Originally Posted by
It's rampant in medicare, too. Prunette had a great aunt that
was in a nursing home. She checked her aunt's bill every
month and there would be charges, several hundred dollars,
every month of services she wasn't receiving. The response
was always, "it's okay, medicare will pay for it." Prunette would
say, "look, my aunt isn't receiving any of this!" Still the same
response was given. There was a wheel chair, food supplements,
doctor visits, special medical devices, and not a single one of
them were ever dispensed to her and she was only one of many
who were having the same problem but didn't have the bulldog
to hang on and do something about it. Prunette finally got to
the top and the nursing home was finally closed.
Here's a strange, medicare would be contacted and told time
after time about this fraud and their response was always,
"it's too late, medicare has already paid for it." Talk about crap!