At least you admit your bigotry, hatred, and ignorance. My family and I spent plenty of time in Crossroads, so I'm guessing I'm among the kingpins of the trashy folk of whom you're so fearful.
Its a lot easier to stay "classy" when the area surrounding you isn't deteriorating on a daily basis. And you're rife with your own hypocrisy in that you spew hatred for enclosed shopping malls just a few sentences ago, yet here discard all that and admit that you wouldn't care about a mall coming back if it were what
you deem to be the "right" part of town, consisting exclusively of only the folks
you deem to be "non-trashy."
Who cares what the boundary is?? Are you trying to worsen the bigotry against south OKC by creating even *new* divisions between the "northern" half of S. OKC and the "southern" half??? Good grief, man, stop the hate. Once again, South OKC doesn't stop where
you say it does.
Interesting how *you* mention Earlywine, when I said "park," (without mentioning a name), then you tear it down. Just more strawman "I hate this, so everyone else obviously should" nonsense.
Nice, I don't endorse your view, so I'm a racist that hates Capitol Hill. Give me a physical break.
If someone wants to try to do something to Capitol Hill, power to them. But this idea that we're going to recreate it as the social and retail hub of south OKC doesn't even pass the sniff test. Sorry, but it just isn't going to happen with Bricktown a shade north. That said, if someone who has the resources wants to give it a shot, hey, I have no problem with it. Either way, you're just manufacturing this issue as a pivot for trashing and spewing your personal hatred against the rest of S. OKC.
The thing
you don't realize is that folks in
far south OKC are just as much a part of this city as everyone else,
no matter how much you hate and loathe them, or their parks, or their walking trails, or whatever else it is that you hate about them.
BTW, I started this whole thread about Dillards and Crossroads. I make no pretense or suggestion that Crossroads is ever going to become any big-time retail presence again. But, if the rumor proves true, it shows someone is willing to take the risk, and that deserves props in my book. And I'd say the same thing if someone undertook a similar project in Capitol Hill, or any other distressed area.