Quote Originally Posted by TulsaRobert View Post
It is usually a combination of these smaller events. After hearing about enough incidents where taxpayer money is wasted putting up monuments that are continuously ruled to be unconstitutional, you begin to question the intelligence of the population and begin to re-consider whether you would rather have your money wasted in such a fashion.
Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner! Also, reference the death by a thousand cuts, straw that broke the camel's back, etc. It's just indicative of the way the population thinks (no, not the entire population, but enough that matter in order to get things like that done, and the perceived apathy of the rest of the population to either not challenge it or to passively agree with it once it's done). And even the OK Supreme Court got tired of slapping the OK Legislature's hands... I'm not sure the taxpayers paid directly for the current monument, but indirectly they do/did.