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Actually, Coburn is doing the right thing and not being a hypocrite. He has opposed pork barrel spending projects in the highway bill and thinks it needs to be completely redone. He cites many examples with the "bridge to nowhere" in Alaska being only one. He is willing to chuck home projects in the highway bill to start over and use a little fiscal sanity. Liberals won't like it because it means not running to Washington for everything. As for Katrina, he says that all of that money has been allocated without a way to pay for it. The highway bill is chock full of things to eliminate to help pay for it. It isn't hurricane relief, per se, it is that money was allocated without a way to pay and he has proposed redirecting the money in a fiscally sane manner. We have returned to freespending ways in Washington and Tom Coburn isn't just talking about cutting spending, he is acting on his promises to help reign in runaway spending. Love him or hate him, Coburn is genuine.