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Thread: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

  1. #1

    Default Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    The store at I-240 & May is going out of business - closing in December...everything in stock is 15% off. No doubt the new Crest store siphoned off their business. I have no problem with economic evolutionary processes at work, especially in favor of a locally owned company.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Homeland stores...with their dreadful nasal funeral-dirge commercials...at least in the Norman area..are distasteful places to be...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    I am NOT surprised. The last time I dared to enter a Homeland store the employees were rude, unhelpful and walked around like they were in a daze. They made no eye contact and the checker did not say hello/goodbye/thanks. The closing of that chain of stores wil NOT be missed in my home.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
    I am NOT surprised. The last time I dared to enter a Homeland store the employees were rude, unhelpful and walked around like they were in a daze. They made no eye contact and the checker did not say hello/goodbye/thanks. The closing of that chain of stores wil NOT be missed in my home.
    The last one I entered...I watched a dolt stacking cukes like bricks...one every 30 or 40 seconds...it was appalling...had not seen this type of Night of The Living Dead employees since the teens I saw in a Washington DC McDonald's...took them about 45 seconds to wrap each cheeseburger--when the average OKC teen could wrap one in under 5 seconds--easy. Poor Management.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    You mean I-240 and Penn?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    there's a homeland at i-240 and may and then there's one at 104th and penn. the rumor i heard, which may be wrong, was that 104th and penn was closing in december... -M

  7. #7

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Now if we can do something about the Homeland at 18th and Classen.

  8. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Honestly. I don't think it was just the Crest, I do think Crest was the nail in the coffin though. Walmart Neighborhood market is at 59th and Penn, there's another Homeland at 44th and May, another Homeland at 104th and Penn, and now the Crest at 104th and May. Out of all of these, this Homeland at 74th and May and the Albertson's that previously occupied it were by far the nastiest. It's just a decrepit location with loads of competition from nicer stores all within 2 miles.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Homeland is terrible. And it's not "a fresh experience."

    Wow, what an awful tagline.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    This is the beauty of creative destruction...and I love it because Homeland should have died long ago.

    Did someone say Crest was expanding to Norman? That would spell the end of at least two Homelands there.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    Now if we can do something about the Homeland at 18th and Classen.
    So true. The majority of the customers and the staff look like homeless shelter rejects. Once in that hell hole was enough. Never again.

  12. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Homeland is also a local company. Its headquarters is in Edmond. EDIT correction...Homeland in in Edmond but it's a subsidary of AWG....which also owns

    * Price Chopper / Price Mart
    * Country Mart
    * Cash Saver
    * Apple Market
    * Harps
    * SunFresh
    * ThriftWay
    * Hen House Market

    The problem with Homeland is it seems to put all its money into 2 or 3 stores. They are all former Albertsons locations and are all kept up very nice.

    For example, you go into Homeland at 18th and Classen and then go into the the Homeland at Britton and N. May and you would never guess it could possibly be the same chain. 18th and Classen needs serious work. North May is clean, customer service is good, and they've kept it as much like the old Albertsons as possible. But I have to agree on other locations. Like I said, it's sometimes hard to believe it's the same chain.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    It's the same here in Norman. The former Albertsons are nice, well-kept stores, while the actual Homelands are terrifying eyesores.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by MustangGT View Post
    So true. The majority of the customers and the staff look like homeless shelter rejects. Once in that hell hole was enough. Never again.
    Not only that, but then it has the audacity to be expensive!

    A scaled down version of Crest Fresh Market would be perfect in one of the many empty lots around Midtown. Maybe 10th and Harvey?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    An interesting sidebar...in Los Angeles, Albertson's were dives--no one went there--but--in Oklahoma there were many nice new ones--at one time, 10-12 years ago. Grocery stores change so fast...up and down...

  16. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Still waiting for HEB to make it's way to OKC. When I took the family to Sea World/San Antonio there was one a couple of blocks away and it was amazing. I know they (HEB) have different size stores. This place was a monster and CLEAN!


  17. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Last I checked, Crest was looking into some land in Norman and getting things in order. Very soon, they will start building a new one and the Homeland on Robinson should close shortly after Crest's latest Grand Opening with Rock Bottom Prices.

  18. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    As I stated in another thread, the addition of Whole Foods to the grocery market here in OKC will force Homeland and the other chains to step up their game. I understand that Whole Foods is a rather niche food retailer, but the group that tends to shop there will leave the other chains pretty quick. As I have traveled across the country and Canada this past year, I have noticed how far behind we are in this area of retail. And I am one of the biggest boosters of this city and state, but this is not an area that I defend. This will change, the market will correct it over time.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Homeland is terrible. And it's not "a fresh experience."

    Wow, what an awful tagline.
    Disagree, Their flagship stores are VERY nice..

  20. #20

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    When I moved here last year, I went to the closest grocery store after unloading the moving truck. It was the Homeland at 18th and Classen. I spent the rest of the day in tears, considering asking my employer to move me back home. It's funny how you can become homesick for your old grocery store.

    The next week, I began a quest to find a nice grocery store. I asked everyone I met where they did their grocery shopping. I'd say about 70 percent said either Wal-Mart or Target. I think it would be interesting to see how many true grocery stores there are per square mile in OKC as compared to similar cities.

    I now shop at the Homeland on May and Britton. I have never been to a Crest...I will find one and try it out.

  21. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    I split my shopping between Homeland (Britton and May) and Crest (23rd and Meridian). I live about midway between the two, so this works fairly well for me.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    The Homeland store on 74th & May has at various times been a Skagg Albertsons, a Skaggs, an Alberstons(I guess they couldnt decide who owned what) a Williams and now a Homeland. Each successive owner has allowed the store to slip a little bit. I didnt notice though when Homeland bought it, they tried to upgrade, but it all felt like 'too little too late', besides, the employees are still seemingly unmotivated and rude....("here you go" instead of 'Thank you') as they hand you your change....And the prices remain high. I welcomed the arrival of the Crest.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by diggyba View Post
    Disagree, Their flagship stores are VERY nice..
    Where are their "flagship stores"?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    here in norman, the homeland on lindsey just off i-35 is disgusting. boring, and i kind of feel sorry for them. Then you go into the one on 12th and Alameda, and its completely different. Seems like it was remodeled in the past couple of years. Either way, a crest is definitely needed here in norman. Preferably here on the east side close to campus

  25. Default Re: Crest killing Homeland in SW OKC

    Anybody know what area of norman the new crest is supposed to go into?

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