I really very honestly am not intending to carry on the previous thread and get into a flame war over my view on homosexuality.
I am already fully aware that there are a number of you here who believe me to be insane – bla, bla, bla – get help, yeah, yeah, yeah. I am fully cognizant of my diagnosis and its implications. I, however, disagree with my diagnosis.
I am tired of posting on obscure websites where I believe that perhaps my thoughts are being circulated, but under tighter control.
What compelled me to create another post – was in regard to what I believe was being circulated a bit ago how poor little Oklahoma was being beaten up on by celebrity assisted opinion/influence.
Well, boo f*cking hoo Oklahoma……..
If that is perhaps the case it would be after having been back in Oklahoma for the last 9 years and an exhaustive campaign on my part to appeal for the support of whoever may be showing that support that makes you feel like you’re being mistreated…….
If what I have to say is reality – we are talking about what would amount to a human rights abuse that would rock the world that has been allowed to take place in the State of Oklahoma. Allowed to take place likely purely for the benefit of the political favor involved either by specific favors granted or the nature of Oklahoma’s economy being dependent on the oil and gas industry in general……
Any way you cut it – poor little Oklahoma is responsible for mind-boggling 14th Amendment violations…..not to mention having carried out the violations from what I can tell. I personally couldn’t even begin to list what violations might be involved. If it were all brought to light I would imagine there would be criminal negligence involved on behalf of the Governor and any number of officials who might have some responsibility to prevent such a known situation from festering.
A public exposure of what has transpired here would devastate what I might consider a rather fragile public opinion of Oklahoma.
The bigger concern the State of Oklahoma should have is if this is forced to be reviewed by some international organization that deals in intervention of human rights abuses and you make headlines around the world over it.
Oil and gas ‘rich’ state exploits a citizen for the ‘entertainment’ of a President with blatant ties to the oil and gas industry. Citizen brainwashed to be made to believe he is insane for over a decade while his privacy is exploited for entertainment.
Those aren’t headlines you want to read……….
Whatever though….. keep on playing the charade. Maybe Oklahoma will get away with it. Maybe you won’t. It sounds like you’re catching some MUCH DESERVED HEAT OVER IT.