Probably could have been said a tad bit better..Comes across as quite the douchey statement
EDMOND — Former Mayor Saundra Naifeh said she doesn't want electronic signs in Edmond.
"I am not afraid of us looking like Las Vegas," Naifeh said. "I am afraid of us looking like Oklahoma City. We have a higher standard.
"We spend a lot on landscaping. We put a lot into the aesthetics in Edmond."
Naifeh and six other Edmond residents have been working for the past two months to revise Edmond's sign ordinance. Electronic message signs are not allowed in Edmond at this time.
Naifeh is in the minority among her fellow committee members. Chairman Chris Palmer this week polled the committee for their opinions.
Most committee members spoke in favor of the electronic signs, but wanted there to be restrictions on size, motion and brightness.
Committee member Mark Schweighart said, "I think we can craft this so it will be done well."