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I think the connection is cultural rather than genetic. When you have "black" neighborhoods with a ghetto mentality, the chances of young people engaging in criminal activity skyrockets. There is not to say that whites or hispanics or space aliens aren't also affected the same way if raised in that environment but you can't escape the numbers, sadly. In certain parts of the country, if you are black, odds are much higher that you are into that violent, ghetto mentality. It is an ugly fact and ignoring it for fear of being called a racist is merely resulting in more black grandmas hiding out in their homes, held hostage to violent gangbangers who rule their streets. Black on black crime is horrific. And widespread. The chances of a black man dying from murder is off the charts as compared to other races and the vast majority of the murderers are also black.
You just don't see that same fact pattern so acutely with other races - probably because so many blacks live in urban areas and also because of the dysfunctional culture in which many are raised. Due to the perception that all blacks are that way, many other people - and it is certainly not just whites (some studies have shown they have less bigotry towards blacks than hispanics or asians), don't want anything to do with them. It is a tragedy for the non-ghetto blacks to be painted with the same brush but at the same time, completely understandable and sane when it comes to dealing with people who actually have that ghetto mentality. Like I wrote, previously, the non ghetto blacks contribute to the perception by not being the first to call BS on that group. I personally believe their status in the community at large would rise astronomically if they were candid about the problem. You can say what you want about a slave mentality, talk about Jim Crow, etc., but blaming bad stereotypes and bigoted attitudes on some vestiges of slavery and Jim Crow misses the forest for the trees. For most of us, the headlines of scary black gangbangers who seem to have no respect for human life or call to duty when it comes to work and family are what shape public perception - not the fact that these folks ancestors used to be slaves. And the hard working black people are the ones victimized by this.
It is asking a lot for the black community to demand that whites be able to tell the difference when they themselves won't stand up and point it out.