Quote Originally Posted by phinzup View Post
I've had pizza from there one time. Lousy experience.

...Two teenagers working the kitchen, mumbled around to each other...

...After a few more minutes, one of the guys picks up a completed pizza. added some toppings to it, popped it back into the oven. Brought it out in a few, boxed it up and said "your order is ready."
I was there the other day, and I'm sorry to say that I had a similar experience---although the food was decent enough! The last couple of times I was there, in fact, a sullen-looking teenager (no doubt one of the two you dealt with) was the sole kitchen staff member---barely speaking (and mumbling at that), didn't look you in the eye, looked like he hated being there. This is a stark contrast to Perri herself, who honestly injected a bit of personality into the place and made it fun to be there. In fact, I hope she's all right and isn't absent due to a bad circumstance.

Your experience, however, sounds horrible with the additional poor food preparation. Those pizzas aren't cheap!