, as well as company Google.
    In our country, the word "guys" is equivalent to the word "people".

  18. #68

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Russian Sam View Post
    Doug, unfortunately, I can not be held responsible for the quality of the translation online translator Google, as well as company Google.
    In our country, the word "guys" is equivalent to the word "people".
    Just say..."ya'll" around here Sam...it will work...

  19. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Ya'll will be the first word Sam will be taught when he gets off the plane.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Sherrie Coale uses "you guys" all of the time when she is talking to her women's basketball team.

    Bigray in Ok

  21. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    It is quite amazing how long ago Russia was our major enemy. And now we have someone from Russia coming to visit Oklahoma! Sam do not speak English? It is all done with online translator? Must be interesting to communicate in person on the 16th. But do not say anything that will accidentally anger him and start a WW3.

    Sam, I hope you have a good time in OKC. I also hope the online translator converted properly of this post.

  22. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    It is quite amazing how long ago Russia was our major enemy. And now we have someone from Russia coming to visit Oklahoma! Sam do not speak English?
    He ain't the only one.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    LOL Doug. You beat me to it.

  24. Default Re: Russian Sam is Coming to Oklahoma City!

    Just a few more days...

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