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Thread: Fits

  1. #1

    Default Fits

    We all know that women are more likely to cry at sappy movies than us guys. It's not that we're emotionless, we just hide it better. (Who doesn't wanna hug one when she crys?)

    And sometimes during the month ladies get crabby. (Although that time seems to move at will based on what I say or do. It's anything BUT predictable.)

    I hear that women are more emotional due to hormones, estrogen, stuff like that. Do you believe that?

    Consider an alternate perspective: Could it be that women cry at movies only because they're more willing to....and could it be that women throw their fits only because they're spoiled, like a child? Could hormones have a little smaller role to play than we've been told? Have we been duped?

  2. Default Re: Fits

    Heck no! What are you saying??

    Are you implying that we LIE !!

    Don't make me come over there Leon....

    oh forgive me, I don't know what came over me - it's that time of the month!

    Seriously though I know many women who are extremely affected by hormones at certain times of the month - myself included.... my husband always knows - I'm so crabby and emotional.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Fits

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    Heck no! What are you saying??

    Are you implying that we LIE !!

    Don't make me come over there Leon....

    oh forgive me, I don't know what came over me - it's that time of the month!

    Seriously though I know many women who are extremely affected by hormones at certain times of the month - myself included.... my husband always knows - I'm so crabby and emotional.
    LMAO!!!!!!!!.Run Leon...run..I do think women do get a little more emotional than guys do partially because of their hormones...and that time of the month when Aunt Flo comes to visit..I think some guys would kinda sorta maybe almost come close to crying at a tear jerker movie..not that I cried when I watched "The Bridges of Madison County" or anything like that...but I think something just flew in my eye.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Fits

    One other thing that can kinda sorta make me come close to crying....er getting something in my eye is the new Kenny Chesney song.."Who you'd be today"

    Kinda makes me wonder what my ex girlfriend would be doing today if she was still here.

  5. Default Re: Fits

    I seem to remember the deeper I got into my 30s the more "that time of the month" could affect my mood and I would get a bit miffed that that would happen and wouldn't want to use that as an excuse for bad/mean behavior so I did try and control it, not let it get the better of me. Now in my early 40s (44 is still early isn't it??) and after a surgery or two I make sure I always have that replacement medicine going to help keep things in control.
    As to crying at movies or songs for that matter....(try driving home listening to "Skin" by Rascal Flats (two tt s??) followed by "Live like you were dying"... luckily I was able to see the road still and made it home safely!) Anyway...sometimes we girls just gotta cry, let off stress or keep things in control, something like that. Ask us why we are crying and sometimes the honest to goodness answer is "I don't know, I just need to cry." Color me crazy but I even have a couple of go to movies for just that reason, guess my thinking is if I know the when and where it will happen then I will be the on in control of it, not it of me. And then sometimes you gotta admit the movie is just plain emotional!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Fits

    My girl doesn't cry from sappy movies and she watches scary movies alone. She can lash out when she is moody if you don't watch out. She always pays for it..hehe.

    I had a girlfriend a long time ago who would cry and wouldn't watch scary movies unless I was with her. She could be sweet and then turn into a total manipulative b****. It wasn't just the normal crabby and emotional crap. It got old.
    Her current bf actually slaps her around a little when he gets fed up with her. He wasn't like that until one day she egged him on and he finally laid a good one on her. Their relationship is a little better now. She likes rebelling when your obsessively in control of her. She's into the whole "whos ure daddy" thing too apparently. I'll never understand her.

    My mom used to cry when I was a kid.

    My dad would have beed digusted if he ever saw me cry from a movie. All the older men in my family would have. Come to think of it, I've never seen them cry over anything. They get angry instead.

    As for me, my eyes will water if I see someone crying even if I'm not feeling emotional. Its quite embarassing.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Fits

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried
    Heck no! What are you saying??

    Are you implying that we LIE !!

    Don't make me come over there Leon....

    oh forgive me, I don't know what came over me - it's that time of the month!

    Seriously though I know many women who are extremely affected by hormones at certain times of the month - myself included.... my husband always knows - I'm so crabby and emotional.
    Come on Karried.....You know you love Leon's controversial posts. Don't cha????

  8. #8

    Default Re: Fits

    Quote Originally Posted by kellekokid
    I seem to remember the deeper I got into my 30s the more "that time of the month" could affect my mood and I would get a bit miffed that that would happen and wouldn't want to use that as an excuse for bad/mean behavior so I did try and control it, not let it get the better of me. Now in my early 40s (44 is still early isn't it??) and after a surgery or two I make sure I always have that replacement medicine going to help keep things in control.
    As to crying at movies or songs for that matter....(try driving home listening to "Skin" by Rascal Flats (two tt s??) followed by "Live like you were dying"... luckily I was able to see the road still and made it home safely!) Anyway...sometimes we girls just gotta cry, let off stress or keep things in control, something like that. Ask us why we are crying and sometimes the honest to goodness answer is "I don't know, I just need to cry." Color me crazy but I even have a couple of go to movies for just that reason, guess my thinking is if I know the when and where it will happen then I will be the on in control of it, not it of me. And then sometimes you gotta admit the movie is just plain emotional!
    Aw, naw....Leon could NEVER tear up at a sad movie....He's just too hard hearted and mean.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Fits

    Quote Originally Posted by rxis
    I had a girlfriend a long time ago who would cry and wouldn't watch scary movies unless I was with her. She could be sweet and then turn into a total manipulative b****. It wasn't just the normal crabby and emotional crap. It got old.
    Her current bf actually slaps her around a little when he gets fed up with her. He wasn't like that until one day she egged him on and he finally laid a good one on her. Their relationship is a little better now. She likes rebelling when your obsessively in control of her. She's into the whole "whos ure daddy" thing too apparently. I'll never understand her.
    I think I'd just have to walk away from a woman who enjoyed being abused.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Fits

    Three things that touch me: 1. Military mom and kids saying bye to their dad who's heading to Iraq. 2. Military mom and kids welcoming dad home from Iraq. 3. Military mom and kids accepting a folded flag while Taps plays in honor of Dad......Makes me wish I could take some of that hurt for them.

  11. Default Re: Fits

    ah Leon, you know I love you!

    That song from Kenny Chesney gets me everytime.

    # 3 above just about kills me - talk about heartbreaking - add the parents of the boy who was killed and I'm a complete goner. It's such a tragedy and a great loss.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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