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Thread: iPad reviews

  1. #1

    Default iPad reviews

    For those of you with Ipads, would you care to review? Is it worth the splurge? Those of you with knock offs, what are your impressions of your Android based tablets?

  2. #2

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    I have had my iPad now for about two weeks and think it is awesome for out of the office and/or traveling.

  3. #3

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    I love my iPad. I downloaded an App that I have to check every five minutes so that I can make sure everyone around me knows that I have an iPad.

  4. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Had my iPad for a couple of months now and I love it! I've already sold my iPod Touch since I never use it now. I originally thought it would be nothing more than a large ipoad Touch ~ but I was so wrong.

    I have the 64gb wifi model and bought my mom one too. I still think the retail price is too high. I bought both of mine used on CraigsList for about $500 with accessories. Saved about $300 each that way over retail.

    I have an iMac and a Mac and a PC laptop and I find I use the iPad far more than any other computer I own.

    It really just comes down to how and how often you'll use it.

    At home I play games, use apps to organize photos and files, watch Hulu, Netflix and my ABC app.

    At work I do email, spread sheets, databases and even write reports etc.

    Small size
    Instant on
    Great cheap apps
    Fun factor

    No multitasking (yet)
    No camera
    Very limited access to external hardware
    Addedcost for Internet access (I use mine with a Sprint Mifi card).

    Must have accessories:
    Camera/USB kit
    Case (don't waste money on a screen protector)
    Cordless microSD scanner

    I typed this on my ipad while at the Midtown YMCA on an elliptical.

  5. #5

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Go to Best Buy or Apple and try one out. You'll love it!! I hardly use my desktop or laptop anymore!! What are your concerns with it? See if I can give some advice with those. I still think the best would be to go play with one at the store.

  6. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperChris7 View Post
    Go to Best Buy or Apple and try one out. You'll love it!! I hardly use my desktop or laptop anymore!! What are your concerns with it? See if I can give some advice with those. I still think the best would be to go play with one at the store.
    can I play Starcraft 2 on it?

  7. #7

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Can you create PDF's or similar of similar portability on it? That is kind of my main thing that I have yet to find out about it and have not really found anything about creating, PDF's, only reading them. I have considered one since my laptop was stolen and the laptop that I want is close to $2,000. One thing that I did with the laptop was do the advanced check-in for airlines and print the tickets off to PDF, take the file on a USB stick to the printer at the hotel to print off boarding passes. I know I can do that on a netbook for travel (usually don't need Revit on vacations) but would rather have an iPad if I can do it with one of those.

  8. Default Re: iPad reviews

    you can't do anything PDF-related.. nothing that has anything related to Adobe....

    A netbook that cost 1/3 the price will allow you to do what you want..

  9. #9

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    My main concern is that it doesn't have a built in camera to Skype. If it had that, it'd definitely be a no brainer. I've played with it at the Apple Store and love it. Some of the Android tablets out and that are in the works already have dual cameras and you don't have to worry about Apple's strict apple only apps policy. I'll probably splurge and get a used one on craigslist, but definitely not before Sept. 1st, since Apple will have their media conference then and announce new products. Rumor has it a 7"inch Ipad is in the works, although I'll still want the bigger one.

    Brian, thanks for the review, that really helps me out and was what I'm looking for in a review. How is it with flash sites and watching videos that are not on YouTube (Vimeo, OKCTalk, or other websites). That concerns me as a lot of websites use flash and I don't want to miss content because of that and don't want to have to "jailbreak" it just so I can download 3rd party apps to override Apple's restrictions.

    Also, can you view Microsoft Office documents such as Word or Excel? Most of the documents I work with are such.

  10. #10

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    you can't do anything PDF-related.. nothing that has anything related to Adobe....

    A netbook that cost 1/3 the price will allow you to do what you want..
    Is there an app that you can download to override this? I Know on my 2g iphone I just downloaded a PDF Viewer app.

  11. #11

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    I'm sold even one step closer now, Skype is a big deal for me so I can see the wife and kid at home and for family out of state. Obviously the Ipad doesn't have a camera. iFring app allows you to see the people on the other end by syncing with your Skype, only downside is they can't see you. I'm sure before too long an add on device will allow you to hook up a clip on laptop cam (not the best idea but hey) so you can have a 2 way video call. Regardless, I'll at least wait until Sept. 1st to see what Apple announces at their media conference.

  12. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    you can't do anything PDF-related.. nothing that has anything related to Adobe....

    A netbook that cost 1/3 the price will allow you to do what you want..
    Not true. I create .pdf's in a couple of iPad apps. Just got done creating one in Pages. Plus there are several apps that allow you to read and even edit .pdf's.

    As for net books.... I've got two of those and haven't turned them on since getting my iPad. That said, for some peoples applications, a net book would be a better choice.

  13. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Metro - Flash is still an issue. No, you cannot view flash content and this includes entire Flash websites. This is the only thing that gave me pause initially. However, I have found it really not to be an issue. You can still watch YouTube, Hulu, ABC etc.

    Yes, you can open, edit and create Microsoft Word and Excel documents. I use Google Docs a lot and DropBox.

  14. Default Re: iPad reviews

    The lack of a camera is probably my biggest gripe. Not that I'd take family photos with a big iPad, but I would like to Skype some and definitely use a camera as a scanner. Would be great to take photos of receipts and even checks for Internet deposit. This is one reason I bought used. Assume the next version will have a camera.

  15. #15
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    I love mine. I almost NEVER pick up my laptop at home anymore. The iPad is just way to convenient. I also use it as a book reader. I don't use iBooks though, I use Stanza. It's a more full featured reader, and I already have a large library of ebooks.

    I also jailbroke mine so I could install Backgrounder, which allows you to multitask. You can also install Flash if you want, though I've never had a reason to do so.

    I bought the $499 one. No need for one of the 3g iPads, I just enable WiFi tethering on my iPhone via MyWi.

  16. Default Re: iPad reviews

    FYI - Our favorite apps are....
    Bento, Amazon, Corkulous, Twittelator, Pages, DropBox, Downloads, DocToGo, CNN, Ap Mobile, Pulse, LifeHacker, Mashable, SoundPaper, iHeart Radio, mSecure, PocketMoney, TV Guide, Netflix, Hulu+, UrbanSpoon, Ebay, Dragon Dictation, Zinio, Informant HD, iPodcastStudio, WordPress, EverNote, TWC Max+, Flixster, Gas Cubby, StP, CraigsPro, FlipBoard, PS Express, PhotoGene, PhotoPal, iNet, iOwn, Read It Later, Eyewitness, Whistle, Mark on Call, Mint.com, Momento, ABC Player, Wikihood, iFitness, Lose It!, Music ID, OKStatutes09, iBooks, Kindle, AppAdvice, ShutterSnitch, TextFree, MileBug, and Friendly.

    A great companion software title for your desktop is the FREE Handbrake. Great for ripping DVD's for importing into your iPad!

  17. #17

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzytoad View Post
    you can't do anything PDF-related.. nothing that has anything related to Adobe....

    A netbook that cost 1/3 the price will allow you to do what you want..
    This is what I can't figure out. I scratch me head at Apple users who pay more for less just so they can own an Apple.

  18. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    This is what I can't figure out. I scratch me head at Apple users who pay more for less just so they can own an Apple.
    That's not a true statement at all. I'm not going to turn this into a Windows vs. Apple thread (I happen to own thousands of dollars of products running both operating systems). To be iPad specific (keeping to the thread), you are paying for and getting alot for your money. I personally still think the retail price is high, but as sales prove, not unattainable.

    As I pointed out, Fuzzytoad's information is dead wrong (outdated may be a better term). You can utilize Adobe .pdf documents (create, review, edit, etc.), you can also use Adobe's scaled down Photoshop(ish) app 'PS Expess.' YOu cannot view Flash files. However, many of the most popular sites with Flash video content now offer their media in other formats that accommodate the ipad. While I don't think Apple's scathing remarks about Flash are dead on, I do think they have a point and it does apple the web is starting to move away from Flash (slowly) and into areas such as HTML5. As I also stated, most people will never be bothered by the lack of Flash viewing. I am an extremely heavy iPad user and its yet to be an issue for me.

    The pros of the iPad far outweigh the cons and trying to strictly compare it to a traditional laptop is ridiculous because they simply are not the same. So different in fact that the ipad, like the iPod, will most likely have a huge impact on society and how we compute, communicate, etc. Again, Apple set the standard others will follow.

  19. #19

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    That's not a true statement at all. I'm not going to turn this into a Windows vs. Apple thread (I happen to own thousands of dollars of products running both operating systems). To be iPad specific (keeping to the thread), you are paying for and getting alot for your money. I personally still think the retail price is high, but as sales prove, not unattainable.
    I don't care who makes it either, but for some reason Apple users are conditioned to pay more and get less. Why get an iPad that plays some games when for $200 less you could get this? It has to be about the name on the package because it certainly isn't about the features available.


  20. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by Kerry View Post
    I don't care who makes it either, but for some reason Apple users are conditioned to pay more and get less. Why get an iPad that plays some games when for $200 less you could get this? It has to be about the name on the package because it certainly isn't about the features available.

    Like I said, its ridiculous to base a buying decision on comparing an iPad to a laptop. Since you obviously want to venture into that ridiculousness...... I own two net books that I paid about $275 each for. Since buying my iPad I haven't turned either one on.

    My opinion is that most people would not opt to get rid of their laptop for an Ipad. Seems many iPad owners already own a laptop. For others, their needs do not require a laptop and the benefits of the iPad outweigh the cons of a laptop.

    You can point to price on the laptop and I'll point to the Ipad being a better built and backed product that is not effect by 99% of viruses. You point to the similar screen size of a laptop and I point to the overal much smaller size of the iPad and the fact it has instant-on capacity. Try opening that netbook and using it with one hand or easily with two hands and no desk table top. Not to mention when you go to use it you're going to have to wait for it to boot up. Ipad boots instantly from sleep. As for games.... Obviously you're no gamer or you'd know the most popular games will not play well on a net book because of processor speed and inferior graphics card. In reality it is about the name on the package BECAUSE of the reputation of quality and features.

    Additionally, the netbook you linked to has been getting negative reviews for a laggy touch screen (iPads touchscreen is amazing), and poor battey life (I get 10hrs out of my iPad). But, again, the iPad is NOT a laptop.

    I find it so funny anyone would ridicule the Ipad when every industry periodical shows that the tablet is where virtually every computer maker is putting their efforts and even though there were a few laughable tablets on the market, Apple has now set the standard. When a cheaper tablet running Windows or Palm, with more functions, hits your local Best Buy you can thank Apple for their efforts to force the competition to finally deliver what the computing public wants.

  21. #21

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    I see people using iPad everywhere. Here is what I see them doing with it (in the order of most common)

    1. Playing games like soduko
    2. Listening to music
    3. reading e-books
    4. Browse internet/reading email

    Since I don't own one, what are the other uses that you actually use it for (not could use, but do use)?

    Now I will agree that Apple does push the innovation along, but they generally deliver a scaled down product at twice the cost vs. waiting 6 to 12 months for a Windows version. I am sure a big part of that is 'profit margin'. The tradional PC makers don't make a large profiit on each item and rely on volume to drive profits. This generally leads to a reduction in R&D expenses. Apple is built around high margins and low volume which in turn promotes more R&D funding. I guess at the end of the day I am glad people over-pay for Apple products. It allows me to pay less for Windows products, albeit 12 months later.

  22. Default Re: iPad reviews

    I wake up with my 'Alarm Clock' app. I usually go out onto my patio before the sun comes up and sit and read the headlines of the day via a couple of news apps ('CNN,'USA Today, 'Ap Mobile,' 'Pulse News,' 'Early Edition'). I then check my emails that may have come overnight (business and personal via email app) and go over my todo list via the 'Informant HD' app. I weigh myself and record it into the 'Fat Secret' app. Before showering I use a blood pressure app called 'HeartWise' to record my vitals (I will do this again later in the day). While getting ready, showered and dressed I tend to use iHeart Radio app to listen to whatever radio station in the world I am in the mood for. If I'm headed out in the car I use the same radio app pushed to my car speakers. While at my desk my ipad is my digital picture frame with slide show. At work I utilize several databases via 'Bento' or 'Filemaker Go.' I prepare letters, press releases and such with Pages and even excel spread sheets (try to avoid them as I find them boring) with another app. I often turn to the ipad for use as my calculator, dictionary and online research tool. At lunch I usually pass the time with a game or two (Nova, solitaire, etc.) or some social media (FaceBook). I tend to monitor a few select tweets throughout the day via 'Twittelator.' When in meetings I use the 'SoundPaper' app that lets me record audio and take written notes at the same time. I can later just click on a word I wrote down and it skips to the part of the audio recording (5 seconds ahead actually). If I'm brainstorming I will often use the 'Dragon Dictation' app to simply verbalize my correspondence while the app types it (very accurately I might add). Throughout the day I may run to the court house or clerk's office. While there I save money on copies by using a cordless handheld scanner and later place the microSD card into my ipad to transfer the scanned images. I keep all my bank account info, passwords, and top secret stuff in my mSecure app that I usually reference at least once a day (hard to remember all those passwords). I often have to plan out a project visually so I love to use my 'Corkulous' app which makes presentations to clients so easy. Speaking of presentations, I created, practiced and even displayed a 'Keynote' app presentation for a group I was invited to address last week. Another app turned my iPad into a TelePrompTer and kept me on time and my notes scrolling in front of me. I also use that app for on camera work. I have apps for tracking my numerous FedEx and UPS packages that I use at least 1-2 times a week. I keep track of my expenses and income via 'Pocket Money' and 'Mint.' After work I go to the Y most ever day and there I either get with friends and we workout to a video I have on my iPad or we do free weight routine via the 'iFitness HD' app. If I'm on an elliptical I pass th time either reading a book via 'iBooks' or watch a movie via 'Hulu+,' 'Netflix,' or 'ABC Player.' If I'm driving home and hear something on the radio I want to listen to again later I use an app to record the station and play it back at home. I also use 'MusicID' to get the name, artist and lyrics of a song I might hear and want to know more about. At home I love to play with photos that were streamed wirelessly to my iPad via my EyeFi card in my camera and the 'ShutterSnitch' app. - I usually edit my photos in the apps 'Strip Design,' 'PS Express,' 'Photogene,' 'PhotoStudioHD,' or 'PhotoPal.' I then post them to one of my social media sites for sharing. The wife and I often use one of several recipe apps at home for making dinner and/or cocktails. The wife and I also like to play games and watch movies at home. While on the road I can use apps to stream anything on my DVR to my iPad,watch my home TV on my iPad or stream any digital content from my computer to my iPad (even if I'm in another state). I can also use an app to fully access my home or work desktop computer to review files or even create a document and quickly email it to my iPad (did that within Photoshop last week). Also, when we go out of town I can access our home's security cameras and see what's going on in our house.

    So, yes, I'd say I'm a power user.

  23. #23

    Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    I wake up with my 'Alarm Clock' app. I usually go out onto my patio before the sun comes up and sit and read the headlines of the day via a couple of news apps ('CNN,'USA Today, 'Ap Mobile,' 'Pulse News,' 'Early Edition'). I then check my emails that may have come overnight (business and personal via email app) and go over my todo list via the 'Informant HD' app. I weigh myself and record it into the 'Fat Secret' app. Before showering I use a blood pressure app called 'HeartWise' to record my vitals (I will do this again later in the day). While getting ready, showered and dressed I tend to use iHeart Radio app to listen to whatever radio station in the world I am in the mood for. If I'm headed out in the car I use the same radio app pushed to my car speakers. While at my desk my ipad is my digital picture frame with slide show. At work I utilize several databases via 'Bento' or 'Filemaker Go.' I prepare letters, press releases and such with Pages and even excel spread sheets (try to avoid them as I find them boring) with another app. I often turn to the ipad for use as my calculator, dictionary and online research tool. At lunch I usually pass the time with a game or two (Nova, solitaire, etc.) or some social media (FaceBook). I tend to monitor a few select tweets throughout the day via 'Twittelator.' When in meetings I use the 'SoundPaper' app that lets me record audio and take written notes at the same time. I can later just click on a word I wrote down and it skips to the part of the audio recording (5 seconds ahead actually). If I'm brainstorming I will often use the 'Dragon Dictation' app to simply verbalize my correspondence while the app types it (very accurately I might add). Throughout the day I may run to the court house or clerk's office. While there I save money on copies by using a cordless handheld scanner and later place the microSD card into my ipad to transfer the scanned images. I keep all my bank account info, passwords, and top secret stuff in my mSecure app that I usually reference at least once a day (hard to remember all those passwords). I often have to plan out a project visually so I love to use my 'Corkulous' app which makes presentations to clients so easy. Speaking of presentations, I created, practiced and even displayed a 'Keynote' app presentation for a group I was invited to address last week. Another app turned my iPad into a TelePrompTer and kept me on time and my notes scrolling in front of me. I also use that app for on camera work. I have apps for tracking my numerous FedEx and UPS packages that I use at least 1-2 times a week. I keep track of my expenses and income via 'Pocket Money' and 'Mint.' After work I go to the Y most ever day and there I either get with friends and we workout to a video I have on my iPad or we do free weight routine via the 'iFitness HD' app. If I'm on an elliptical I pass th time either reading a book via 'iBooks' or watch a movie via 'Hulu+,' 'Netflix,' or 'ABC Player.' If I'm driving home and hear something on the radio I want to listen to again later I use an app to record the station and play it back at home. I also use 'MusicID' to get the name, artist and lyrics of a song I might hear and want to know more about. At home I love to play with photos that were streamed wirelessly to my iPad via my EyeFi card in my camera and the 'ShutterSnitch' app. - I usually edit my photos in the apps 'Strip Design,' 'PS Express,' 'Photogene,' 'PhotoStudioHD,' or 'PhotoPal.' I then post them to one of my social media sites for sharing. The wife and I often use one of several recipe apps at home for making dinner and/or cocktails. The wife and I also like to play games and watch movies at home. While on the road I can use apps to stream anything on my DVR to my iPad,watch my home TV on my iPad or stream any digital content from my computer to my iPad (even if I'm in another state). I can also use an app to fully access my home or work desktop computer to review files or even create a document and quickly email it to my iPad (did that within Photoshop last week). Also, when we go out of town I can access our home's security cameras and see what's going on in our house.

    So, yes, I'd say I'm a power user.
    Maybe it's time you download the app that enables your "Enter" key.

  24. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by MightyHorse View Post
    Maybe it's time you download the app that enables your "Enter" key.
    Actually that would be the "return" key.

  25. Default Re: iPad reviews

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    As I pointed out, Fuzzytoad's information is dead wrong (outdated may be a better term).
    Yes, my information about adobe technologies with iPads was out-of-date.

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    You can point to price on the laptop and I'll point to the Ipad being a better built and backed product that is not effect by 99% of viruses. You point to the similar screen size of a laptop and I point to the overal much smaller size of the iPad and the fact it has instant-on capacity. Try opening that netbook and using it with one hand or easily with two hands and no desk table top. Not to mention when you go to use it you're going to have to wait for it to boot up. Ipad boots instantly from sleep. As for games.... Obviously you're no gamer or you'd know the most popular games will not play well on a net book because of processor speed and inferior graphics card. In reality it is about the name on the package BECAUSE of the reputation of quality and features.
    My netbooks running Gentoo, Ubuntu and Snow Leopard suffer from zero virus problems.

    For gaming, on my Gentoo and Ubuntu netbooks, I run WoW, X3, City of Heros, GalCiv2, Tropico3, Settlers7, Torchlight, Sins of a Solar Empire, Freelancer, Dragon Age Origins, and various games from Steam and Impulse. *None* of which I can play on an iPad.

    Since I use hibernation in every mobile computing device I own, they all turn on instantly. Something you've been able to do with PCs since 1995.

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Additionally, the netbook you linked to has been getting negative reviews for a laggy touch screen (iPads touchscreen is amazing), and poor battey life (I get 10hrs out of my iPad). But, again, the iPad is NOT a laptop.
    Reviewers, specifically those belonging to mainstream media typically run their reviews on laptops/netbooks which have not been updated with drivers, are using gimped OS's(win7 starter) and are loaded with all the bloatware crap that manufacturers need to be wristslapped for continuing to allow..

    Typically, I get 15-17 hours on my linux-based netbooks.. I get around 12 hours on my OS X netbook. The Gentoo netbook, which is permanently attached to a telescope mount, powers a number of external usb devices while I'm using it as well..

    As for using a netbook one-handed.. Yes, I use them one-handed.. Once one's on a desk, lap, knee, mount, etc.. I typically use one hand.. sometimes I even hold one with one hand and use it with the same hand, depending on what I'm running... same as an iPad user.. unless you're suggesting that an iPad magically floats in midair in front of the user so they can operate it without using a hand, tabletop or stand to keep it in place...

    Additionally, If I think I'm going to be running them non-stop for more than the batteries will last, I can *gasp* out the battery and replace it with a fresh one...

    I'm also not limited to a single wireless carrier in any of my netbooks... Nor am I limited in storage capabilities..

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