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Thread: The Word

  1. #1

    Default The Word

    I really very honestly am not intending to carry on the previous thread and get into a flame war over my view on homosexuality.

    I am already fully aware that there are a number of you here who believe me to be insane – bla, bla, bla – get help, yeah, yeah, yeah. I am fully cognizant of my diagnosis and its implications. I, however, disagree with my diagnosis.

    I am tired of posting on obscure websites where I believe that perhaps my thoughts are being circulated, but under tighter control.

    What compelled me to create another post – was in regard to what I believe was being circulated a bit ago how poor little Oklahoma was being beaten up on by celebrity assisted opinion/influence.

    Well, boo f*cking hoo Oklahoma……..

    If that is perhaps the case it would be after having been back in Oklahoma for the last 9 years and an exhaustive campaign on my part to appeal for the support of whoever may be showing that support that makes you feel like you’re being mistreated…….

    If what I have to say is reality – we are talking about what would amount to a human rights abuse that would rock the world that has been allowed to take place in the State of Oklahoma. Allowed to take place likely purely for the benefit of the political favor involved either by specific favors granted or the nature of Oklahoma’s economy being dependent on the oil and gas industry in general……

    Any way you cut it – poor little Oklahoma is responsible for mind-boggling 14th Amendment violations…..not to mention having carried out the violations from what I can tell. I personally couldn’t even begin to list what violations might be involved. If it were all brought to light I would imagine there would be criminal negligence involved on behalf of the Governor and any number of officials who might have some responsibility to prevent such a known situation from festering.

    A public exposure of what has transpired here would devastate what I might consider a rather fragile public opinion of Oklahoma.

    The bigger concern the State of Oklahoma should have is if this is forced to be reviewed by some international organization that deals in intervention of human rights abuses and you make headlines around the world over it.

    Oil and gas ‘rich’ state exploits a citizen for the ‘entertainment’ of a President with blatant ties to the oil and gas industry. Citizen brainwashed to be made to believe he is insane for over a decade while his privacy is exploited for entertainment.

    Those aren’t headlines you want to read……….

    Whatever though….. keep on playing the charade. Maybe Oklahoma will get away with it. Maybe you won’t. It sounds like you’re catching some MUCH DESERVED HEAT OVER IT.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Word

    There is no mistake in your diagnosis. You are severly and chronically mentally ill, nuts, crazy, out of your mind and a menace to civilized society. Get back on your meds.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Word

    The BIRD is the WORD!

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Word

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    The BIRD is the WORD!
    Ya-ba-ba-ba-babba-babba-babba um mau mau, baba um mau mau babba um maumau...(paraphrased)

  5. #5

    Default Re: The Word

    For the younger set...some background info... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXLqMB6vBic

  6. Default Re: The Word

    Fastfwd, there was no reason for your other thread to be closed! This one should have been named "Discuss 2" to continue on. Do not worry what others think or say of you. Most of us here are reading your posts, although it is confusing, but still interesting to read. I hope this time your Freedom of Speech will not be shut down. Continue posting!

  7. #7

    Default Re: The Word

    The Stars At Night Are Big And Bright…….Deep In The Heart Of Texas!


    “built on land acquired under eminent domain law and built under funding financed through taxpayers' funds backed by a bond issued for its debt. The new home of the Texas Rangers is still being contested in court by the original landowner who has not received payment for the land. The sports dome has not yet been paid off with the tax increase enacted to pay off the bond. The selling of the baseball team included the new stadium, which accounts for the huge profits the investors received. The benefits to the taxpayers or the landowner from their contributions are unknown.”

  8. #8

    Default Re: The Word

    I hate to have to sully such an awesome post with details, but……

    I think there were some ruffled feathers possibly that I left before the show was over….because maybe it looked like I just showed up to make an appearance or something perhaps?

    Not the case at all….. Kelly should know better more than anyone if there is any reality to any of this…. How many shows have I driven half way across the country to see her? Why would I ride my scooter like six hours in the baking sun to leave for no good reason????


    Show started at 7:30 and there were ominous clouds in the distance…..and despite what my Iphone was reporting to me through Intellicast – I could clearly see that it was coming our way…….

    I had an Iphone…..my Nokia N73…..trusty ole Cannon G6….and my lil Mio GPS with me on my scooter with no rain protection and a front Dunlop with 19,000 miles…….

    So, I had to jet at 8:15……look at the report. There was a severe threat issued for Dalllas. I went nearly to Ft. Worth and north before it looked like I could go back toward Dallas and dodge the clouds…..

    I was dying to see what all she put on her set list…..trust me – nobody there wanted to see the whole show more than I did.

  9. Default Re: The Word

    I hope this time your Freedom of Speech will not be shut down.
    There is no such freedom in the context you are implying.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The Word

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    There is no such freedom in the context you are implying.
    I believe the context he is implying is in the sense of being a United States citizen with a First Amendment right to ‘freedom of speech’…….free from censorship.

    I don’t believe anyone is under any misconception that this website is owned by the government and is forced to abide by the letter of the law concerning the First Amendment. It’s clearly privately owned and users are subjected to whatever whim of censorship the owner sees fit.

    I actually at first took it as a sarcastic posting attempting to lure me into more questionably slanderous commentary.

    I’m not overly concerned about making comments about Boren though…….apparently it’s well documented:




    Again, not trying to stir the pot on the homosexuality subject. I’m just giving my 2 cents on what I believe the poster intended.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The Word

  12. #12

    Default Re: The Word

    It seems to be AMAZINGLY quiet this week. It’s not entirely unusual to go through these little periods of what I refer to as ‘radio silence’…..... earlier in the week it seemed as though there was a mass realization of the very demented nature of what I believe my ordeal to be……then – total silence.

    Possibly associated with statements that I have made that were elicited by what I perceive as a hostile attitude toward me…….. not sure really. Anything I said was to myself in the confines of where I should enjoy a reasonable expectation of privacy……

    At any rate….. It seems to me to have a tone of putting a hush on a building awareness that what has been done is so shameful that there really is little to be done to make amends…..

    So, is the consensus to just let the situation fester? LOL – nice!

    While I was leaving Central Market in Plano over the weekend it seemed to me as though the locals were aware of my presence there and there was a mention of Alan Dershowitz making statement to the effect of a figure that he believed was ballpark for commensurate restitution over this ordeal…..

    Since I believed that I heard that go around….. it seemingly went from advocacy for commensurate restitution to an offer of some type of placement at Harvard Law which I believe Dershowitz referred to at one point being a means to really make W regret his actions.

    I believe there are many dozens of these types of what I call ‘so and so will hire him’ offers that get floated around. Unfortunately despite a number of them coming from companies or people that I may very well admire and respect – for one…..they never materialize in the form of my phone ringing and it merely frustrates me to believe that it’s just being circulated around and I’m not being contacted with it…… for another thing – I hate to make such an accusation, but it really seems like at least some of the offers are purely seeking to exploit whatever political favor there may be available for the benefit of the person or company making the offer without as much as even a claim of partnership in such a venture that would reward me a commensurate percentage of whatever might be gained…… it’s just a ‘job offer’…….LOL – that’s not going to happen.

    I really don’t know….. I suppose that Harvard as an institution could very well manipulate the situation to make me believe that they are helping me to spread awareness of the situation and at the same time exploit it for their benefit somehow, but they sure seem to be the least likely to be able to pull that off if that were the motive…….

    I’m thinking that if it takes me reaching out to an organization to see if an offer is reality – that Harvard would be in the least a good place to start off with that. It wouldn’t be the first time that I’ve made attempt to reach out to Harvard faculty for assistance…..and that may play a role in why they may be more willing to step up. I dunno……



    Or maybe I’m insane…… we’ll see if anything comes of it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: The Word

  14. #14

    Default Re: The Word

    “This is Pennsylvania, this is where the Constitution was written – this is where the country started”

  15. #15

    Default Re: The Word

    A couple of footnotes to the ‘vacation snapshots’……..LOL…….#1 – I don’t really particularly like how I looked in that Pat’s photo, but I posted it for one to show how I used to be of a normal weight and thought I might brag a bit about my effort to build rapport with the Philly locals by wearing one of my Little Devil t-shirts……


    The other note is that despite there being many of ‘the girls’…. There’s been something special in my feelings for Ms. Fiona Apple…….and upon hearing of her being with:


    I was inspired by what I believed I was experiencing and how I might be able to capture a very unique perspective of the events I was going through….. if not as stylized as an experienced photographer – in the least as seen through my lens…and in some cases with a bit of effort to make it interesting…..

    Is it completely incidental that I am now interested in writing a book about my life……and Fiona is dating:


    Maybe not entirely if I am being honest…….

    I actually view Jonathan as an asset in the pursuit of possibly writing a book though…..

    Fiona seemingly has an affinity for the artistically talented…..and despite my epic music video spinning – I don’t think I’m making the cut.

    Who knows………..maybe I’ll pen a bestseller that will put me in the running……LOL

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Word

    I’m not really good with titling my work…..this one might be something like – ‘Boy, don’t I look like a douche for telling you ‘George Bush is the reason your opinion is so important’ while I play dominos with these veterans on Veteran’s Day showing off how much I appreciate their sacrifices for serving to protect our rights and freedoms.’

    That’s kinda wordy……..

    I’m rather fond of the politicians showing their respect and regard for the sacrifices of the military men and women who have sacrificed to ensure that we as citizens are able to enjoy ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’ as prescribed by the protections afforded to us under the United States Constitution.

    Here is Mary Fallin showing her ambition to become the next douche to preside over duties of blowing smoke up military men and women’s asses regarding her high esteem for their sacrifices…..

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Word

    I call this one, ‘Fallin In The Headlights’

    A follow up shot reveals that I am hardly the only person in the room taking photos, but for some inexplicable reason I was apparently deemed to be causing a disturbance by taking photos…..as seen in the scorn of the old hag in the chair seated beside her…

    Of course…..if perhaps I’m not merely insane and I am the citizen of Oklahoma who has been subjected to being forced to endure illegal surveillance at the hands of the sitting President of the United States and it is known to be a real situation amongst the politicians of Oklahoma…..

    Could that explain Fallin’s seemingly terrified expression?

    Otherwise she would have that look on her face because of a guy in the audience with a Cannon G6 (hardly the most intimidating looking of cameras)…… taking photos of the rally.

    I’m not intending to pick on Fallin, but I do question if she may have made some bold statements this week/last week regarding what I believe my situation to be……

    She is my current US Representative who – if my situation is reality may be regarded to be neglectful in duty if she has known all this time and is currently aware of a situation that is violating my Constitutional rights……

    Let’s run a check on the oath of a US Representative…….


    "I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

    Ok, so, for the sake of argument……. If a US Representative of the Fifth Congressional District of the State of Oklahoma admits to have knowledge of my situation as one of her constituents and neglects to act in whatever capacity he/she may have to do so……then are they upholding their oath to office?

    What exactly constitutes ‘support and defending’ of the Constitution? Does it include an obligation to request for an inquiry of the violation of a constituent’s Constitutional rights…… I dunno, but Sons of Anarchy is coming on – so, I’ll have to Google that tomorrow…..

    She would be far from the first to neglect it if so, but that’s not really a reprieve from critique for such a neglect…….

    I found this tonight….. I thought for sure that I had thrown it away while heavily medicated. Pretty awesome souvenir from my trip to DC. I doubt these were available to anyone who wasn’t in attendance.

  18. #18

    Default Re: The Word

    I call this one, “United States Constitution?, ****, I’d shiv my ****ing grandmother for a no bid contract in my district – who gives a flying **** about the United States Constitution?”

    Wow, Rep. Cole…..how does that jive with the community values of a Congressional District that happens to also benefit from the presence of the United States Military that’s core mission is to protect and defend the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic?

    “Trust me Sir, I would never piss on your leg and tell you it was raining…..”

    “And that goes for the rest of you……it’s the Chinese…..I mean, it’s all the formulas that California makes the oil industry produce that are causing the massive increases in gas prices at the pump”






  19. #19

    Default Re: The Word

    I’m debating on the title to this work…..I’m thinking something along the lines of, “Earmarks are so 2005 – the new trend is to cash in on letting the President have a free for all on the civil rights of one of your constituents for his demented entertainment and sticking your thumb up your ass while you sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee and let it happen uncontested.”

    Again…..that’s a little wordy. I think Fiona having held the record for the longest album title has been a great influence in the naming of my own work……

  20. #20

    Default Re: The Word

    Ummmmm, election season is upon us! Is Oklahoma ready for a little:

    (In my possibly paranoid/schizophrenic/grandiose/narcissistic mind…..Mr. Mathews may have not appreciated my presence at the ’06 Southern Republican Leadership Conference at the time, but has grown to be a supporter for resolution to my ordeal = not real awesome news for Okie politicians in particular who are neglecting their duties for the profit of political favor for the State of Oklahoma)

    I call this one, “What ever happened to cleaning up W’s messes?”

  21. #21

    Default Re: The Word

    I would like to extend my gratitude to TO Fuller State Park for the lovely accommodations that I enjoyed during my stay in Memphis for the Southern Republican Leadership Conference:

    It did lend a certain feel of a Psy Ops operation to the trip – which I rather enjoy the connotation of my efforts being akin to…..

    The Flying Saucer for a much needed Double Chocolate Stout or two…..some really amazing accents coming from some of your finest young ladies……and free wifi to keep me in touch with what was going on and likewise…….

    And Johnny Cash for watching over me from above……..

    (I actually preferred the Interstate BBQ, but they were both pretty good)

  22. #22

    Default Re: The Word

    LOL, a trip to the heartland to fire up the “base”?

  23. #23

    Default Re: The Word

    Yes, the gay kid killing himself was/is tragic – no one should be forced to endure the invasion of your privacy for the entertainment of others at the price of your dignity……… The people responsible should be held to the maximum penalty under the law no doubt about it and the school may well be liable for not taking action…..or maybe they did all they could. I really don’ t know the details……

    (yeah, I’ve done the 48-50mhz old school wireless phone scanning and even owned a (actually two) Pro-43s unlocked for 800mhz back in the day, but I don’t consider anything I EVER did in monitoring those frequencies to be remotely comparable to broadcasting to an audience an unsuspecting individual’s intimate personal life……except maybe that Bryan County Oklahoma Sherriff who thought it was a good idea to setup a tryst with his dispatcher on his 800mhz analog phone and mouth off about how he had fooled his wife into thinking he was doing something else…..and then proceeded to carry on the tryst details in code over the air right in the face of an unsuspecting voting public when he lost signal on his cell……. I mean, maybe, never except this one time…….)

    I believe it does make a point of how utterly ridiculous the situation is that I believe I have endured and how only by some unfathomable inner strength that I have not met the fate of the delicate little flower that the kid must have been who did himself in over his ordeal. I’m sure it seemed to him to be as if the world had peered into his most intimate personal life…..if he only knew just how much more ****ed up the world could be on that count – maybe he wouldn’t have believed his deal was oh so bad……

    Despite the focus that it has brought upon the issue…..and how I know that is to my benefit…..

    I can’t help but to be outraged at how it is getting the media attention that it is……..

    If I am not insane and I do actually somehow have a pretty fair grasp on what is going on with my life……
    it is a MILLION times the ordeal that this kid went through that took his life…..and yet……

    How many news stories are airing exposing it and those responsible for it?

  24. #24

    Default Re: The Word

  25. #25

    Default Re: The Word


    I intend to be there…..I don’t believe they are allowing for questions from the audience nor would I likely ask if allowed due to me being forced to question my sanity and the difficulty that produces for me to have the confidence to publicly express my concerns in person in front of a public forum…….

    I would like for my presence there to represent the question to the candidates how they feel about Human Rights violations taking place in the state of Oklahoma? How do they feel about the potential for the State of Oklahoma to be thrust into an international inquiry of its criminal negligence in the enforcement of laws on the books which provide protections to its citizens that constitute 14th Amendment violations?

    (note the ‘Hollywood’ interest in ‘Human Rights’……)

    My presence might also put into question how US Representative of the Fifth Congressional District, Mary Fallin, the representative for the district in which I reside – feels that she has lived up to the oath of her office in upholding the United States Constitution on behalf of her constituency?

    Not that I personally feel any preference for Lt. Governor Askins……a multimillionaire from Duncan, OK – home of Halliburton? LOL…………

    Is perhaps the rest of the country becoming more and more aware of what’s going on in the state of Oklahoma and becoming outraged over the State of Oklahoma’s criminal negligence? To a degree that might cause for a domestic resolution and reconciliation be forced?

    You can all dismiss it all you want, but the reality may very well be that this is a situation that could produce massive and long lasting impact on the state of Oklahoma. LOL, you can piss and moan all day long, but this isn’t my mess that has been created – my rights have been violated and I have been forced to live believing I am insane at the hands of ‘your’ criminal behavior…… If you think I’m just going to live my life being made to believe that I’m insane for the sake of your convenience – you’re high.

    How do the candidates propose that they will deal with this situation? There might actually be national attention drawn to their ‘debate’ regarding their proposals for resolution. Whether voiced publically in a debate forum or privately ‘off the record’……Possibly international attention? Who knows?

    Will they attempt to continue to assist with the cover up? Will they covertly promote a less than peaceful solution? Will they command investigation and prosecution of those involved in a court of law?

    I’m certainly personally interested to ‘hear’ what the candidates propose as resolution.

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