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Thread: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

  1. Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    Yes, this is pretty much the way all multimillion dollar commercial real estate transactions are done.
    Yes. This is exactly what I was thinking. I'm supposed to believe some ranting and raving anonymous poster who "knows somebody who "knows somebody" that, "Crossroads was sold and the deal just sealed in blood." Sometimes 'ya just gotta love the Internet.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    "There is no contract to sell the mall", Price Edwards' Jim Parrack said Friday

    Unless, this is a play on words, I believe what Jim Parrack said. If there is a nondisclosure agreement, Parrack would have just said "No comment". A nondisclosure agreement isn't a lie to the public agreement.

  3. #78

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Like I said, word of mouth. It only takes one person with bad information in the chain of information. We'll see what happens I guess.
    Not really sure the point of this post. You asked a question. That question was answered. Then you said "Like I said...." I truly enjoy when people are proven wrong and can't admit it.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Let's recap.

    Mall merchant gives info to some random joe (me), about the mall being bought out, with the deal already done and signed.

    I find the website, which incidentally got taken down, which I bet, was due to all the unique IP addresses visiting this site that wasn't supposed to be known about, which is still a registered website until May 2011.

    Friend had talked to someone who mentioned this in the past, but said to keep it hush-hush. Friend thinks person he spoke to on this project was full of crap, but now doesn't because he now knows two people who came to him with the info (me and this person from the past).

    Some goofy looking chick on Facebook runs a LLC, called OKC Market Center, who has my friends contact on her Facebook page.

    Just got back from TRU. I asked someone I know there, a manager, why they decided not to close down that store. He doesn't read this page at all, but said, "two reasons. 1. We're making a profit. 2. That mall is no longer going to be dead."

    Sorry, but people can be in denial all they want, or be negative nancies for all I care. That's not my problem to deal with.

    I, however, don't believe in coincidence. When a store is so dead set on moving, then stops, you better believe they know something.

    When a store like Dillards is going back to a mall they abandoned... Well, yeah... All of this speaks for itself.

    People here can keep getting ulcers though, as they play games with their own mind to disprove the actions taking place at Crossroads Mall, for all I care. I'm just stating everything that has transpired in just a couple of months, toward a 6 years and counting, dead mall.

    More is happening than not.

  5. #80

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by mikesimpsons82 View Post
    Not really sure the point of this post. You asked a question. That question was answered. Then you said "Like I said...." I truly enjoy when people are proven wrong and can't admit it.
    Yes, I know what megax11 said. I suppose I should have asked what person who actually has a stake in the matter said it was "sealed in blood".

  6. #81

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    "There is no contract to sell the mall", Price Edwards' Jim Parrack said Friday

    Unless, this is a play on words, I believe what Jim Parrack said. If there is a nondisclosure agreement, Parrack would have just said "No comment". A nondisclosure agreement isn't a lie to the public agreement.
    Not true... I am an avid video gamer, and all the time some kind of rumor comes up in the gaming industry, the developer/corporation responds with varying words, or they even play mind games, until that rumor is proven true.

    Let's take for instance, a game like Marvel VS Capcom 3... For a year, everyone believed the game was coming, because Marvel said it was. During that year, the game's creator stated, "we're not making MVC3. We're making Tatsunoko VS. Capcom."

    Here's the kicker. Not only did he reveal the game in May 2010, just three months after Tatsunoko VS Capcom's release, but he then revealed they had been working on the game for about 1-2 years.

    See... People don't just respond with, "no comment," just because you think they do. There are such things as embargos and NDA's... People will respond however they want.

    Crossroads coming back to life isn't just a little deal. It is something people will love, so they want it to be a big surprise.

    For peet's sake, even the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce was listed on their site, and somewhere on their site, is info about this.

    Coincidence? NAH!

  7. #82

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    the only known fact about the area is that toysrus is planning on staying there, The store manager said there is no plans to move its location to moore or any other place..I am still kinda surprised by it because that building needs a lot of updates.. better a/c. plumbing and it leaks when it rains, but something big must have changed there minds

  8. #83

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Ok, one last surge of "negativity" then I wll be done until more facts come in.

    This is real estate were talking about. A company either still owns the property or it doesn't. Most NDA's in commercial real estate end right after the deal is signed and companies usually choose this time to reveal their plans. At best we have a contract still in the works, but not yet "sealed in blood".

  9. #84

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Ok, one last surge of "negativity" then I wll be done until more facts come in.

    This is real estate were talking about. A company either still owns the property or it doesn't. Most NDA's in commercial real estate end right after the deal is signed and companies usually choose this time to reveal their plans. At best we have a contract still in the works, but not yet "sealed in blood".
    Okay, but again, the deal won't show up until sometime next year, according to my friend.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Okay, but again, the deal won't show up until sometime next year, according to my friend.
    That's not really the point. Until some firm(er) news comes out, it's speculation.

    That doesn't mean a deal isn't there, or isn't done. A deal might be there, and it might be done. But, there are no trusted sources to confirm, the only trustworthy secondary-source has denied it so far. But, that likely means nothing.

    I'd say we should all slow down a little bit and wait for some more news to come out.
    Last edited by SkyWestOKC; 09-18-2010 at 12:46 PM. Reason: typo

  11. #86

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    NDAs are signed for a reason. Hope all this talk doesn't inadvertently deep six the deal, if there is one.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Used to work for TRU, know lots of people at TRU still, the only reason why they are staying at Crossroads is becuase they could not afford to build their new store. They had plans for it and the site picked out, but when it came time to sign a lease, they backed out, it was supposed to go where Hobby Lobby is. That store however does still make some money. It used to be the highest volume store in the state years ago, but now the Norman store beats it most of the time in sales.

  13. Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    NDAs are signed for a reason. Hope all this talk doesn't inadvertently deep six the deal, if there is one.
    Why would this be such a secret? Are there state secrets involved?

    That website said it all, if you saw it when it was up, it was absolutely horrible. It was hardly something that would make you believe they would be prepared to make a multi-million dollar real estate deal. I'm all for dreaming big and this lady has big dreams. If she can pull it off, more power to her - but there's nothing done and sealed in blood and there's nothing so earth shattering about this that NDAs would be required. A real estate deal is just that. It either exists or it doesn't. Nothing is EVER set until the deal is truly DONE.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by z28james View Post
    Used to work for TRU, know lots of people at TRU still, the only reason why they are staying at Crossroads is becuase they could not afford to build their new store. They had plans for it and the site picked out, but when it came time to sign a lease, they backed out, it was supposed to go where Hobby Lobby is. That store however does still make some money. It used to be the highest volume store in the state years ago, but now the Norman store beats it most of the time in sales.
    Interesting... I am good friends with two managers, two supervisors at one store, and they tell me they're staying put because they're actually making profit now.

    They also told me, when I asked, that Quail is the high volume store of OKC, that's why more often than not, they get multiple trucks per week (I can attest to that since I buy toys and know what's coming before any other customer), whereas TRU Norman still hasn't gotten in some toys Crossroads and definately Quail, have.

    Like I said, when I asked my manager friend earlier at TRU Crossroads, if they're staying because of the mall, "yes" was the answer. Oh and plus they're making profit again.

    Again though, a secondary source is definately not to be looked at with credibility, when they can't even write facts into their stories (NewsOK), because stating a girl was dreaming, without talking to the girl herself, is nothing but speculation.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    More is happening than not.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by bornhere View Post
    More is happening than not.
    Looks that way or maybe tried to happen, but then didn't happen

    Richard Mize has taken over the NewsOK article about this story.
    Someone by the name of "Richard" posted this in the comment section. Im not sure if this is another Richard or Richard Mize. (It doesn't look like a journalist wrote it unless he just got home from the bar, LOL)

    Um, hello!
    I figured this might shake the tree and shake something loose.
    What do you think you mean? Of course there is more at work than I know. But I didn't jump any gun, LOL.
    There was a money deadline of 5 p.m. Thursday, wasn't there? The money wasn't there, was it? Those are hard facts. When the facts change, the story will change; not one minute before.
    LOL. Maybe I'm the one playing head games.
    Sign a contract. Get the money in place. Close. Then you'll have a story.
    This is the first time I heard anything about a 5:00 pm Thursday deadline.
    If, big if, this is true we just found the reason why the website went down Thursday.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    I bet Richard has a friend who has a friend on Facebook whose other friend is on this chick's Facebook page. More is happening than not. The owls are not what they seem. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    The grasshoppers are jumping from the grass... I repeat, the grannies are leaving the living center.

    I can't wait until this market center opens... I just want them to fix the place up...

  19. #94

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    Why would this be such a secret? Are there state secrets involved?

    That website said it all, if you saw it when it was up, it was absolutely horrible. It was hardly something that would make you believe they would be prepared to make a multi-million dollar real estate deal. I'm all for dreaming big and this lady has big dreams. If she can pull it off, more power to her - but there's nothing done and sealed in blood and there's nothing so earth shattering about this that NDAs would be required. A real estate deal is just that. It either exists or it doesn't. Nothing is EVER set until the deal is truly DONE.
    I have no idea about this possible deal or if it was even real, all I am saying is that usually when you are doing a complex business deal some of the reasons folks often wish to keep things quiet are: 1. there are complex land ownership issues and publicizing something like this could either cause some of the owners to begin demanding amounts beyond your budget or change the political landscape in unfavorable ways such that you would have to walk away; 2. there are operating businesses involved and suddenly telling all of their employees that they may be gone in six months would cause irreparable harm to their business, which if both parties want to move forward would probably mean you're going to end up paying more for that disruption; 3. the other businesses involved whose facilities you are trying to buy up have not yet broached that subject with their owners, or lenders, or whoever, and the sudden release of that information might harm them or the deal in some way; 4. there are competing interests.

    All, some, or none of this could apply... none of us knows unless we are part of the deal.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Well in gaming, BUSINESSES are quiet because they want to surprise people or build hype.

    These people are bringing the first of its kind to OKC (market center), plus they know it's a big deal to those who loved the mall (maybe that's why it'd actually be open to consumers unlike other market centers), so they want to have a huge reveal, sort of like how for months after Clay Benett knew, he finally revealed the name, "Thunder."

    Sometimes people want to start things out with a bang, or have a grand reveal.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    This is a lot bigger than a video game. And why would you want to create local hype, when the main purpose of this is to sell to wholesalers or direct-to-business and not direct-to-consumer?

  22. #97

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Well that's the thing.

    First off, Crossroads brings memories back to people. People don't want to see it in the state it is. Maybe they know that, and that's why they're allowing, for the first time, for a market center to be open to the public with low to middle class items (as the website states).

    I mean I talked to some merchants there and they said they're not going anywhere, so aparently they will be staying.

    It's going to be a huge deal for southside, for the economy, and for Oklahoma, who would be getting its first market center, which not many states have them.

    What I am saying though, is that businesses can choose to remain quiet about it if they want. I have seen businesses in the gaming industry keep quiet for their reasons, and these types of businesses stay quiet for a reason.

    NONE OF US can say who is right or wrong in the matter. There is more proof leaning toward Crossroads becoming OKC Market Center, than Crossroads staying the way it is, all the while going down into further decline. That's why I'm rolling with OKC Market Center being a reality, rather than saying, "it's just a little girl's dream. Herp."

  23. #98

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    Actually, there is more concrete proof against it becoming the OKC Market Center than supporting facts for it to come to fruition.

    *NewsOK, a reputable source, does state it is still for sale.
    *The County Assessor shows no change

    Those are the facts to work off of. All the other stuff is speculation, such as: hearing stuff from a friend who is a facebook friend of the "owner", putting two possibly unrelated items together (Tenants remaining, therefore something big has happened). All of that can't be considered concrete.

    Until reputable sources come out with more information, it's hard to tell.

    I'm all for it becoming the OKC Market Center, but right now, we can see that nothing has changed. Will it become it, who knows? But right now nothing has happened, and that's the facts as we know it.

  24. #99

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    I'm beginning to wonder if somebody has been dusting their coffee with the spices of angels.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Crossroads? Crossroads is dead my friend. You can call me, OKC Market Center -

    i wonder if its going to turn into a outlet mall, they have been doing that with other large declining malls recently, makes since, dillards is coming back as an outlet

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