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Thread: Tulsa: The home of cool people

  1. Default Tulsa: The home of cool people

    This guy is really cool. He's from Tulsa.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    He has implants in his forehead to give him horns? Jesus Harold Christ! We are living in the last days of the Roman Empire.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    We just thought we were living in the Bible Belt and Tulsa was the buckle.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    See the Frederico Fellini movie from 1969..."Fellini Satyricon"...all this stuff is quite aptly described there...

  5. #5
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    Plus, he drives a '96 Windstar - the epitome of cool.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    I'm all about personal expression and i dont even really dislike tattoo's; but common what type of life are you going to have once your past 30 years old.

  7. Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    WTF - I mean really? What in the world makes someone do that to their body?

    I'm more likely to call him goat boy than anything with the hornletts. And the lines on the head...really? wow...he's like an Nazca line...lol.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    I bet he get's tired of hearing, "Look, the circus is back in town."

  9. Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    Thread full of even more examples of Oklahoma Bigotry

  10. #10
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    Yea, I'm bigoted against horned d-bag losers that attempt to run over people with their van. Sue me.

  11. Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    Why is it Oklahoma Bigotry? It's human bigotry, and that has nothing to do with Oklahoma. The super-majority of Oklahomans are good people. Let's lighten up and stop throwing the entire population under the bus.

    Based on that logic, is Oklahoma bigotry different from Texas bigotry? How about Kansas bigotry? Or California bigotry? Branding human behavior with geographic labels needs to come to a stop, right now.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  12. Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    I think making fun of this guy is not only necessary but also awesomely hilarious.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Tulsa: The home of cool people

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Yea, I'm bigoted against horned d-bag losers that attempt to run over people with their van. Sue me.
    Well, the bigotry in Oklahoma must not be too much for him to live with as long as he keeps living in the state. I'm not sure if there is a state that it's quite appropriate and at home for him. If anyone think they have it rough for being different and living in Oklahoma, then they ought to look at him.

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